Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 139 All The Flaws Will Be Gathered Together

Teng Jian and his son started intense work the day after they arrived at Liming Factory. After learning that Ye Zhou's Sanchi Laboratory was the main contributor to the drawings, he spent a lot of time discussing with Ye Zhou about large-scale aeronautical development. The problem, fortunately, Ye Zhou has absorbed a lot of knowledge from the simulator at this time, so it is not difficult to deal with it.

Even in some technical details, he was much clearer than Teng Jian, which made Teng Jian completely let go of his doubts.

The high-intensity technical exchange lasted for three full days, and on the fourth day, Ye Zhou finally found time to do his own thing.

He wants to find Wu Ping and use his experience as a security guard to deduce how to break the game in the factory.

After all, although he has been instilled with combat instincts and skills by the simulator, he is completely lacking in the accumulated experience. When facing such a complex and extreme situation, if he does not rely on experience, he has no way to rely on himself. power to solve it perfectly.

When Ye Zhou found Wu, he was chewing gum in the car. Ye Zhou was surprised by this habit, but Wu Ping told him that guards like him must be 100% focused all the time, and the nicotine in cigarettes It would slide off quickly after a brief increase in mental activity, but chewing gum was the best thing in his experience to maintain concentration.

"Brother Wu, are you busy?"

Ye Zhou said knowingly.

"Not busy, Ye Gong, do you need a car?"

Hearing Ye Zhou's voice, Wu Ping got out of the car quickly, wrapped the chewing gum in his mouth with a tissue and threw it into the trash can not far away.

"I don't need a car, I want to ask you something, do you have time?"

"Yes, then let's find a place?"

Ye Zhou nodded and took Wu Ping into his office in Liming Factory.

After the two of them sat down on both sides of the coffee table for meeting guests, Ye Zhou said:

"I'm doing a game recently -- you can think of it as I'm playing a game, and the scene is like this."

As he said, Ye Zhou placed a formation on the table with a teacup.

"This cup represents you, and this cup represents the important person you protect, or just call it me."

"The other four cups represent the enemy's snipers. They are using large-caliber anti-material sniper rifles, and the muzzle has been aimed at me."

"In front of us, the three cups represent three other enemies, but not armed."

"Furthermore, there are other enemies hidden on the periphery of the inner circle that have automatic weapons but are disguised as civilians and cannot be quickly identified."

"What I want to ask is, in this case, is there a better strategy for you and me to get out of the way? The point is, they don't want me to die, and they won't take the initiative to hurt me until a certain price is paid-- --In the early game, you can use me as cover."

Wu Ping nodded while listening, and after Ye Zhou finished speaking, he began to ask questions one by one by pointing at the cups representing the enemy.

"First of all, these four snipers, I want to ask, are they used to kill me in the first place, or to deal with accidents?"

"In response to accidents, if you don't do something that is threatening to them, or to me, they won't do it."

Ye Zhou replied.

Wu Ping nodded and continued:

"That means that as long as my body overlaps with you, these snipers will definitely not shoot rashly. However, if we want to escape from this environment, what I have to do is definitely threatening. ."

"Then that means, no matter how I deal with it, the first thing I have to do is bind myself to you."

"So, my first move should be to hug you before they make a move, and then take you to rotate and change positions, giving the sniper no time to react."

Ye Zhou nodded in agreement. This was also the experience he had learned in the simulation. At the very beginning, as long as the shooting might hurt Wang Hai, the other party chose to exercise restraint.

Seeing Ye Zhou's reaction, Wu Ping continued:

"This is the first step. The second step, is the area we are in an open area or a narrow area?"

"It's an open area."

"Is there a cover?"

Ye Zhou recalled carefully for a moment and replied:

"There are a few bunkers, but they are very thin."

Their location is not far from the gate of the factory, and they have not really entered the core production area. They are surrounded by aircraft models for display, exhibition stands, reception desks, and visitor rest areas.

"Can the bunker cover all the sight lines?"


After thinking for a while, Ye Zhou directly took a pen and paper and drew a brief layout diagram for Wu Ping.

"Probably this is the layout. There are bunkers around, but there is no way to stop the bullets."

Wu Ping shook his head and replied:

"The point is not to block the bullet, the point is to block the opponent's sight. As long as they can't see where I am, they won't shoot rashly, because that's likely to injure the important person—that is, you."

"According to the layout you have drawn, our retreat route should be like this: from the left, bypass this display aircraft and use this aircraft to block the view of the front and right snipers. Here, we can get With a larger space for action, I need to plan an evacuation route based on the enemy's movements."

"According to you, the main entrance is the only escape route, so we have to find a way to block each other's view no matter what. What equipment do we have?"

Ye Zhou thought for a moment, then answered:

"Two pistols, full magazines, an arm shield, no explosives, no smoke grenades."

Hearing this, Wu Ping frowned.

"Then this is not a special operation, it should be just an ordinary defense mission... Ordinary defense missions encounter so many enemies, it is very difficult."

"How far are the snipers at the main entrance?"

"No more than two hundred meters."

"That's it. According to our configuration, my pistol should be a 92-type 9mm Berum bullet, and a distance of 200 meters can't suppress anti-material rifles at all, so all I can do is to stick to it as much as possible and wait. rescue."

"No rescue, signal shielding area, unable to contact the superior."

"...Can only break through?"

"Only break through."

Wu Ping sighed, shook his head and said:

"Then you can only risk your life... Ugly country's anti-equipment rifles are all bursts. I have to attract all the firepower, and then let you break through. So, we both have to risk our lives."

"No way?"

Ye Zhou asked slightly disappointed.

"There is really no way, manpower is limited, especially when weapons, equipment and personnel are fully suppressed, many times the strategy is ineffective. If it is really a game that can be restarted, then I may have a chance. To find the perfect solution, because everyone has flaws, and putting everyone's flaws together is the breakthrough."

"But it's an opportunistic event, and I can't bet on it. So if I'm sure your life isn't threatened, I might choose to compromise, because that's the only rational solution."

Hearing Wu Ping's words, Ye Zhou's mind flashed.

The second half of the sentence is not important to him at all, the important one is the first sentence.

Everyone has flaws, and what he needs is to wait for that opportunity to bring everyone's flaws together.

Wu Ping didn't have this opportunity, but he could.

Because he still has 270 energy points left, he can definitely wait for this opportunity in more than 200 chances.

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