Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 153 Focus Is The Most Important Quality

As expected by Ye Zhou and Chen Hao, Liu Ranran's bib article attracted a lot of attention as soon as it was released. Like Wen Xiao, all her breaking points were carefully designed, not even the bib article itself. she wrote.

Liu Ranran herself doesn't care about this matter. She is a dedicated researcher. These days, she has been busy testing new material combustion chambers in the Liming Aviation Plant. She has borrowed her identity to fight the public opinion war for the public opinion studio. This kind of thing, is simply too lazy to invest any energy.

However, in Ye Zhou's opinion, the sedan chair project team still needs to give her an explanation, and it must be clear about the impact of this incident on her subsequent development and the requirements she can make.

Under his arrangement, the staff of the Public Opinion Control Office found Liu Ranran, and this time, Ye Zhou also participated in their communication.

"Student Liu, we told you before that we want to use your identity to do some publicity work, and now it has been implemented, and it has produced a great response."

"We would like to ask you, have you noticed these reactions, and do you have some opinions of your own on these reactions?"

"For example, we can offer you some extra help and compensation if you think this has affected your day-to-day life."

In front of Ye Zhou, the staff said straight to the point.

The opposite Liu Ranran listened carefully, and after thinking for a while, replied:

"There will definitely be an impact, but in fact I don't really care about these things... You know, scientific research is a work that is only consequential, as long as results can be made later, no matter how much happens in the process It's okay to be ridiculous."

"Besides, I think it's pretty good. I've already seen that Wen Xiao, which is not pleasing to the eye, but unfortunately I can't scold people, otherwise I'll fuck myself, hehe."

Hearing Liu Ranran's answer, Ye Zhou interjected curiously:

"Don't you think it will be inconvenient for your life to be exposed to the public like this? I mean, this time you are famous, and there should be a lot of people harassing you in the future - you are now shaped as a The goddess of science."

"I remember there was a time when you seemed to be hyped as a chip god or something... Ye Gong, does this affect your life? If you think it doesn't matter, then I don't think so either. No big deal."

"Cough...our situation is a little different."

Ye Zhou said slightly embarrassedly.

When Xinghuo Factory was just completed and he was interviewed by CCTV, there was indeed a voice on the Internet that he was a chip god, but he soon threw himself into the work of Sanchi Research Institute and Hangfa. The voice of the side doesn't care, plus the official protection of him consciously, so this kind of heat has basically no impact on his life.

However, Ran Ran would not enjoy the protection of her own level after all, so it is inappropriate to compare the two of them horizontally.

"It's a little different, but the essence is the same. Don't worry, Ye Gong, I can probably think of what you are worried about, but I can tell you frankly that this is really nothing and won't affect it. to my investment in research.”

Ye Zhou nodded, this was indeed his biggest worry.

Using Liu Ranran's character to fight back against Wen Xiao and the leader is indeed a good move in terms of public opinion strategy, but it would be a pity if a scientific research talent was destroyed because of these things.

Fortunately, judging from Liu Ranran's attitude, he didn't need to worry about this issue. The other party's level of concentration and persistence far exceeded his expectations.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou said:

"Since this is the case, then we don't have to worry too much. If you have any needs in work or life in the future, you can directly find Chen Hao to mention it----or you can find me, where is my office? do you know?"

Liu Ranran shook her head, and replied a little embarrassedly:

"I really don't know... But Gong Ye, I have something I want to help you with right now. Is it convenient?"

"tell me the story?"

"Uh... That's it, Mr. Ye, after I added fluorescent iron material to the combustion chamber I tested recently, the surge index far exceeded the normal index. We have been analyzing for a long time and have not been able to locate the root cause of the problem. I just thought, tomorrow, can you come to our laboratory and help us take a look?"

Ye Zhou thought she would raise some requirements in life, but unexpectedly, the other party still talked about the project.

He nodded and replied:

"Don't wait for tomorrow, it's still early, I'll go directly with you."

After that, Ye Zhou stood up and glanced at the public opinion worker beside him. The latter got up quickly, indicating that he had no other problems, so Ye Zhou and Liu Ranran walked to the studio one after the other.

An undisguised excited smile appeared on Liu Ranran's face, she said as she walked quickly:

"Ye Gong, I heard that you saw the stress concentration problem caused by the temperature error at a glance at the fan blade before, and you didn't even look at the data. Is it true? Is it really that amazing?"

