Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 136 Perhaps, The Spread Has Already Begun

Ye Zhou stood up abruptly from the sofa, and then directly entered his subconscious in the simulated plot, and began to use his mind programming talent to examine his own sea of ​​strings.

Sure enough, just as he thought, the originally orderly strings had appeared several turbulent currents in the short few minutes of communication.

As long as he is given a certain amount of time, this kind of turbulent thinking still has the ability to self-recover, but that is because the entire process of communication between him and Wang Hai did not exceed ten sentences!

And those interrogators, in the review of Wang Hai, have already had exchanges that are measured in days.

"From now on, don't say another word, don't ask why, every word you say is dangerous to us!"

Ye Zhou looked at Wang Hai with a frosty face, he knew it wasn't the other party's problem, but he had to treat the other party like this.

Wang Hai looked at Ye Zhou in astonishment, then nodded solemnly, got up and walked back to his room.

A second before closing the door, Ye Zhou saw panic in his eyes.

He didn't know what was wrong with him, but he probably realized that he might have caused major trouble.

Ye Zhou's heart twitched suddenly. Before Wang Customs came to the door, he walked up to the other party and said:

"Don't worry, there is no problem with your life safety, and it has not directly harmed other people's lives."

When the voice fell, Wang Hai opened his mouth and did not respond.

His heart was full of doubts, and he wanted to speak and ask questions, but Ye Zhou's expression at that moment told him that this was definitely not the time to ask questions.

Decades of experience had taught him that if a senior Secret Service agent thought he was dangerous, he better obeyed 100 percent.

Not because disobedience will bring you trouble, but because disobedience will bring danger to others!

He is not worried about himself, he is worried about the colleagues who have been in contact with him, and he is worried about the entire matrix project.

The two faced each other in silence for a moment, Ye Zhou continued:

"You don't have to go back, you can sit next to me, but listen to me and don't talk."

"I don't know how serious the problem is, so I can only take the safest solution, can you understand?"

Wang Hai nodded, his lips tightly closed.

After getting his confirmation, Ye Zhou picked up the intercom on the coffee table and called the guards directly, and then contacted the upper supervisor through the guards. Two hours later, Ye Zhou's judgment was passed on to the special leadership team. After the confirmation, an unprecedented quarantine operation began.

The first person to be taken away was Wang Hai, who offered to put a restraint on himself through writing, but Ye Zhou could see at a glance that there was also a problem with the words he wrote.

Language, not just speaking.

As a last resort, Wang Hai was deprived of all communication rights.

Immediately afterwards, except for Wang Hai, all those who had direct contact with him were quarantined and a gag order was issued, and those who had indirect contact needed to be tested by AI. Once they failed in the logic test, Will face the same gag order.

A staggering 4,000 people were involved, the vast majority of which were senior engineers from the Matrix project team.

Ye Zhou finally understood the reason why the gigantic project Matrix collapsed because of Wang Hai.

This so-called thinking virus may not have an exaggerated degree of influence on a single individual, but when everyone in the same project team is affected, failure is almost a foregone conclusion.

After receiving the news of the start of the mass quarantine, the picture in front of Ye Zhou gradually turned to darkness, and he returned to the void.

Ye Zhou breathed a deep sigh of relief, entered the sea of ​​subconsciousness and manually restored those chaotic strings, and then opened the ending summary page.

A series of subtitles began to appear before his eyes.

Valley Grip

After reading the ending summary, Ye Zhou sighed.

As the summary said, he did find the crux of the problem, but such a finding was not enough to change the ending, because even if he re-entered the simulation, there was no chance to change the fact that Wang Hai would definitely undergo censorship.

No evidence.

This is the seed of a virus. Before the seed blooms, no one can perceive the highly poisonous contained in it in advance.

So, the problem is back to square one.

Or Ye Zhou persuaded the censors to organize professionals in their own way to test the virus, and then control the spread of the thought virus within a limited range.

Or, go back to before the seed was planted and completely cut off the cause and effect.

He needs to go back to that factory and try his best to escape with Wang Hai.

It is absolutely impossible to let this engineer who has access to a large number of core members of the matrix project team be planted with seeds, as long as he has no problems, even if the ugly country really starts to put such thinking virus seeds in China at any cost, domestic research institutes and key projects. That highly enclosed environment can also keep it out.

However, ordinary people are not necessarily so.

Ye Zhou sat in the void with frowning. He was trying to figure out how to completely stop the spread of this undetectable virus, but he couldn't think of the answer.

We can only take one step at a time, and at least finish this simulation first.

As long as Wang Hai can leave safely, then the end of the simulation can basically be achieved.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou checked his mental state again.

There is no problem in supporting one or two simulations, but it certainly can't support the full-scale state of his use of thinking programming and the superposition of courage talents.

In this case, it's better to take a break first, look at the playback carefully, and after determining the plan, try to go to the simulator to break the game.

There are many enemies in the factory, but if Ye Zhou can rely on his dual talents to forcibly improve his reaction and action speed, it is not impossible for him to fight to the death.

Because before him, it was only a fraction of a second every time.

Ye Zhou entered the replay, watched the scene in the factory and the scene where the SEALs rescued people several times. After memorizing all the details, he exited the simulation tiredly.

There was a brightly lit scene outside the window, Ye Zhou lay down on the sofa to rest, subconsciously took out his mobile phone, and wanted to browse the forum to relax.

But when he saw the various new words that have been popping up crazily on the forum in recent years, he suddenly froze like a lightning strike.

Abbreviations, characters, alterations, misinterpretations, homonyms, mashups, stitching...

All this made him have a very terrifying idea.

These languages ​​did not arise out of the need for so-called harmony.

It is itself a reconstruction of the language system.

So, who can be sure that we are not in the midst of a massive, conspiracy-laden thought virus spreading? ?

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