Ye Zhou had just rested in the office for a while when Chen Hao came with an order from his superior. He came to inform Ye Zhou to attend an emergency meeting, and the theme of the meeting was the coping strategy for the Navigator project.

"Is it open now? Who are the participants?"

Ye Zhou asked with a frown.

The time has come to 9 o'clock in the evening. It is a bit too hasty to hold this type of meeting at this time.

After all, the action against the navigator cannot be accomplished overnight. If you pursue speed too much, it is likely to cause unnecessary trouble.

Hearing his words, Chen Hao explained:

"Now, there are only you, me, several chief officers of the intelligence department, and one of the leaders above. Today is not a detailed discussion meeting, but a direction discussion meeting. We will determine which directions to start from later. After it is convenient to form a task order, it is issued to each specific department for refinement.”

"It won't be long, about half an hour."

Ye Zhou nodded and continued to ask while standing up:

"Is there an agenda? How to discuss it?"

"No, internal meetings, free play."

"...Okay, let's go first."

The two left Ye Zhou's office one after the other. Under the leadership of Chen Hao, they entered a hidden video conference room inside the Liming Factory. As soon as they entered the door, Ye Zhou saw a man wearing a military uniform on Chang Liang's screen. , the man with the star emblem.

He was stunned for a moment, and finally did not call the other party's name.

But the other party spoke before him.

"Ye Zhou, hello."

"Hello, leader."

Ye Zhou responded calmly.

This is the first time he has had direct contact with high-level leaders. It is impossible to say that he is not nervous at all, but now he is much more mature than when he just got Yinglong eda, so he will not put himself emotions on the face.

The star emblem man on the screen smiled and continued:

"The two of us have actually met more than once through various means, but this is the first time we have met directly. How is it, do you feel any special?"

Ye Zhou pondered for a moment, then answered:

"Actually, I don't have much feeling. It's mainly on TV this time. If I can see it in person one day, I might feel stronger."

"Hahahaha, your answer is a bit unexpected to me, but it's good, and you have the spirit of a teenager. In fact, I have read a lot of your information and learned a lot of things you do from the side, but I have always I'm looking forward to the day I'm in direct contact with you, because I want to see what kind of person you really are."

"Ye Zhou, to tell you the truth, we old men have worried a lot because of you before, worrying about your disloyalty, worrying that you are not firm, but gradually, these worries are lessened, but they start to worry. You are in good health."

"Look, we recently made a fitness plan for you, did Chen Hao tell you?"

Ye Zhou was stunned for a moment and replied:

"Seriously, I hope he'll never tell me...Leader, no, I'm only 23."

"The body is the capital of the revolution. Don't say 23, I'm 63, don't I still have to exercise? Forget it, let's not go too far today, let you go back to rest early, let's get to the point."

The Xinghui man's voice fell, and the chat between the two of them for the first time came to an abrupt end. Ye Zhou sat on the seat and asked directly:

"Now do we have a clear judgment on the background of the navigator?"

Hearing Ye Zhou's question, an intelligence system director sitting next to Chen Hao replied:

"Yes. We have basically figured out their backgrounds. They are backed by NASA and the National Strategic Analysis Office. The main strategic intention is to consume the basic strength of domestic aviation and aerospace research and development through competition for talents and scientific research resources."

"Now their plan has only reached a stage, and they haven't really shown their fangs, but at this stage, they have actually made a lot of gains."

"At least for now, they have indeed absorbed a large number of cutting-edge talents from our side. Once these talents have entered the Navigator project, it will be a difficult decision for us to use or not to use them in the future."

"In addition, 60% of their current research and development topics focus on the upstream fields of aero-engines, including high-temperature resistant materials, finishing processes, thermodynamic structure optimization, aerodynamic structure optimization, etc. These fields will generate a large number of patents, and Participants must meet their conditions if they want to gain patent ownership.”

