Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 131 Definitely Not Overreacting

On the far side of the ocean, in the Strategic Analysis Office, several white men were analysing the latest intelligence around the conference table.

"...According to our analysis, there is a high probability that there will be new breakthroughs in Huaxia's Turbofan 18 project, otherwise, Liming Aviation will not be able to make a new breakthrough at the time when it just announced that Turbofan 18 has entered the trial production stage. For the first time in their history, research institutions are sending out invitations on a large scale."

"In addition, more importantly, according to our information, Liming Aviation has entered the project closure stage, which proves that the secrecy level of the Turbofan 18 project has been improved. It is mutually corroborated with the incident in the invitation letter. I think they need a lot of related information in the near future. The intelligence of the personnel should be true."

After the chip battle, this strategic analysis office has changed owners, and this time the discussion is in a different field, so there are no old faces in the entire conference room.

The man sitting at the very center was named Aisen. He listened to the report with indifferent eyes. After the other party stopped, he asked:

"So what are you trying to tell me about this information?"

"Uh...I want to say that the technological breakthrough of Turbofan 18 is likely to bring advantages to the other side. We should prepare in advance to deal with possible situations."

"What are you preparing for?"

"Uh... For example, we can restrict their material imports, machine tool imports, stop technical cooperation with them..."

"Do we have technical cooperation with them? Do they need to import materials? With such a large market for machine tools, can you limit it?"

Before the reporter could finish speaking, Eisen interrupted immediately.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Eisen, I think so, their turbofan 18 engine is a relatively backward engine for us, and if there is a possibility of technological breakthrough, it will still pose a threat to us. If you If we don't think such a response plan is necessary, we can..."

"When did I say it wasn't necessary?"

The reporter sighed. He had absolutely no way to keep up with the new supervisor's train of thought. In many cases, the other party used to express his views in a rhetorical way, which gave him a strong sense of oppression.

Every time he is in this conference room, his mind must keep running at high speed, and his spirit is extremely tense, for fear that one of his views will be wrong, and he will face a storm of rebukes from men.

Just like now.

"Mr. Eisen..."

"Don't call me by my name! Answer my questions! Did I say there was no need for a plan for them?"


"So, let me ask you again, what should our response be?"

What should the measures be?

The reporter fell silent.

He has spoken about the limitations of materials, processing tools, and even technical cooperation based on the Convention, but Eisen is clearly not satisfied.

Are there any other aspects?

Although your own country is very powerful, this power is limited after all. You can't directly talk to the other party's official and ask them to stop this project, right?

He lowered his head and pondered hard, while Eisen stared at him with dazzling eyes, waiting for his answer.

After a while, a light flashed in his mind.

It is talent, and Liminghang finds that what is most needed is talent.

However, to restrict Huaxia's aviation industry talents from entering Liming Aviation, what can I do here?

Looking at Eisen's impatient expression, he tentatively said:

"Maybe, we can start from the talent side.... Wait, I have an idea!"

Gu Qi "First of all, our country has concentrated a large number of professionals in the aviation field, many of them are from Huaxia, they are either studying, or have entered some companies to work, what we have to do The first is to restrict these people from returning to China!"

"In addition, for the talents in China, in fact, we are not helpless!"

"We can reduce the research funding of their relevant universities by manipulating the foundation, or even directly add restrictions, stating that once they enter Liming Aviation and participate in the turbofan 18 project, we will cancel all their cooperation and study qualifications. I think, this is a pair of They should be a great deterrent!"

"Another point is that we can use more favorable conditions to open up a new project in Huaxia - this project should be cutting-edge and purely theoretical, so as to attract their talents to work in our project team, This shrinks their talent pool in disguise!"

"The advantage of this is that we do still have access to scientific research!"

"Mr. Eisen, do you think my plan is feasible?"

Hearing this, Eisen's originally cold expression finally eased slightly, he nodded and said in a low voice:

"Very well, you have at least learned how to think independently."

The reporter had a happy smile on his face, but in a flash he said with some worry:

"However, I'm a little concerned, if we do, will it be a little... overreacting?"

"Overreacting? Haha!"

Eisen sneered and asked rhetorically:

"We've lost the chip industry, isn't the lesson heavy enough? What is overreaction? You should never feel overreacted when you're playing a game with this country!"

"Just as you don't know how many nuclear submarines are lurking beneath their surface, you also don't know how many secrets are hidden behind their so-called backward Turbofan 18 project!"

"I've reviewed my previous failed decisions in the chip industry. Do you know where the old man lost? It's because of the so-called overreaction!"

"He thought it was just an eda, thought it was just a 7nm chip factory, thought the other party had been beaten by our price war... Now what? Are they beaten?"

"Do you know that there is a Chinese proverb that a lion will use its full strength even if it is just hunting rabbits!"

"I want you to use all your strength now! Bring out all the strategies we can implement!"

"I want to strangle their so-called turbofan 18 project and the unknown things behind it in the cradle!"

There was a solemn expression on the reporter's face. As soon as Aisen's voice fell, he immediately replied:

"Understood, Mr. Eisen, I will draw up a plan immediately and report it to Congress tonight!"


In just two short days, the strategy drafted in the office was approved by Congress and released to the world—or rather, China.

Those who are in the ugly country and hold work visas or student visas will be subject to strict scrutiny for their return journey, which means that they may still be able to return to the country, but after returning to the country, it will be difficult to have the opportunity to complete them in the ugly country again. study and work.

In this matter, Congress has reserved the last decency for itself - they did not directly restrict their return, but forced these people to make a choice.

For those who have not been to Chouguo or participated in the Chouguo aviation project, Congress will also strengthen their scrutiny. Once it is found that they have worked in Huaxia enterprises, they will refuse the application for no reason.

In addition, technical cooperation in the field of aviation and development has been completely suspended, and the suspension period needs to wait for further notice from the commerce department.

The most funny thing is that after the above-mentioned restrictions were promulgated, another news was announced by the ugly country.

An international cooperative aviation development project was established in Gangcheng. The topics of this project cover a series of aero-engine-related disciplines such as materials science, thermodynamics, and fuel chemistry. Quality resources.

This project, called "Pilot", has begun to openly invite Chinese professionals.

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