Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 130 Under The Invitation Letter, Different Attitudes

While Ye Zhou and several others were discussing the talent dilemma faced by the sedan chair project, various research institutions have also received invitations from Liming Factory.

The content of the invitation is very simple, with only a few lines.

"Hello students and scholars,

This is Liming Aircraft Engine Factory. First of all, I would like to express my greetings to you on behalf of all the staff of Liming Factory with this letter, and wish you happiness and health.

Our ongoing Turbofan 18 project has entered a critical stage and is about to face production and testing. At this stage, we need more professional support.

As we all know, the Turbofan 18 project is a key project in China and is of great significance to my country's aviation industry. If the trial production is successful this time, it will promote the advancement of my country's military and civil aviation to a certain extent.

On this occasion, I would like to extend an invitation to you. I hope we can join hands and create the future of China Airlines.

Salary, treatment, benefits and many other matters, please contact through the following ways..."

The invitation letter uses extremely official words and does not reveal any confidential information. For relatively high-end scholars, they receive several such invitation letters every month, which seems to be nothing special.

However, this letter is really special because it points to a well-known key project in China, Turbofan 18.

In the thermodynamic laboratory of Qinghua University, two doctoral students are sitting together, waiting for the computer to report the results of the latest experiment. In this free time, they naturally talked about the emails they had just received. Invitation card.

"...Wen Xiao, it seems that Liming is really short of people this time. I heard that scholars in the field have basically received invitations. Although this is normal, they have never did."

Another doctor with a shaved head first nodded, and then said with some doubt:

"It's not necessarily a lack of people. In the past two years, I heard that Fengfei is also making changes. The talent introduction change is part of it. They probably want to make the invitation system work. If the effect is good, the talent introduction will be done in the future. Much more convenient."

"Besides, it's just an invitation letter. No matter how many people receive it, there will be fewer people who can really meet their requirements. This type of invitation letter is just a passing scene, just like issuing a business card. To be finalized, we have to rely on one-on-one talks.”

"That's true. However, at least there must be the first step of distributing business cards first, in order to have subsequent exchanges. I think it's a good step for Liming Factory to take this step - relying on their own reputation for Feng Fei, they are truly powerful. How many people are willing to go? It is better to take the initiative to attack people like now and poach people by improving their treatment."

The inch-headed man hummed, and then asked sarcastically:

"What do you think? If the treatment is really in place, will you go?"

The man named Wen Xiao shook his head firmly and replied:

"I won't go. No matter how good the treatment is, no future means no future. What's wrong with the turbofan 18? The thrust of similar foreign engines has reached 40 tons, and they are still doing research at the 15-ton level, even if they come out. What's the use? What am I going to do? Wasting youth?"

"...It makes sense, but I want to think about it, I'm short of money right now."

"Lack of money? Where's your scholarship?"

"Save it, I still have to go out. Before it stabilizes, I must spend millions of dollars a year, right? If you don't save some money, do you go out for two years and come back in despair?"

"That's true. You can go to their place to earn some money first, and then emigrate out once and for all. By the way, Pan Ren, has your family agreed? Are you allowed to go out?"

Pan Ren nodded and replied:

"Basically, I agree. After all, my major is too hopeless to stay in China. Why don't I go out and keep it? I really want to rely on me to promote the development of the domestic industry and build a strong air force? Stop talking... ...I don't have that ideal, so I think it's cool to go out. You don't want to go out with babes?"

"... But let's pull it down, it's not sure who's soaking. I'm definitely going to go out, but I'm definitely not in a hurry now, just wait and see..."


Qinghua University is not the only institution of higher learning that has received an invitation letter. In another university not far from them, there are also two young girls sitting in front of a computer in the dormitory, looking at the above. content.

"I'm awesome, Mr. Liu, and I received an invitation from Feng Fei...why don't I have one? We both have the same laboratory!"

Gu Zhen The girl who received the invitation was named Liu Ranran, and she replied with a shy smile:

"Oh, I just took advantage of your new entry. It is estimated that your name has not been refreshed in the system, and they can't find it. Yangyang, why don't you call and contact, anyway, what is the situation of this invitation letter? We all know that whether we can go in or not depends on how we talk about it."

"Hell, let me see the situation. My strength is just like that. If I go, I might be a hindrance. But then, what do you think? Are you going to take a look?"

Liu Ranran frowned and thought for a moment, then replied:

"I don't necessarily have to go. The assignments are too tight recently, and it's a bit of a waste of time to go. However, I feel that I still have to call and ask. After all, it is the first time that Feng Fei has sent an invitation letter. Maybe they are really short of people. If If there is anything I can help, I will ask the tutor for a leave, he should understand."

"Maybe our tutor is going too? Hey, let me make a phone call too, or else you all go and I can't go, so I'm so lonely in the dormitory alone."

"Yes, hehe. But I feel that the invitation letter sent by Feng Fei shouldn't have responded much this time... Their conditions are really a bit... What should I say, they are not so advanced."

"It's just vegetables!"

Yangyang leaned back on the chair and said carelessly.

Ran Ran shook his head and retorted with a serious look:

"I can't say that. The reason why Fengfei's high technology has not been able to develop is also limited by objective conditions. I finally won the turbofan 18 project. If it is screwed up again, it is estimated that it will be more difficult in the future."

"The difficulty for them is a trivial matter. The key is that if this project fails, it will still have a great impact on our aviation industry. Well, I have to return an email. I have won so many scholarships, and I have to repay the country."

"Hey, then I'll return the reward, you can help me get a name by the way."

"You're lazy, forget it!"

Ran Ran gave the other party a white look, but still typed Yang Yang's name in the email, thought about it for a few minutes, and added a few simple introductions to each of them.

After the email was sent, she stared at the computer screen in a daze, turned her head and said to Yangyang:

"I don't know why, but I suddenly feel that Feng Fei is also very difficult.... I have never sent an invitation letter before. When I send an invitation letter this time, I always feel a little bit of asking for help."

"Then we're not going to save it! No, it's not to save it, it's to save the turbofan 18. Well, if it wasn't for the sake of the country, I wouldn't be too lazy to go to you to receive a monthly internship salary of 6,000 yuan-- --I've been reading books for so many years, how can I make 6,000 yuan?"

"I haven't asked yet. What if the family gives 10,000 this time..."

"If he can open 10,000 yuan, I will designate the first one to help him with any urgent projects in the future. Well, I have to tell my boyfriend. It is estimated that this kind of confidential project will not come out within a few months. "

"You don't even want to talk to your tutor, just talk to your boyfriend first?"

"Hey hey, the tutor is not in a hurry. By the way, Ran Ran, shouldn't you take this opportunity to look for a boyfriend at Dawn..."

The conversation between the two gradually deviated. The emails that had been sent out on the computer screen displayed the prompt "The other party has read it." At this moment, many people in this institution of higher learning had the same prompt on their computers.

They don't know why Liming Airfare suddenly sent an invitation letter, and they don't know if they can meet the requirements of the other party, but their instinct tells them that if they can help, they should help.

Such a situation is completely different from that top academy.

In that college, of course, there were people who made the same choice as them, but in terms of proportions, they were far from them.

There is only one reason for this.

Because the school they were in, together with the other six, formed a name together.

Seven sons of national defense.

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