"So, we can preliminarily judge that their binding of talents is based on strong interests. Unless we can offer several times higher prices, it is basically difficult to attract talents who have already fallen to them."

"To sum up with a simple concept, what they implemented this time is the 'paperclip' plan in the subdivision field. It has great ambitions, and has already had successful practice, so it is not easy to deal with."

After listening to the other party's words, Ye Zhou frowned.

The so-called paperclip project refers to a special operation carried out by the Chou country to recruit 1,600 scientists, engineers and technicians from China after World War II. In the past few years, in order to tap talents from all over the world, Chou Country did not hesitate to amend immigration laws many times, giving priority to allowing professional "elites" to enter Chou Country.

Huaxia is also one of the victims of the Paperclip Project. In recent years, due to the increased investment in scientific research and the gradual reversal of the public opinion environment, the brain drain has eased, but the other party's methods have also become more refined.

The Navigator project is a typical representative.

For subdivisions, formulate separate strategies to ensure maximum attraction to talents, and then use interests to change the ass of those professionals who have been attracted in the past, so that they are completely bound to the ugly country.

This is a combination of punches. If they are really finished, Huaxia's aviation business will be seriously damaged.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou continued to ask:

"Do we have any coping strategies now?"

The intelligence director opened the document in his hand and handed it to Ye Zhou, with a few key points written on it. Ye Zhou listened to the other party's introduction while watching.

"At present, there are three main directions, public opinion, economy, and administration."

"In terms of public opinion, we must strengthen propaganda and expose the other party's intentions; economically, we must improve the treatment of existing scientific research scholars; administratively, we will use some special means to suppress the other party's actions in our country."

"Right now we still have one direction open, and that is technical."

"Ye Gong, you know, for these scientific research scholars, advanced technology is attractive. If we can disclose some advanced technology to the outside world, we can attract a group of less determined scholars to come back to us to a large extent. ."

Ye Zhou nodded, looked at the man with the star emblem on the screen and asked:

"Leadership, how determined are we?"

The star emblem man pondered for a moment, then answered:

"The cap is two five-year plans."

Hearing the other party's answer, Ye Zhou understood.

Two five-year plans, which means that when they deal with the threat of the Navigator project this time, they can overdraw the resources invested in the aviation field in the next two five-year plans at most.

It sounds like a lot, but in fact, the range that can be moved is still limited.

Then, based on this situation, it is impossible for them to use the strategy regardless of the cost.

It has to be as refined as the enemy.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou said:

"Today we are discussing the general direction, and we don't need to discuss the specific strategy details, so I'll just mention some of my personal views here—the general direction."

After a pause, Ye Zhou actively activated the "decision maker" talent and began to output his decision-making opinions based on the existing conditions.

"First of all, I think that their main attack on us in terms of public opinion will be the degree of preferential treatment of talents and the selection of talents, so we must prepare for this aspect."

"As far as I know, before the sedan chair project was launched, a staff cleaning was done, and a large number of engineers with less clean backgrounds were left idle. We need to be prepared for this issue."

"The second point is about economics. Now we don't treat top-level engineers badly, but we don't invest enough in the middle and lower-level fields. This is also a problem that my Sanchi Research Institute is trying to change."

"My suggestion is to keep the top level unchanged, overdraw the resources of the two five-year plans, and greatly improve the treatment of middle and grass-roots researchers, at least let them reach the international average level. Moreover, this policy should be released as quickly as possible, so Support the battlefield of public opinion from the side."

"The third point is administrative. Pilots must not maintain physical organizations in my country, and the research base in Gangcheng must be cancelled. At the same time, certain restrictions must be placed on the convenience of domestic researchers to go abroad to participate in pilot projects. The specific strategy is determined by You do it."

"The last point is technical. We need a successful project to boost the technical self-confidence in the domestic aviation field. The deterrent of the sedan project is not enough, and we need something more advanced."