Ye Zhou nodded and replied:

"It's not that exaggerated. In fact, if you look closely, you can see that the titanium alloy on the surface is abnormally stretched during superplastic forming, but most of the time we rely on data and are not too concerned about such deformation. It’s just a matter of sensitivity, and it’s a coincidence that I can find out.”

"Then this is too coincidental! Ye Gong, we initially suspect that the surge of the combustion chamber is also related to the internal force of the material. Would you like to check it with the naked eye later?"

"Look at it....I can probably guess what your problem is. I remember you have added fluorescent iron to the material of the combustion chamber?"

"Yeah! What we're using now is a nickel-based mixed fluorite composition -- fluorite is an anti-perovskite compound, right?"

"That's right. Here's the problem, fluorescent iron has negative thermal expansion properties, and its thermal shrinkage rate is slightly larger than the expansion rate of the nickel-based compounds you are using now, so in a high-temperature environment, it will cause uneven fineness in various parts of the combustion chamber. Deformation, which is the root cause of surge."

"It's actually very simple to solve this problem, just add a little more titanium element to enhance the stability of the nickel base. However, you can't do this by yourself, you can go directly to the material laboratory tomorrow to ask for it and let They make it happen for you."

"it is good!"

Liu Ranran's face was full of smiles. She didn't expect that Ye Zhou could see through the problem that her group had not grasped for several days.

You know, they went back and forth to analyze the experiment many times, and finally determined the surface cause of the surge, but Ye Zhou was different. He went directly across the surface to find the root cause of the problem.

However, to verify Ye Zhou's speculation, of course, it cannot be groundless, and it is necessary to conduct actual experiments to see if the situation is consistent with what Ye Zhou said.

After arriving at the laboratory, Liu Ranran immediately organized researchers to conduct on-site tests and reproduced the surge problem.

Looking at the indicator on the temperature detector, Ye Zhou thought for a moment and said:

"When the temperature drops to around 1300 degrees, the surge should go away, right?"

"Yes! Ye Gong, how did you know?"

"I guessed that 1300 degrees should be the balance point between the shrinkage rate and the expansion rate. The deformation disappears, the force is uniform, and the surge naturally disappears. Well, the problem has been found, and I will go directly to the material laboratory tomorrow to update the material. !"


While Liu Ranran enthusiastically followed Ye Zhou's prompt to repeatedly test the temperature of the combustion chamber, in the other side of the Gangcheng laboratory, Wen Xiaozheng looked at the comments of netizens on his scarf with some displeasure.

Since Liu Ranran's article was published, his scarf comments have become an asura field. Every day, netizens who don't know where they came from ran under his scarf to ridicule him mercilessly. Self-control, wanting to touch porcelain Fengfei, but was beaten and swollen by a ruthless man who was casually picked up by others.

Wen Xiao can't do anything about it. In all fairness, Liu Ranran is indeed on a par with him in terms of technology, and even stronger than him in mathematical modeling, which has already made him lose the confidence to refute, and more importantly, , every attack point in the other party's article hit the key points, especially the argument that questioned the intentional water impact factor of his sci paper, which made him completely unable to refute.

How to refute?

Who doesn't have a water impact factor for the current paper? As long as you can achieve results, occasionally pour some irrelevant but seemingly tall pictures into the paper, fill in irrelevant data, and even put more names on Daniel's mentors and research institutes, in fact, everyone will not say anything.

It's an unspoken rule of the industry. Could it be that you have to tear off this fig leaf?

At the very beginning, he also thought about going to look at Liu Ranran's thesis, wanting to prove that she was no better than himself, but after he really read it, he realized that they were really not good.

This made him completely lost the courage to continue to entangle, and he could only look at the comments in the laboratory and get sullen.

After sighing, Wen Xiao put down the phone.

The public opinion campaign this time was originally a task given to him by Monte. It happened that he was dissatisfied with Liming Factory's rejection of him, so he cooperated very actively, but he didn't expect that such enthusiasm would actually dig such a big one for himself. pit.

If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't be in the muddy waters.

However, his thought only lasted for less than 30 seconds, because at this moment, the prompt sound of the receipt of the payment was uploaded on his mobile phone.

Looking at the satisfactory number on the text message, the smile returned to his face.

After opening the address book and making a call, he said briskly:

"Xinxin, come and find me tomorrow, I'll take you to buy something..."

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