Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 140 Responsibility

For the next ten days, Ye Zhou continued to perform high-intensity simulations twice a day. He was already familiar with the environment of this factory, but the best time was when he just walked out of the factory. Before the door could start the car, the entire car had been completely penetrated by bullets from the front to the back from the driver's seat.

But from these simulations, Ye Zhou did draw lessons.

He was able to dodge the first lethal bullet, get around the plane, get the computer loaded with the brainwashing program, and get back behind cover.

In fact, getting the computer was not in the plan at first, but his evacuation route happened to pass through the hidden equipment station, so it became a regular process to get the computer.

As long as you can get the other party's program, you will have more initiative when dealing with the thinking virus in the future.

On this day, after dinner, Ye Zhou gave himself a cup of high-concentration Tieguanyin as usual, and then entered the simulator.

Ye Zhou opened his eyes. At this time, Wang Hai was standing in front of him at a distance of 40 centimeters to the left. He could pounce on Wang Hai and bring him down, but after dozens of simulations, he found that this was not the case. Not the best strategy.

He is waiting for the other party's flaws, but he also needs to show the other party's flaws.

After watching Wang Hai walk towards Robert, Ye Zhou raised his hand slightly, then took a step to the left.

At this time, Wang Hai's body just blocked the trajectory of the sniper in front, and he was above the trajectory of the sniper outside the gate.

His hand had already moved to his chest, but at this time, because of the blocked view, only the snipers on the left and right had noticed his dangerous move.

This ruled out the danger in three directions for him, and he only needed to concentrate on facing one of them.

Less than a second later, Ye Zhou took a step forward and drew a pistol from his left armpit with his right hand.

Deafening gunshots sounded, and the ground on Ye Zhou's left side was shattered.

Everyone was sluggish for a moment, and at this moment, Ye Zhou directly raised his hand and fired, and the bullet was fired at the position of the sniper in front of him without error.

The blood flower blooms, this one hits.

In the previous simulations, Ye Zhou took an average of more than five times to get his first bullet to hit the enemy once, but since yesterday, this is his third consecutive one-shot kill, which gives him great confidence.

It's getting better.

Ye Zhou pulled Wang Hai around to him, and immediately took him to the right. This action exposed Wang Hai behind him, but taking advantage of the enemy's unwillingness to kill Wang Hai immediately, he succeeded. Interrupted two shots from the sniper outside the gate and on the left.

The sniper who had fired a shot on the right had already completed the adjustment at this time, his finger had already pressed the trigger, but he still hesitated for less than a second, because at this time Ye Zhou was behind Wang Hai.

If it is fired, Wang Hai will bury Ye Zhou with him.

In this second, Ye Zhou's muzzle was already pointed at him.

The distance is about 170 meters, Ye Zhou is holding a qzb45 pistol, the effective range is 200 meters, and the dispersion radius r50 is 700mm, which means that shooting at this distance, even if Ye Zhou has ruled out all human factors , he also has less than a 50% chance of hitting the opponent.

But this time, he was very, very lucky.

Once again, the bullet pierced the man's jaw in a path that couldn't have been more accurate, and then burrowed into his neck.

The second threat is eliminated.

According to Ye Zhou's experience, after losing two people one after another, the enemy will start indiscriminate hunting, and he and Wang Hai will no longer have any way out.

He slammed into Wang Hai with his back and jumped suddenly, their bodies dodged the second bullet shot from the gate in the air.

Then, Ye Zhou slammed forward, but his target was not the sniper on the left, but the two white men behind Robert.

Their suitcases were loaded with submachine guns. At this time, the box had been opened. Ye Zhou had to kill one person within a second, and then use the folding arm shield on his left arm to block the fatal three bullets.

The gunshot rang, the first person fell, and then Ye Zhou suddenly clenched his fist to protect his face, the arm shield unfolded, and the huge force of the bullet tilted on Ye Zhou's arm like a heavy hammer. One second before the collapse, Ye Zhou finally hit him. hit his neck.

Wang Hai on the side had already realized the seriousness of the situation. He who had undergone escape training did not need Ye Zhou's command, and had already chosen a safe path to evacuate to the blind spot behind the display plane.

In every simulation, Ye Zhou couldn't help but sigh.

This kind of action really saves him too much trouble, because the enemy at this time no longer cares about Wang Hai's life and death. If he stays in place like a nerd in some movies, he will not be at all. There is no possibility to complete this simulation.

At this time, there were still two snipers left under Ye Zhou's threat, and the rest of the armed men needed 40 seconds to arrive. Ye Zhou tumbled and evaded the bullet from the door at a speed that could not be fired. This was the third time he diddge. sniper's bullet.

