Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 148 Bottom Line One:

Looking at the line of news on the phone, both of them realized that Wan Zhou had made a mistake. She probably thought that Tengfei was a talent recommended by Ye Zhou to the institute, so she came up to ask for a resume.

However, Tengfei is not an ordinary person, he sent his resume backhand.

After returning to China, he was actually preparing to look for a job. In addition, he had nothing to do in the Liming factory, so his resume was very beautiful, and he completely showed his advantages.

The only fly in the ointment is that he does not meet the employment requirements of the Sanchi Institute at all.

A few minutes later, when Wan Zhou read his resume and politely replied, "What we need are researchers", he told Wan Zhou that Ye Zhou introduced that he was not applying for a job at a research institute, but just wanted to be simple Just let them get to know each other.

It was probably the first time that Wan Zhou had seen such an operation. She sent Tengfei an embarrassing and polite smile, and then apologized for her own oolong. The first icebreak between the two went so smoothly. Done, Tengfei not only hooked up with her, but even took the initiative to provide the other party with topics.

After all, after reading the resume, Wan Zhou had already guessed that his father was the famous Teng Jian, and even this topic alone was enough to maintain their connection for a while.

In the end, the chat between the two ended with a yawning emoji that Wan Zhou sent, "I'm going to bed", and Tengfei didn't bother about it.

After watching the whole process, Ye Zhou felt a little emotional. Tengfei is indeed a person who has become a corporate executive. He has no shortage of EQ and IQ. He has never had a girlfriend. Is it really because he didn't meet someone he likes?

Otherwise...isn't it? ?

Looking at Ye Zhou's suspicious eyes, Tengfei explained helplessly:

"Look, it's not that I really don't know how to deal with girls, it's just that I don't have any good resources around me, and I don't think about it because I don't think about it. That's why it's delayed until now. Can you tell my dad for me, Let him stop urging me so tightly in the future?"

Ye Zhou shook his head and replied:

"Forgiveness is hard to obey."

"...You're really good, I found out, you and my dad are in the same group. Forget it, leave me alone and leave me alone."

Ye Zhou looked at him amusingly, but didn't speak in the end.

Logically speaking, he really shouldn't urge Tengfei to find a partner, and in his capacity, he has no position to urge him, but considering Teng Jian's wishes, he had to help.

This kind of being caught in the middle is the most uncomfortable, but fortunately, Tengfei doesn't really blame him. After skipping the topic of finding a partner, the two of them had a very pleasant meal. There is indeed something special about it. Occasionally Ye Zhou can talk about relatively professional topics and he can also pick up the words. The whole exchange made Ye Zhou feel like a spring breeze.

After the meal was over, Ye Zhou also felt relieved.

If someone like Tengfei really wants to find a partner, it's definitely not difficult, he doesn't need to worry too much, just let him and Wan Zhou develop freely.

Even if it is not suitable, I believe that with the ability to take off, we can find suitable newcomers in a short time after the project is closed.

After leaving the cafeteria, Ye Zhou had to go to the factory for a final inspection, but Tengfei was already planning to go back to sleep. The two looked at each other with envious eyes and said goodbye.

What Tengfei envy is that Ye Zhou has something to do every day, but what Ye Zhou envy is that he can sleep ten hours a day.

Recently, my sleep time has dropped to less than seven hours a day, and it is not even the busiest time for the sedan sedan project. When it comes to the ground test, it is estimated that the sleep time will be further reduced.

Ye Zhou yawned deeply.

If I go on for such a long time, I am afraid that my head will be bald.

I don't know if there is any prescription for baldness in the simulator. If there is, it seems like a major breakthrough to come out to benefit the majority of bald compatriots.

After returning to his office after the inspection, Ye Zhou really entered the simulator and began to search for the corresponding talents on the shopping mall interface, but he couldn't find any usefulness, and the energy value of more than 360 points in his hand seemed a little bit. There were too many, so he exchanged two talents that were relatively useful in reality and did not conflict with his existing talents.

The first one is the advanced version of the planner's talent, called "decision maker". This talent allows Ye Zhou to not only instinctively judge the elements themselves when encountering key elements, but also to deduce the process of the function of the elements. Transform intuitive judgments that were originally carried out in the subconscious into logical judgments.

