Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 156: A Gift From Fate

In the private room of a luxurious clubhouse in Hong Kong City, Monte and Tom were sitting on the sofa smoking cigars.

Monte raised the glass to the opposite Tom, and then said:

"Tom, have a sip of the bar, it's a top Macallan single malt, maybe it'll make you feel better."

Tom shook his head, and after exhaling the smoke in his mouth, replied:

"Mont, alcohol can't give me comfort now. I don't understand why China's response was so quick this time? We attacked three times in a row, and then failed three times in a row, which has never happened before!"

"As I said before, these Chinese people have strong learning ability. Our strategy has been used for more than two years. They have already touched the key, and it is not surprising that they can come up with corresponding solutions... …”

"Strange! Very strange!"

Tom took the cigar from his mouth and slammed it on the table, then said in a low and serious tone:

"Mont, this time is different from any other time! Haven't you found out yet? Every move we made was within their expectations, and even when our plan was only at the beginning, they had already figured out how to deal with it. The strategy of the whole plan!"

"This is bizarre! At first I thought we had an undercover insider, but this time the transfer to Wen Xiao was handled by me personally, and no one knew what I was going to do before he received the money!"

"You know that feeling? It's like there's a prophet among them—yes, I'd rather believe there's such a thing as a prophet among them, otherwise if you tell me these strategies are based on their limited basis It would be terrifying if it was derived from the information.”

After listening to Tom's words, Monte sighed.

"Tom, I know it may be difficult for you to accept this result. To be honest, not only you, but also me, including those in the Strategic Analysis Office, are actually difficult to accept, but it is the truth."

"Our opponents are the smartest people in the world. They control the public opinion of the whole country. The reason why you think that the Chinese public opinion is more controllable than our country is because it does not touch their fundamental interests. ."

"Don't you remember our failure? The public opinion war we launched against a certain religion has long since disappeared. As for the recent issue of equal rights, after the official intervention, we also have signs of decay."

"To be honest, Tom, in such a country with a national system, it is really difficult to rely on public opinion to attack them. They don't eat the color revolution!"

"What we can do is to use our advantages as much as possible and cause them some trouble - haven't we actually done it? It's just not that good."

Tom looked helplessly at Monte and said:

"Mont, you don't have to try to console me, actually you and I both know that we're not 'not doing that well,' but 'we're doing super bad compared to them.'"

"Forget it, this battle is not over yet. At least, they have not answered our question directly. After this wave of public opinion has passed, we can still rely on the topic of underpayment of engineers to attack them."

Monte nodded and pushed Tom the glass in front of him.

"Take a sip. You're right, we haven't completely lost this war. So, we still need to keep working hard. By the way, that Wen Xiao, his performance is actually very good, although he suffered consecutive defeats, But it's not really his problem."

"Now that he is facing tax charges from China's official government, should we find a way to help him?"

"How to help? The most we can do is to help him make up for the so-called unpaid taxes. He has no use value in China----you know, for such a tainted person, the other party is not He will be allowed into the inner circle."

"Maybe we don't need him in the inner circle?"

Hearing Monte's question, Tom froze for a moment.

"Don't enter the inner circle? What's your plan? Continue to let him stay in the Navigator project to do scientific research? It's okay, but I can't think of what more uses he can play."

Monte smiled and replied:

"Of course I won't just let him do scientific research for such a talent... He will become our spokesperson. Didn't China official throw out a girl named Liu Ranran? This is a kind of competition, they Want to prove that under their system, scientific researchers will develop better."

"However, this is impossible. We will push Wen Xiao to the forefront of the world, we will give him scientific research results, give him economic benefits, give him power and social status... In short, I want him to come Be our advertising spokesperson."

Tom nodded.

"Understood, what you want to do is to make him an Internet celebrity scholar. If that's the case, then there are indeed many things we can do, but I'm afraid it will take time."

"How long are you going to spend on this? A year? Three years?"

Monte drained the glass, then held up two fingers.

"Two years? Well, it's really an appropriate time..."

"Not two years, Tom, but two months."

"Look, you haven't thoroughly understood China's online environment or their people until now."

"Yes, their people are tough and smart, these facts cannot be denied. But at the same time, they are also impatient."

"They are eager to succeed, and eager to ascend to the sky in one step. To use an ancient Chinese poem, it is called 'Dawn is Tian Shelang, and twilight ascends to the Son of Heaven'."

"A year is still too long for them. They have too many examples of getting rich overnight, so if Wenxiao is to become our advertisement, he must rise above those who got rich overnight. faster."

"Within a month, I will hand over all the results of the Navigator project to him, and then, I will convert all these results into benefits."

"I want him to become a real life Ying Family within two months."

Hearing this, Tom's brow wrinkled slightly, and after thinking for a while, it suddenly relaxed again.

"I see what you mean. But there's one more thing we need to do—what we gave him, we'll always have back, right?"


Monte smiled and nodded to Tom, and after refilling his glass, the two glasses collided in the dim light.


Two days later, Wen Xiao, who was still busy with his project in the laboratory, suddenly received a message.

The Navigator Project will carry out subject consolidation, and combine all related subjects into a large subject that connects upstream and downstream, including more than ten subjects from materials to thermal power, from aerodynamic design to finishing.

And he, will be selected as the leader of all these topics.

This is an honor that has never been seen before, and it is also a feat of leaping to the sky.

Even Wen Xiao, who was still struggling with the tax investigation, had the illusion that his life was full of joy at this moment.

He couldn't wait to call Lin Xin to tell her the good news. Lin Xin's tone on the other end of the phone was even more excited than his.

But what he didn't know was that after hanging up the phone, Lin Xin's face instantly turned cold.

Then, a cold smile appeared again.

From her point of view, this man didn't realize that the gifts that fate gave him were actually already priced.

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