Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 154 Why Do You Want To Transfer Money Now? ?

When Wen Xiao took the newly obtained money and had a friendly discussion with Lin Xin in the Sheraton Presidential Suite, Chen Hao, Chen Hao and Ye Zhou were completely dumbfounded in front of the screen.

Of course, they weren't watching the live broadcast of the two, they were only watching Wen Xiao's bank card transaction records.

"What's the situation? Just said that there is no evidence of him, and now the evidence is delivered to the door?"

Ye Zhou asked with a frown.

Chen Hao shook his head and looked at the public opinion staff next to him, who also looked puzzled.

"Do you think he has no use value? It doesn't seem right. Their fund transfer chain is very concealed, or the consulting fee paid by a company in China. It doesn't feel like they are going to sell him."

"But if we didn't want to sell him, at this point in time, we have just caught such a large group of people, and they still dare to make large transfers. Isn't this just stealing the bell?"

After listening to the judgment of the public opinion personnel, several people in the office fell silent.

The current situation is indeed the same as what the staff said. The other party's small actions not only failed to cover up Wen Xiao's identity and interests, but it backfired and exposed him to the official vision of China.

Ugly people are not fools, especially the group of people who run the pilot project, most of whom have participated in the previous paperclip operation, would they make such a mistake?

After a moment of silence, Chen Hao asked:

"Is there a possibility that they think that the capital chain has been concealed enough, and we can't do anything to Wen Xiao even if we get the evidence, so they are so unscrupulous?"


The intelligence officer on the side shook his head and replied:

"Their capital chain is indeed doing very well, and they are also paying consulting fees from Huaxia private companies, but the price of 4 million is far beyond the fair market price, even if we don't charge him for espionage, let the Economic Investigation Department arbitrarily If you find a reason, you can also file a case for him as bribery of non-state officials."

"No matter what the final result of the case is, no matter whether we can handle him or not, at least there is no problem in controlling him for a period of time."

"It is absolutely impossible for them not to think of this problem. From my point of view, the only explanation is that the other party wants to treat Wen Xiao as an abandoned child."

"But the question comes again. What is the benefit to them by making Wen Xiao an abandoned child at this time? Our intelligence department has organized discussions for half an hour just now, and we have no clue yet."

Everyone sighed involuntarily, facing such a situation that they did not expect at all.

Of course, there is no way to deal with it. The easiest way is to follow what the intelligence officer said, immediately ask the Economic Investigation Department to file a case, and find a reason to arrest Wen Xiao, so as to completely block the possibility of him jumping up and making trouble in the future. sex.

However, if Ye Zhou really wanted to make this decision, he felt something was wrong.

The talent of the decision maker has not yet been triggered, which shows that the information he currently has at hand is insufficient, and if the information is insufficient, a logical chain cannot be formed.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou said:

"There must be other points of information about this matter that we haven't obtained. Now, let me tell you, you can provide me with information."


The public opinion and intelligence personnel on the side immediately took out their personal terminals, preparing to retrieve data from the system in real time to answer Ye Zhou's questions.

After thinking for a while, Ye Zhou asked:

"The first thing, have there been any special people around Wen Xiao recently? Something like a female friend?"

"Yes, it's a woman named Lin Xin. We initially judged that she was a bird, but there is no evidence yet, and we haven't seen any signs that she has begun to actively influence Wen Xiao, so it is still under monitoring at this stage, and the monitoring level is three. class."

"Okay, what's this woman's background?"

"On the surface, it is the general manager of a family business in Gangcheng, but the background of this business is not very clean, and it started a little too quickly. It is very likely to be a white glove."

"Did she provide financial support to Wen Xiao?"

"No, but the two sides have exchanged gifts."

"That is to say, the relationship between the two of them is still within the scope of normal male and female interaction. Lin Xin has not taken him to sensitive places, nor has he taken him to some sensitive activities and parties?"

"Yes, it's all normal, which is why we temporarily maintain the monitoring level at level three."

Ye Zhou nodded, the intelligence department's personnel and energy are limited, it is impossible to give her a very high degree of attention from the very beginning for such a marginal person who has not determined his role.

However, after today, this woman named Lin Xin may also be on the second-tier list.

Being on the second-level list means that her communications will no longer be kept secret.

This can be considered an honor, after all, honest ordinary people can't even make it to the fourth-level list in their lifetime.

After a pause, Ye Zhou continued:

"In this case, let's rule out the influence of this woman first. Intuitively, I think this person has little influence on the current payment operation... Take a look at the capital chain, which company did they pay the consulting fee through?"

"Shanghai Qingkong is a private enterprise that produces small aircraft. Its main business is paramotors, small propeller aircraft, agricultural helicopters, and fixed-wing aircraft. The controlling shareholder is Houfa, and the affiliated company is Suzhou Aireote Aviation Industry. They are all Chinese-owned holding companies.”

"Do these companies have new R&D projects recently? Is it possible that they really need consultation?"

The intelligence officer shook his head and denied:

"I checked just now. Both companies have been operating poorly in recent years - mainly due to the impact of drones. They don't have much money to do any big consulting, unless the boss is really desperate."

"What if it's really all-or-nothing? You give me a probability percentage."

After a moment of silence, the intelligence officer replied:

"Only a 5 percent chance."

"Okay. That's impossible."

Ye Zhou nodded and continued to ask:

"Have you found out the affiliates and shareholders of Suzhou Aireout Air?"

"I found out that the controlling shareholder is Hu Jianzhengxing. This is an old state-owned enterprise, but it has basically turned to agriculture, forestry and aquaculture this year."

"They came together with Airaote because of a research and development project for agricultural aircraft. Three parties participated in this project. The other company is... Heilonghe Earth Reclamation Group, which is also a small aircraft company."

Hearing the words "Black Dragon River", Ye Zhou suddenly jumped in his heart.

"This soil reclamation group, check its equity relationship."

"Tuken is a micro-company under Fengfei. It was turned into a private company a few years ago, but Fengfei still holds a small amount of shares."

Hearing this, Ye Zhou's decision maker talent finally triggered.

The conditions are complete, and the elements of the logic chain are completed.

His brain was running fast, and with just a few breaths of silence, he deduced what the enemy really wanted to do.

This is of course just speculation, but, from his point of view, it is also the most likely answer.

Therefore, the other party's seemingly unintentional transfer operation, the actual focus, is indeed still on the battlefield of public opinion.

Ye Zhou sighed and said:

"I know what they want to do."

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