In this way, he can come up with more convincing reasons when encountering complex situations.

Although Ye Zhou himself can roughly sort out the logic chain through reverse deduction, but with this talent, the action of this step is changed from reverse to forward, which will greatly reduce the redundancy and deviation in the process, and improve the efficiency not small. .

What's more, since Ye Zhou has already unlocked the expensive prerequisite talent, this time advancement only requires 50 energy points, which is very cost-effective.

The second talent is "Resistant". This talent can comprehensively strengthen Ye Zhou's thinking strength. In fact, it strengthens the string strength in the subconscious sea of ​​strings. Remains rational when subjected to mental influences such as pollution and logical traps.

The reason why this talent was exchanged was because the previous thinking virus had given Ye Zhou too much impact. Although he had already reacted to his guesses through Chen Hao, it was not a matter of coping with the boundless pollution and impact in the cultural field. A goal that can be accomplished in a short period of time, so he needs to protect his spiritual world to the greatest extent possible.

In addition, being able to exclude hypnotic suggestion is also a very practical function. Unlike what ordinary people think, hypnosis is not such a mysterious thing. In fact, in this world, every ordinary person encounters different things every day. Types of hypnotic cues, some benign, some inconsequential, and some negative.

A very simple example, when you see someone yawning, or even just seeing the word "yawn", most people will automatically yawn.

This is a psychological instinct.

The best way to stay rational is to eliminate as much suggestion as possible.

The price of this talent is not too high, 120 points, which is nothing compared to Ye Zhou who is now rich in energy.

With the remaining 190 points of talent, Ye Zhou does not plan to continue to consume it. He needs to keep it for the next simulation. If he encounters a difficult situation that requires repeated trial and error, or needs to exchange useful talents, he can still use it. Use these energy values ​​to arrange.

Before leaving the simulator, Ye Zhou glanced at the mall one last time, and suddenly, a talent that he had been subconsciously ignoring jumped out in front of him.

"in principle".

The effect of this talent is that one can clearly realize the bottom line of one's behavior, and can permanently solidify this bottom line.

After watching the effect of talent, even in the simulator, Ye Zhou felt that he was in a cold sweat.

This is the most useful talent he should have redeemed at the earliest.

After the planner's talent was awakened, he was also triggered by this talent several times, but he never bought it because he didn't know what it was for.

But when the planner was upgraded to a decision maker, in just a short moment, he immediately understood the meaning of this talent.

This is not for the simulated plot, this is for the real him.

In reality, he will rely on technology to become stronger step by step, and his power within the country will gradually increase. In this process, the possibility of him encountering external dangers is very low, because the country will spare no effort to protect him.

However, the probability of his own problems from the inside is very high.

Human intelligence can mature very quickly, but it takes a very long time to stabilize the three views.

At this point in time, Ye Zhou can pat his chest and say that he is for the country and the people, but if something really hits his entire value system, can he still maintain his original intention?

The reason Luo Ji was able to become the sword bearer and bring peace to the earth for hundreds of years was not because he held the activation device of the gravitational wave generator in his hand, but because he was so strong that he was almost indifferent to the bottom line.

And now, Ye Zhou himself is the swordsman of the entire China.

Advanced technology is the sharpest sword. The holder of this sword may not need to maintain absolute rationality at all times, but he must maintain stable values ​​at all times.

Otherwise, he will turn from a pioneer who cuts through thorns into an invader with a sharp blade.

Ye Zhou took a deep breath and spent 40 energy points in exchange for this talent.

Afterwards, he exited the simulator, meditated for a moment, and activated the effect of the "Principle" talent.

Once the bottom line is established, it will become an unalterable and indelible mark. Ye Zhou paused for a moment, organized his words, and said silently in his heart:

"Bottom line one: the interests of China and the Chinese nation are higher than the interests of any other ethnic group."




(Do you know what the real suggestion is? The real suggestion is that when I wrote about the example of yawning, most people will subconsciously remember that they have seen the word before, and will also wonder if they yawned at the time. When you think like that, you really start yawning.)

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