Then, he turned on the automatic mode of the pistol and squatted forward, and within half a second, he poured all the remaining 9 bullets in the magazine onto the face of the left sniper.

One of the bullets grazed the sniper's cheek in a thrilling manner. After he avoided it subconsciously, Ye Zhou had successfully reached the dead end.

From this moment on, the snipers outside the gate and on the left will create a blank area of ​​fire for up to three minutes. In many previous simulations, Ye Zhou used this blank period to break out.

However, every time he failed.

So, Ye Zhou changed a new solution.

He took the computer from the console and handed it to Wang Hai, then said to him:

"Follow up my actions, don't make a mistake!"

Wang Hai nodded, there was panic in his eyes, but at the same time there was a kind of firmness hidden in his eyes.

Ye Zhou breathed a sigh of relief, he replaced the magazine again, then pulled out the pistol from his waist and handed it to Wang Hai.

"Count to 10 and shoot at the passage over there."

Wang Hai had already stuffed the computer into his handbag and straddled it diagonally over his shoulders. He aimed his gun at the passageway in a not-so-standard posture. After a tense countdown, the gunshot rang out, and he rushed out before he could stop his feet. The enemy was shot to the end immediately.

On Ye Zhou's side, he had already killed two enemies armed with automatic rifles with the advantage of the terrain.

This is the key to breaking the game.

"Follow me!"

Ye Zhou greeted and ran forward.

He only has 5 seconds to get the automatic rifle. Under the dual blessing of thinking programming and courage, the concentration of adrenaline in his blood has reached an extremely dangerous level, and the violent heartbeat has even begun to make him feel dizziness.

But he had no other choice.

The distance was less than thirty meters, Ye Zhou slid to the ground, grabbed the gun with his left hand, and immediately jumped up with the help of his incomparably powerful core strength, then his fingers moved the speed machine, and two small bright red letters were exposed. .


The projectiles tilted like rain, and the thin steel plate in front of Ye Zhou was instantly pierced. After thirty shots, he picked up another gun and rushed into the aisle to shoot all the people who were crawling on the ground.

This is the 11th.

According to Ye Zhou's statistics, including two snipers, there are at least 27 armed personnel in the factory.

But that doesn't matter anymore, it will take two and a half minutes for the remaining people to reach the scene.

And his muzzle had already pointed at the sniper who had just stepped down from the high platform on the left, with an anti-material sniper rifle on his back and a miniature submachine gun in his hand.

The two stared at each other for half a second at a distance of less than thirty meters.

A look of disbelief appeared on the sniper's face.

"Oh shit."

Gunshots sounded, and a steel core bullet pierced through his head.

Ye Zhou didn't delay for a moment, his body that had been squeezed to the limit broke out again, sprinted to and sprinted back, and when he appeared in the sight of the sniper outside the gate again, he had an extra handful in his hand. Black and long sniper rifle.

This is, really, a mid-door sniper.

But Ye Zhou was faster than him.

Because of this moment's action, Ye Zhou has repeatedly contacted nearly 20 times in the simulation.

The two people's muzzles spewed out flames almost simultaneously, the violent gunshots were long overdue, Ye Zhou's left arm was torn apart by the bullets that grazed a huge wound, but the other's body had been shattered into pieces.

The final hurdle has been cleared.

This is what Ye Zhou has been waiting for, the moment when everyone's flaws add up.

"Go! Get out! Get in the car!"

Behind him, Wang Hai ran faster than he was almost exhausted. The former even got into the co-pilot and started the car after Ye Zhou arrived.

"From now on, we have a four-minute window."

"The other side's SEALs are on their way, they should have received information and will try to kill us at any cost."

"We must first drive out of the factory area, get out of the signal shielding area, and get in touch with the superior."

Ye Zhou stepped on the accelerator and drove out of the factory area, and the gunshots kept ringing behind him, but the sporadic bullets could no longer stop the special bulletproof car that was gradually accelerating. After one kilometer out of the factory, the communicator that Ye Zhou had been silent on suddenly rang. stand up.

"Ye Zhou, please report the location, the emergency plan has been activated!"

Ye Zhou threw the communicator to Wang Hai, who skillfully operated the communicator and sent out the location information. With the sharp beep of the communicator, Ye Zhou suddenly went dark.

Is the simulation over? ?

So, just getting in touch means you're safe?

Ye Zhou returned to the void, and he was pleasantly surprised to find that the ending summary screen had appeared in front of him.

This is the first time Ye Zhou has seen s ending.

He thought for a moment, and immediately realized the key.

A computer with a mind virus isn't a must for this simulation, but it definitely means a lot!

He couldn't wait to get into the finale replay, when the intensely drained spirit forced him to rest in the void.

A few minutes later, Ye Zhou resumed the thinking program in the sea of ​​strings and directly entered the finale replay.

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