Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 152 How Did The Public Opinion War Fight?

In the two days that Ye Zhou asked to wait, the domestic public opinion about the treatment of engineers became more and more turbulent, and even began to spread from the field of aviation to other fields. During this process, many domestic engineers also stood up to speak for the government. They even He did not hesitate to post his salary income statement and asset list, trying to prove that the treatment of domestic researchers is not as bad as rumored on the Internet, but in such a huge wave, their evidence seems like a small piece of The small reef was quickly submerged underwater.

At this point, no one cares about the truth anymore, all they need is an emotional vent.

Everyone involved thinks they are righteous, everyone thinks they are doing their part for the betterment of this country, and under the leadership of opinion leaders, it is just an ordinary "brothers, go and put xxx scarf rushed", everyone swarmed, frantically swiping the screen under the completely unrelated scarf.

After noticing this situation, the Public Opinion Management Office immediately reported to Chen Hao and Ye Zhou, because this is the condition set in advance by Ye Zhou. When this situation occurs, it means that the bullets have flown long enough. .

It's time to close the net.

In the middle of the night, in the office of the joint headquarters of the sedan chair project team, Chen Hao and Ye Zhou were screening the list in front of them one by one.

"Start with the big ones first or the small ones first?"

Chen Hao asked, pointing to the names on the list that had been arranged according to the amount.

"I think it's better to start with the smaller ones. For the real big fish, their funding channels are ready. It's not that easy to catch. On the contrary, the smaller ones will be easier to judge."

"What about synchronization?"

"Also, it mainly depends on your manpower adequacy. If you can catch it, it is best to catch it together. This is not difficult. The point is, about this Wen Xiao, have you come up with a strategy on your side?"

Ye Zhou asked with a frown.

The core of the public opinion this time is Wen Xiao, and it is he who, under the guidance of the pilot project team, has promoted the progress of public opinion in all aspects. If such a person is not arrested, I am afraid that he will continue to make waves in the future.

But the problem is that this person's foundation is very clean, and the pilot has indeed invested a lot of energy in him. Whether it is the flow of funds or communication records, the intelligence department has not been able to grasp any clues.

Chen Hao handed Ye Zhou a document and replied:

"At present, monitoring is the main focus. His motives are very clean, and he himself has a certain social influence. If we do not grasp the existing evidence, it is difficult to rely on the inference of guilt to arrest him."

"After all, the information we have is different from the information recognized by the judicial department. Everyone knows what he is doing under the navigator, but if there is no concrete evidence, the judicial department cannot support our actions."

"We still have to follow the rules. If we rely on administrative means every time, it may lead to chaos in the judicial system. This is not the result we want to see."

Ye Zhou nodded and continued to ask:

"Then what do you mean, we can only watch him jumping around now?"

"of course not."

Chen Hao smiled and replied:

"First of all, after we released the evidence, his trust on the Internet would have dropped significantly, and there would have been a lot of spontaneous boycotts against him."

"Secondly, keeping people from speaking is not the best way to control public opinion. What really works is to have a more authoritative example than him to refute every word he says."

"We happen to have one such person."

Ye Zhou was stunned for a while, then asked:

"Who? You mean Teng Jian?"

"No, do you want to guess again, or shall I tell you directly?"

Ye Zhou pondered for a moment and asked tentatively:

"It's not Teng Jian's words... You mean that new Liu Ranran?"

A surprised look appeared on Chen Hao's face.

"How did you guess so fast?"

"Actually, it's not hard to guess. You also said that you should use an authoritative example to refute Wen Xiao, and you said that it was not Teng Jian. After a little analysis, you will know your thinking."

"In the current online environment, rational evidence is far less inciting than the so-called breaking point, and the reason why Wen Xiao's incident can attract so much attention is not only the operation of the driving force behind him, but also the breaking point he occupies. Can not be ignored."

"A scholar who was treated unfairly, a counter-attacker who wanted to keep a low profile but was forced to reveal his identity under the attack of netizens, a handsome and rich man who wanted to contribute to the country but was frustrated, not to mention, he looks good Really handsome."

"These are explosive points, each of which is stepping on the g-spot of the modern Internet, so these netizens can't help but not climax."

"Apart from his incident this time, the one of the same kind that impressed me the most was when Ke Jie slapped some female boxers in the face. Although his incident is positive, if you take it apart, the two things are in essence. There is not much difference.”

"So, from this perspective, it's easy for me to think of your strategy."

"What you need is a contrasting character design. This person must be more skilled than Wen Xiao, more low-key than him, and better in appearance than him. At the same time, he must have a completely different result from him."

"I actually thought of several people, but, intuitively, I think you will choose Liu Ranran."

The leader of the public opinion department on the side nodded silently while listening to Ye Zhou's words.

This 23-year-old young man, his understanding of online public opinion work is not even inferior to that of an old man who has ten years of work experience, which makes him a little emotional.

Sure enough, genius is unreasonable. Most of the time, the reason why a genius has not achieved results in a certain field is simply because he did not choose this field.

But he was a little curious, so why did he directly guess Liu Ranran?

Chen Hao asked this question for him.

"Why Liu Ranran? Is there anything wrong with the other candidates you mentioned?"

"There's no problem. It's a matter of eyesight. Personally, I think Liu Ranran is more eye-catching, and my aesthetics belong to the popular kind, so if you choose her, you can get a wide range to the greatest extent. good impression."

"Okay... It seems that you have figured out the work of public opinion."

Ye Zhou smiled and didn't answer.

He once again discovered the bug of the "decision maker" talent. With this talent, his ability to learn in various unfamiliar fields is also continuously enhanced.

After all, when you look at a thing and can clearly see the logical chain in it, it becomes less difficult to understand the principles behind it.

Several people in the conference room continued to discuss for half an hour, and then a series of orders were issued from this small office.


In the evening, the official media announced the list of bib accounts linked to overseas capital, and then the fringe media immediately followed up, comparing these lists with the accounts frequently appearing in recent research scholars’ time, and the overlap rate reached an astonishing 40%. %.

As soon as the results were announced, those netizens who were originally irrational seemed to be poured a spoonful of cold water.

It is true that they are easily coerced by public opinion, but they are not stupid.

Everyone is clearly aware of a fact.

He was used as a gunner himself.

And those with guns obviously have unspeakably dirty purposes for their country.

The anger was quickly ignited, and some people even clamored to teach these people some lessons in reality, but their actions were a little slower.

Officials have already started.

The next morning, more than 200 people on the list were invited to the official office for tea. They committed various crimes, but what is certain is that in this upcoming New Year, they may not be able to spend it peacefully.

Just when netizens felt that things would come to an end because of the official action, an account that was originally unknown suddenly appeared in their sight.

This is an old account, the id is "Ran Ran doesn't like to eat meat". She has posted many scarves of life records, but it has never been popular, but just today, her account has been updated with a new article.

The title is "Criticize an opportunistic scientific research bastard without naming names".

After just two hours, the heat of this scarf was completely detonated.

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