"This thing must be focused on the future, fifty or even a hundred years from now, and at the same time, researchers must clearly feel the hope of its success."

"Here, I have two plans."

"The first set, the non-working fluid plasma engine plan, is mainly used in the aerospace field. It will have an effect on retaining aviation talents, but it may have a limited effect. The advantage of this plan is that the effect is relatively fast and the span is relatively small."

"The second set of plans, the Nantianmen plan."

"The Nantianmen plan is the aerospace aircraft carrier plan. It needs to rely on super-thrust aviation nuclear power engines, super-large-scale virtual testing and design systems, strong artificial intelligence assistance, and cross-era material science technology. In this plan, there will be Numerous derivative results continue to attract talents.”

"However, this plan also has drawbacks, that is, it takes too long to form the final result. I conservatively estimate that it will take more than 40 years. During these 40 years, we must put an end to all rushing for success and maintain a balanced resource consumption, otherwise, this Big plans will drag us into the abyss."

Having said that, Ye Zhou stopped to take a sip of water, and the man with the star emblem on the screen asked:

"Do we have the possibility to start these two programs? After all, if it is only in theory, the attraction to talents is very weak."

His eyes were full of anticipation. From his previous experiences, he had probably guessed that as long as Ye Zhou said it, he must be sure.

As expected, Ye Zhou put down the cup and replied firmly:

"Yes. Can be activated."

The star emblem man nodded and continued to ask:

"If we decide to implement the Nantianmen plan, how many of the starting conditions you mentioned, do we have?"

Ye Zhou smiled, and now his communication with the official caliber has directly omitted the stage of getting to the bottom of the question, and has entered the most simple and rude question and answer.

We have several, which means, you have several.

No matter where you got it from, there is it.

Ye Zhou looked at the man with the star emblem on the screen, and replied firmly:

"In addition to strong artificial intelligence, other conditions are met. And, give me sufficient support, strong artificial intelligence will also be available soon - of course, this is very soon, I mean about twenty years."

The strong artificial intelligence obtained by Ye Zhou is based on machine learning. It is currently only an initial program package, which requires the input and analysis of a huge amount of data to finally become a complete artificial intelligence. Ye Zhou has estimated before that such a process at least It takes 10 years.

And the 20 years he is talking about now is a relatively conservative figure.

The star emblem man beckoned to his side, and a secretary walked towards him.

"Report up and escalate the meeting. Summon the members of the leadership team. Those who can come will come to the scene immediately, and those who cannot come will be connected online."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Ye Zhou apologetically and said:

"Sorry, I just wanted to have a short meeting today, but judging from the current situation, I'm afraid you'll have to stay up all night with us old men who can't sleep."

Ye Zhou smiled and said to Chen Hao next to him:

"If that's the case, then let the cafeteria deliver some late-night snacks."


At six o'clock in the morning, the escalated expanded meeting finally ended. Ye Zhou dragged his tired body back to the dormitory, still replaying the content of the meeting in his mind.

In fact, the focus of this meeting was not on technical feasibility issues related to him, but on how to allocate resources, how to coordinate departments, and how to organize the operation of super-long-span projects.

In these respects, he was not able to participate in much discussion or even speak a pitiful amount—the meeting participants were keenly and kindly avoided talking about him, resolutely not touching him kept secret.

However, everyone knew that this young man who was sitting quietly in the shadow of the corner of the conference room eating a late-night snack was the real focus of the meeting.

People can't even see his face, but the foundation of all these strategies must be supported by him.

He is a silent spark in the dark, and a trump card that can never be turned over.


In the strategic analysis office on the other side of the sea, the people discussing the details of the Navigator's plan still don't know what kind of terrifying shadow their small plan will be covered in the future.

In the face of such a grand, crazy strategy with a huge force that spans time, they carefully built the so-called "navigator", just like releasing a paper boat in a ditch, but thinking that they are commanding a huge fleet. ridiculous.

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