Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 137 He Will Not Refuse You

This night, Ye Zhou slept intermittently. As soon as he entered the dream, he immediately felt those unfamiliar words and languages ​​surrounding him, making him almost breathless.

It wasn't until the next morning that the terrifying feeling gradually subsided.

The first thing he did when he woke up was to delete all the forums on his mobile phone, leaving only the serious software for learning, in an attempt to eliminate the erosion of these possible thinking viruses, but after thinking about it, he still Put the far right down and back.

After all, the happy hometown has to be kept.

After eating breakfast, he gradually calmed down.

If the current world is really facing the proliferation of thinking viruses, then the guidance of the battlefield of public opinion will become more important, but to truly occupy the high ground of public opinion, in the final analysis, it depends on national strength.

If there is a lack of strength, no matter what kind of public opinion is just a tree without roots, there is no way to stand firm.

So the most important thing is to complete the simulation as soon as possible and apply more technologies to reality.

At this moment, he suddenly felt an unprecedented sense of urgency.


The sedan chair project is being implemented step by step, and in the research room of Hong Kong City University, the so-called "navigator" project is being launched.

The subject of this project is not strictly limited, as long as it is related to the aviation industry, it can be declared, and the resources and funds are all paid by the official government of the ugly country.

To put it bluntly, the project is just a pretext. What they really want to do is to use this pretext to seize China's resources, and then slow down the development of China's aviation industry at any cost.

In front of the research room arranged as a podium, a white man holding a microphone was speaking his speech to the many faces below.

"...As I said, the soul of the Navigator project is Navigator, and our goal is to walk ahead of everyone and produce the highest quality results at the fastest speed."

"You who participate in the project will receive our unremitting help. This kind of help is not limited to funding, technology, and resources, but also includes your future."

"Everyone who can sit here has passed our rigorous review and is our recognized partner."

"For our partners, we have always been generous with kindness. But like a Chinese proverb, I must also put my bad words on the front."

"All the technology generated by the Navigator project will belong to us - to you and me. If someone leaks our technology to a third party, he will face severe sanctions from us, which are also not only It's economical."

"So, I hope you can see the situation clearly and recognize your allies."

"This is the most promising project you can get your hands on, and I think the choice is pretty clear compared to the so-called engine projects that are being done in some places that are decades behind."

"Okay, although I am the spokesperson today, the real leaders in the future are you. We have arranged a sumptuous dinner, please enjoy yourself!"

The voice fell, and there was cheers in the laboratory.

This opening meeting means that everyone in the laboratory has truly entered the circle they dreamed of.

This is a circle that may mean an extremely bright future for them.

They will have access to the most advanced technologies in the world, the best-known academics, entrepreneurs, businessmen, political and media leaders of the highest status and power...and just grab any of these opportunities and it will be enough for them Soaring.

They give up some things, but, indeed, they also gain other things.

The speaker stepped off the podium and watched as the young researchers cheered and left the lab for the dinner party. After the last researcher walked out the door, a meaningful smile appeared on his face.

Moments later, another white man came in from the shadows outside the door.

"Tom, how is the project this time, is it expected to go well?"

Tom nodded and replied:

Gu Yu "They are much more enthusiastic than we thought... Of course, this is also normal."

"After the project was established, we received nearly 1,000 applications. Although the damn old man Teng Jian took away a large part of the resources, we have to say that the project started smoothly."

"We have initially recruited more than 100 researchers, all of whom are top scholars or engineers in the field of aviation development. This will bring a heavy blow to China's aviation industry - leaving these people, their technology To go further, the difficulty increases by at least 20%.”

"20%? It doesn't seem like a lot..."

Tom gave him a funny look, then explained:

"Mont, you are not a scientist, you may have no concept of technological progress. I can give you a very simple example, assuming that the current growth rate of the other party is 1.2, then they only need 4 years. The technical strength of the industry has been doubled.”

"But if the difficulty increases by 20%, their growth rate is likely to drop below 1.1, and it will take 8 or even 10 years to double it."

"This is the gap. Although the numerical value is only 20%, but in terms of time, we have slowed them down by a lot. Isn't this a success?"

After listening to Tom's words, Monte nodded suddenly.

"If it's what you said, it's true. What are you going to do in the future? Continue to attract talents?"

Tom nodded and replied:

"It is necessary to attract talent, but there are other things we need to do."

"Can you tell me this?"

Monte asked curiously.

"Of course. You are also a core member of this plan. I will not hide anything from you. In fact, what I have to do is not complicated."

"I want to pass the patent barrier to limit the other party's research and development activities on turbofan 18 and turbofan 15."

"I need your help on this."

"I hope you can use your intelligence network to try to collect information about the other party's project."

Hearing this, Monte shook his head.

"Tom, this matter will not be as simple as you think. For such key projects, Huaxia has always maintained a very high level of secrecy, and the most detailed information we can obtain can only be obtained through peripheral intelligence. To analyze, it is impossible to have access to their true direction."

"It doesn't matter, as long as you can give a few optional ranges - it shouldn't be difficult, right?"

Monte smiled helplessly and replied:

"To be honest, it's still difficult, but I'll try to do it. However, I need you to provide me with professional personnel to help me analyze it on a technical level."

"No problem at all. I believe that these young people in the Navigator project will be willing to try new jobs... Yes, I have a candidate now."

"tell me the story?"

Tom pulled out a photo from his phone, handed it to Monte and said:

"This person's name is Wen Xiao, a doctoral student at Qinghua University. His skills are very good and he is very recognized by us."

"I think, if you look for him, he will definitely not refuse......"

"As long as you can offer enough conditions."

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