Ye Zhou took the pen and paper, and while combing the relationship chain on it, explained:

"Judging from the current conditions, it is absolutely impossible for them to give up the important piece of Wen Xiao."

"Yes, he has failed twice in a row, but in this battle of intelligence and public opinion, no matter how many times he fails, as long as he is still available, the other party will not give up."

"What's more, just like what we discussed before, selling Wen Xiao at this point doesn't do them any good."

"So, there is only one answer. They want to completely muddy the water, and they will pour sewage on us even if they end up."

All the smart people in the office, hearing Ye Zhou's words, combined with a series of questions about the capital chain he mentioned earlier, everyone reacted instantly.

The intelligence officer sitting beside Ye Zhou frowned and asked:

"Ye Gong, are you saying that they are deliberately falsifying evidence?"

Ye Zhou nodded and replied:

"That's right. Otherwise, they don't need to make such a capital chain, and they don't need to choose Shang Hai Qingkong, a company that has almost never cooperated with them."

"What they care about is not to hide Wen Xiao at all, but to create an illusion that someone was trying to hide but was dug up by them."

"The clear sky is not the key, but Feng Fei, who is ultimately pointed to through the multi-level equity relationship, is the key."

"What they have to do is to slander a public opinion turmoil that is actually a confrontation between the two sides as a drama directed and acted by Feng Fei!"

After hearing Ye Zhou's words, several people in the conference room nodded in unison.

"Yes... This is a good move, and it is also the only plan that can maximally save the defeat on the battlefield of public opinion under the current public opinion."

"As long as the water is muddy, they can fish in troubled waters, and they may even launch a new round of attacks from it."

"The memories of netizens are all goldfish. Once someone of them throws out the so-called evidence, I am afraid that many people will spread it spontaneously, and then they will say 'it's reversed again'."

"In this online environment, the best thing to sell is conspiracy theories, even conspiracy theories without any logic."

"Speaking of which, they should be doing it soon."

The public opinion worker frowned and analyzed. As he spoke, he had already recruited his subordinate staff. As soon as he finished speaking, he began to assign tasks to them non-stop.

"You immediately scan the entire network for keywords. I will give you the first draft of the keyword list later. Now I estimate that public opinion has begun to ferment on a small scale. Be sure to find the top of the communication chain!"

"In addition, we have begun to require major platforms to set up temporary keyword audits. As long as keywords are touched, all of them will be released with reduced rights and limited transmission channels!"

"In addition, we need the cooperation of the intelligence department, mobilize relevant forces, clarify the funding chain, and it is best to find out the leader project behind it!"


The staff waved his hand and continued to return to the discussion with Ye Zhou and the others.

"Ye Gong, your judgment is very smart. We will continue to do it according to this line of thinking. Besides, is it necessary to take action against Shang Hai Qingsky?"

Hearing his question, Ye Zhou frowned involuntarily.

Shang Hai Qingkong... In fact, according to the exact information they have, this company is innocent, or relatively innocent, in this whole incident.

Of course, they knew that it was completely unreasonable for them to pay Wen Xiao a consulting fee that should not have existed, but the reason why they did this was obviously not to support foreign forces, but purely for economic interests.

They themselves don't know what the purpose of the money is, it's just for the commission of tens of thousands of yuan paid by the so-called agent.

In their view, it was just a perhaps less legitimate, but indeed widespread, tax avoidance move.

After pondering for a moment, Ye Zhou turned his eyes to Chen Hao.

Not all decisions should be made by himself, and Chen Hao is obviously more experienced in this regard.

Noticing Ye Zhou's eyes, Chen Hao didn't hesitate and said directly:

"Let's hand it over to the Administration for Industry and Commerce, and give them an economic penalty—the key point of the penalty! But don't involve them in intelligence and public opinion affairs, just monitor them well."

"Got it, we'll do it now."

As the intelligence officers left the office, this discussion meeting that was urgently convened due to an inexplicable transfer finally ended, Ye Zhou rubbed his head, leaned back on the chair, and started stunned.

Seeing his actions, Chen Hao asked with concern:

"Tired? Do you want me to call someone to relax for you?"

Ye Zhou glanced at him oddly, then replied:

"I always feel that your tone is a bit unreasonable... But seriously, can you change all the work chairs in the factory into ergonomic chairs? These solid wood chairs are from many years ago, and you are exhausted from sitting. already."

"Buy, buy, as long as you speak, I can buy it for you. Come on, what else do you want?"

"...I want to go out for a barbecue, can I go?"

Ye Zhou looked at Chen Hao expectantly. In the past two months since he arrived at Liming Aviation, he has hardly ever left the factory area. This is both for confidentiality reasons and for his personal safety.

After being closed for two months, he really couldn't stand it any longer.

Hearing Ye Zhou's request, Chen Hao hesitated for a moment, and finally sighed and replied:

"I'll satisfy you once today, and I'll arrange for the defense. It's better to go out to relax, you're really tired during this time..."


While Chen Hao drove Ye Zhou out of the factory, the public opinion control office also started monitoring online public opinion according to Ye Zhou's plan.

As expected by Ye Zhou, the enemy has indeed raised the issue of the "Feng Fei self-directed and self-acted" conspiracy theory. At the beginning, it was just some trumpets who were acting strangely under the guise of "guessing". A lot of evidence was thrown out just right.

The most critical of them is that Ye Zhou previously deduced the chain of equity relationships.

The complex relationship is very convincing. Vaguely, public opinion seems to have a tendency to reverse again, but fortunately, it has not been long since the last time he was regarded as a gunman, even the stupid people still have resistance. , this time the other party's efficiency in coercing public opinion is much lower than the first time.

The public opinion workers are constantly marking the information of key roles and key nodes, and the intelligence department has already started to act.

If you didn't catch the fish last time, just catch it this time.

After letting the public opinion ferment for 4 hours, the time was completely ripe, and the fishing operation shifted to the reeling stage.

The official media did not hesitate to step down and directly disclosed the quarterly financial cash flow of the Tuken Group, which even included a credit endorsement from the universe.

On the other hand, the tax agency announced a tax investigation of Shang Hai Qingkong and Wen Xiao, accusing them of participating in tax evasion and tax evasion, with an amount of about 1.6 million soft sister coins.

Under strong pressure, Shang Hai Qingkong issued a statement on the same day acknowledging the tax avoidance operation, and directly identified the client of the tax avoidance operation.

It was a Hong Kong city company. It seemed that this company had no direct connection with the pilot, but the intelligence department had already checked it out.

The equity relationship diagram that has been prepared has been thrown out, and the spear is directed at the navigator.

Netizens who have been repressed for a long time finally see through the truth after this public opinion turmoil.

All of a sudden, the anger of being deceived and exploited surged into my heart, and public opinion surged like a giant wave.

The so-called authority of the Navigator project has dropped to the bottom at this moment.

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