Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 151 The Beginning Of The Storm

Ye Zhou came to the factory area. After solving the superplastic forming process of the fan blade last time, Ye Zhou's main work focus was shifted to the material of the combustion chamber. There are still problems in the manufacturing process of the newly delivered fluorescent iron. The output of the laboratory preparation cannot meet the large-scale use, so every manufacturing experiment Ye Zhou is careful, for fear of being wasted and unable to output the corresponding results.

According to his plan, the use of fluorescent iron in this imitation experiment can not directly improve the performance of the entire engine, because the generation of aviation thrust is an overall systematic project, and the upper limit of heat resistance of the combustion chamber has to be synchronized. To change the ratio of fuel and compressed air, it is necessary to change the design of the compressor, and then the strength of the rotating shaft must be changed, and then the design of the bypass ratio must be changed, and the structural strength of the external structure must be changed...

After this series of changes, there is no one year and a half that can't produce results at all, so there is no need to put it into this project. The reason for testing fluorescent iron is mainly to test the performance of this material in the engine. stability.

As long as it is stable, there will be a basis for subsequent improvement.

After several tests, the stability of fluorescent iron is indeed very high, and its effect as a composite material substrate exceeds that of nickel-based alloys or non-metallic and intermetallic materials commonly used in the world.

As a result, the sedan chair project team decided to use fluorescent iron as the main material, and the Sanchi Research Institute also entered into intense preparation.

At this stage, it is impossible to overcome the process of industrialized mass production. We can only use laboratory equipment to prepare as much as possible, and then meet the needs of this project first.


While the sedan chair project team was busy with various tasks, the pilot project finally launched their first attack on Huaxia Airlines. As Ye Zhou expected, this attack The direction is the field of talent treatment.

An account without real-name authentication posted the rejection letter that Liminghang sent him, and then wrote a strange sentence on the title:

"Liming Hangfa, it's really awesome. Maybe my skills are not enough to meet the requirements of others. I can't do it if I want to serve the country."

This scarf did not receive much attention at first, but with the continuous operation of the promoters behind the scenes, comments and attention began to gradually increase.

"If you can't go, you can't go, and it's not like there are no other companies to choose from. What's going on here?"

"Have you ever thought that maybe your own abilities are not up to their requirements?"

"I feel that the blogger is sour. Anyway, I heard from some of my classmates at Beihang University that many people from their school have gone to the post-test of the Turbofan 18 project."

"Upstairs, is this not a leak?"

"What is leaking? Turbofan 18 has been released a few years ago, and it will be released soon. What else is leaked?"

"It makes sense... If you say that, bloggers can't even get into this kind of project, and they are still yin and yang here, and there are indeed enough disgusting people..."

This is one aspect of the evaluation, but in addition to these evaluations, some people think that it is not necessarily the blogger's problem that you can't get into Liminghangfa.

"Maybe the blogger is also aggrieved. I read his profile, he seems to be from Qinghua, and he should also be in this field. Maybe there are other reasons for not getting in? There is no need to attack bloggers from the beginning. technology."

"Where is Liming Hangfa? Oh, the company under Fengfei, that's all right. You still want to go in without the money? Don't be naive."

"Feng Fei, do you have a relationship? It's not normal if you can't get in without a relationship? It is recommended that bloggers go to Shufei. Dogs don't go to places like Fengfei."

"Some people are still questioning the issue of the blogger, do you know who this blogger is? Dr. Qinghua Thermodynamics, there are more than a dozen SCI articles, no better than those old guys from Feng Fei? Unspoken rules are unspoken rules. , don't wash it, it's embarrassing."

"Hehe, Fengfei. Not to mention Fengfei, the entire domestic aviation industry has no future. It's no pity if you can't go there. It is recommended that bloggers go to Hong Kong City. There is a pilot project there, which is better than Fengfei's turbofan. 18 I don't know how many times taller."

Different from the other side of the evaluation, the point of these people's attack is not just the rejection incident this time, but began to consciously lead the contradiction to Fengfei and the talent status of domestic aviation enterprises.

In their mouths, it seems that all domestic aviation enterprises are the same, backward, pedantic, and bureaucratic is prevalent. Gu Mao

Talents are not valued, and truly outstanding talents cannot enter core projects. On the contrary, those who can engage in relationships can be promoted.

This kind of argument intensified after researchers came out one after another, and even a few of them had just left Liming Aviation. When they turned their heads, they began to go crazy for some reason that can be said or not. Attacking Liming Aviation Development and attacking the status quo of the domestic aviation development industry.

In terms of the operation of the bib, after seeing this bib that was rushed to the hot search, they subconsciously carried out the operation to reduce the hot search pressure. They were originally for the purpose of controlling public opinion, but such an operation was counterproductive, and even made some people directly I started to play on the topic, and I wanted to pull the official into the water.

For a time, not only the aviation industry, but the entire Huaxia aviation industry was turbulent because of this public opinion offensive.

Then, the enemy flashed their real knives.

At first, the owner of the scarf disclosed his identity information, Wen Xiao, PhD in thermodynamics from Qinghua University.

His research results have won awards in several international awards, and he has published papers in China. He is a leader among the younger generation in the field of thermodynamics in China.

At the same time, he is currently the leader of the research group in the world's top aviation-related project "Navigator". Although the subjects he has done are kept secret, they are obviously at the international advanced level.

This news has been released, and the originally anxious public opinion instantly turned to one side. Liming Hangfa seems to have confirmed the fact that internal operations are crowding out talents, and the Navigator project has gained infinite highlights at this moment.

Yes, a project that is open on an international scale, attracts talents without any insight, and provides resources and economic support, just to promote the development of international aviation, this is probably the true spirit of science without borders, right?

This is what most people think.

A few people may be able to understand the story behind this series of public opinion shocks, but the influence they can bring is too low.


In the command office of the sedan chair project team, Chen Hao and Ye Zhou looked at the public opinion analysis report scrolling on the screen.

"How do you say? The other party has already started. Shall we respond immediately, or wait for them to jump around for a while?"

Chen Hao asked.

Ye Zhou pondered for a moment and replied:

"Let them dance for a while. In two days, when the public opinion is further fermented and all the 500,000, wall-riding, and professional litigation sticks are blown up, we will catch them all at once. Are the lists and materials ready? ?"

Chen Hao nodded.

"It's ready. However, after this wave of operations is done, we estimate that we will offend many people, and those who were barely able to use it will be torn apart at once."

Ye Zhou smiled and replied:

"Even if you use them, it's just drinking poison to quench your thirst. Now that you've hit it, it's better to make up your mind to do it to the end."

"These people are somewhat skilled, but disloyalty is the biggest flaw."

"You can rest assured that without them, our aviation industry can do the same."

"This time, we just want them to know that what they gave up was not the so-called outdated technology and hopeless future. What they gave up was the entire future."

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