Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 135 Thinking Virus

After Ye Zhou asked this sentence, the reviewer opposite him was obviously taken aback, but finally nodded solemnly.

"We'll consider it."

"I'm not saying to think about it, this is the only way to be safe! It's really not possible, you can arrange a closed nursing home! My only request is to exclude all opportunities for him to contact the matrix project as much as possible!"

"If you don't believe me, you can lock me up with him!"

The middle-aged man had already walked to the door of the inquiry room. After hearing Ye Zhou's words, he turned back and asked:

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

"I'm pretty sure!"

Ye Zhou nodded firmly.

The man sighed helplessly and said:

"It's really an option for us, but we've put it on the back burner out of humanitarian concerns. But if you offer it up...I'll take it to the top."

Ye Zhou held his hand gratefully. The scene was very strange. A man who was about to pass the censorship to regain his freedom is now desperately begging the other party to lock him in.

However, this was the only way Ye Zhou could think of.

The second the man walked out of the interrogation room, the plot started to jump quickly, Ye Zhou was overjoyed, he realized that his choice was correct.

After the picture became clear again, Ye Zhou found himself in a villa.

In front of his window is the sea, and he can't see any trace of human habitation, but the climate and natural scenery conditions are amazingly superior.

It seems that the official finally chose a relatively user-friendly method, but fortunately, from the feedback of the simulator, this method will not cause the simulation to fail directly.

He pushed open the door and walked out of the room, and what appeared in front of him was a very spacious living room, and on the sofa in the living room was sitting a man he was already very familiar with.

"Woke up?"

Wang Hai greeted him naturally.

"Well, get up."

Ye Zhou responded and walked straight to the other side and sat down.

According to the memory fusion, this was their first day in this so-called sanatorium, and the other party obviously knew their situation.

"How? I slept well."

"Yeah...very comfortable, but I don't know how long I'll be here."

Wang Hai's face does not show any complaints or dissatisfaction, which is also the same as Ye Zhou's prediction. Although the other party has undergone some kind of unknowable transformation of the brain's thinking by the ugly country, but in the basic part, There were no problems with his personality and beliefs.

This is also the reason why he can pass the examination.

"It's okay, come on, Anzhi. Will you go surfing? We can go surfing."

"Can you still surf here?"

Ye Zhou asked in surprise.

"Okay. By the way, let them prepare some sunscreen, it's not just cloudy here."

Ye Zhou glanced out the window, the sky was clear at this time.

In these short conversations, he had a vague feeling that this feeling was not based on logical cognition, but was triggered by his talent as a planner.

However, when he tried to grasp that feeling, the trace of anomaly slipped out of his mind in an instant.

So he had no choice but to follow the other party's words and chat.

"Yeah...but the sun is pretty good today."

"That's right. Breakfast is on the table, do you want it?"

Wang Hai took a deep breath of the cigar, and a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

Being under house arrest in disguised form didn't seem to have any negative impact on him, and even Ye Zhou could see that the other party was enjoying this state to some extent.

But that's right, he has worked hard as a researcher for half his life, and he should enjoy it at this time.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou calmly leaned down on the back of the sofa, and then answered:

"I won't eat, how do you feel? I'm afraid we'll be here for a long time."

Wang Hai smiled and replied:

"It's a rare break. What about your family? Will they come to see you too?"

"Parents are in their hometown, and the official should have already greeted you... You say that, is it still allowed to visit here?"

"It's ok. However, you are not allowed to leave. I will let them come over in the last few months. My child will graduate from high school the year after."

Ye Zhou nodded and continued:

"Very good... Have you discussed it with your wife?"

Wang Hai glanced at Ye Zhou in surprise, did not answer his question, but instead asked in a natural tone:

"How come? Did I tell you?"

Gu Zuo Hearing this sentence, Ye Zhou's heart froze suddenly, and then the muscles in his whole body suddenly tightened.

The talent of the planner was aroused, and an unprecedented strong sense of danger surged up. At this moment, he finally clearly sensed where the anomaly he had captured was.

Did I say that.

That's right, Wang Hai never said anything like "he has already told his family to come and see him in the last few months".

But from his words, Ye Zhou automatically deduced this information.

Because Wang Hai's words were broken.

This is the abnormality he perceives, because from the very beginning of the dialogue, all Wang Hai's language is jumping, defaulting, and even distorting!

The first declarative sentence he said to Ye Zhou was "How is it? I slept well".

At first glance, there is no problem with this sentence, but if you analyze it carefully, you will find that an important linking sentence is missing in his words, which is the question "How did you sleep?".

The second sentence is "It's okay, come on, stay safe. Will you go surfing? We can go surfing".

This sentence lost the pre-determination conditions. He didn't ask Ye Zhou if he could surf or if he was interested in surfing, but directly asked him "Will he go".

The third sentence is "yes. By the way, let them prepare some sunscreen, it's not just cloudy here."

The front-to-back logical inference process based on objective facts is lost.

According to the language habits of normal people, it should be said "the sun today is very good", and then "it is not only cloudy".

Every sentence after that has more or less such a problem.

Such language habits will make people feel uncomfortable, but it does not fundamentally affect the understanding of semantics. Only in a very small probability situation will it cause a question similar to Ye Zhou's question, "Have you discussed it with your family?" "The misunderstanding of such an issue.

But even this misunderstanding can be resolved with just one additional question.

So, language is not the point.

The point is, the absence of logic in his language.

Ye Zhou finally understood why the previous reviewers didn't find the problem.

Because the inquiry room is called the inquiry room because all the review process is based on inquiry basis.

Such language habits will not cause any abnormality when dealing with problems, but once it enters the declarative context, problems begin to emerge.

Logically speaking, the inquirers should have found such a problem, but another incomparably coincidental incentive obscured their judgment. They are likely to attribute such confusion to pdst, which was also mentioned by their own reviewers at that time. past content!

Ye Zhou finally understood what all the "brainwashing" was doing.

The enemy modified Wang Hai's language structure through some kind of electrical signal stimulation.

But their purpose is definitely not to make his language more difficult to understand, but to cause changes in his thinking through changes in language.

This is the Sapir-Wolf hypothesis.

Or, language relativity.

This theory was put forward by Sapir. The main theory can be summed up in a simple sentence: the cultural concepts and classifications contained in different languages ​​will affect the language users' cognition of the real world, that is to say, the users of different languages ​​will The way of thinking and behavior is different due to language differences.

A language with a lack of logic will eventually lead to the lack of overall thinking logic.

In a simple proof problem, we can easily deduce 2-1=1 from 1+1=2, but if logic is absent then 1+1=2 will no longer be a prerequisite for 2-1=1, some These derivations will be used as axioms by users of such languages!

Ye Zhou carefully recalled Wang Hai's previous conversations. As he judged, there were no logical connectives in all of the other party's sentences.

Then, he realized a more serious problem.

Language is transitive.

When a language is used, it will spontaneously transmit to the recipient of the language and integrate itself into the language system of the other party.

A very simple example, the change of the meaning of words in the modern Chinese system can reflect this process.

For example, the Wolongfengchu is no longer the Wolongfengchu, the guide is no longer a guide, and the bunker is no longer a bunker. These are typical manifestations of language transmission.

As for Wang Hai, what he has integrated is this logically absent and distorted system!

Ye Zhou looked at Wang Hai in amazement.

The inquiry against him has lasted for nearly a month, which means that his language logic has been spontaneously spread for a month.

After that, the second fusion person will continue to spread this logic. The higher the IQ group, the easier it is to integrate this language system.

Because they can complete the default parts, restore the twisted parts, and reorganize the missing parts of the logic without any effort.

This will be a major language mutation process.

And he didn't know how many people had been exposed to this logic.

Ye Zhou felt a chill in his heart.

What the ugly country wants to do is not brainwashing a single individual at all.

What they made was a virus.

A thought virus that can continue to spread and multiply and have a major impact on the entire elite group!

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