From Ye Zhou's point of view, the battle for public opinion has temporarily come to an end. The tax department will harass Wen Xiao non-stop during this period of time, doing their best to prevent the other party from jumping out and doing things while the sedan chair project is in progress.

At the same time, the intelligence department has also noticed the movement of the Navigator project team, and noticed the sudden improvement of Wen Xiao's position within the project team. For this improvement, they are keenly aware of the danger and immediately reported it to the project team. Public opinion control office, but before the other party really takes action, all they can do is to prepare for possible attacks.

After all, this is an overseas project. Although we know there is a problem, it is basically impossible to directly interfere under the current circumstances.

Based on this situation, Ye Zhou made his own suggestion.

It is urgent to cancel the work of the navigator's physical organization in the country. Although it is impossible to prohibit this research work that is "incomparably normal" in the world, no matter whether it is water and electricity, or any other extra-disc The means, in short, they must be forced out of the port city within a month.

I can't interfere with your freedom to eat with a spoon or chopsticks, but I can find a way not to let you eat at my house.

After receiving Ye Zhou's instructions, the joint command immediately mobilized all forces and started preparations. According to their expectations, these actions against the entity organization will be launched one after another within a month, considering that these actions may affect other people from Overseas, really beneficial scientific research cooperation projects have a bad impact, and the confidentiality level of these actions is all defined as top-secret level 2.

After arranging all the work, Ye Zhou finally had time to complete the long-delayed but extremely important things.

The technology acquired in the simulator in the early stage has been completely absorbed. He imported all the technical documents into several hard disks, and then passed these hard disks to the superior through the intelligence department.

Two days later, a rare gathering of many different faces in the small red house in the imperial capital.

In front of them was a huge screen, which played the summary and analysis of the technical documents provided by Ye Zhou by experts in various fields.

The man in the tunic sitting at the very center spoke first.

"Everyone, we have already read the technical documents, vvr-c small nuclear reactor design, nuclear powered aircraft structure, high-thrust aero-engine design, high temperature resistant material formula, heat insulation material formula, plus this is called 'matrix' The professional aeroengine design software... oh, yes, there is also a nuclear bomb miniaturization scheme."

"I feel that this Ye Zhou is trying to force us to engage in the so-called Nantianmen project that he said -- but, according to the analysis of experts, these technological breakthroughs have basically solved all the problems we may encounter. The only difficulty is how long it will take us to learn and absorb these technologies.”

"So, what do you think about the current situation? Do you want to do it? If you want to do it, what is the time plan?"

The man in military uniform sitting in front of him raised his hand first, and after he nodded, the man in military uniform immediately said firmly:

"First, I want to state my opinion."

"I think this Nantianmen project is very good, very good!"

"I know that some of you may have doubts about such a mega-project, thinking that it will cost too much money, take up too many resources, and will slow down our economic development."

"However, I have to remind you that in the development of the navy, we have suffered from daunting losses!"

"During that time, our navy could not serve a single ship a year!"

"No one looks down on the navy - not only our own people, but even laymen look down on us, let alone an aircraft carrier. What were our thoughts at that time? I think it is a fantasy to build an aircraft carrier!"

"At that time, I went to tell others about aircraft carriers, and as soon as I turned my head, they scolded me behind my back! Is there anything wrong with me? They scolded me for knowing about aircraft carriers all day long, and they called me crazy! They said we had no money! "

"Yes, we were poor at that time, but even if we didn't build an aircraft carrier, we would never be so poor that we couldn't even build a single ship in a year, right?"

"This is a strategic mistake and a lesson for us!"

"During the period when the navy was not strong, how many islands did we lose? How many economic zones did we lose? How many fishing grounds and marine resources did we lose? Isn't the loss of these resources more than the cost of our navy?"

"At the worst time, even non-protocols dared to bully us and detain our fishing boat!"

"When I think about these things, I get angry, I want to scold people, and I want to cry!"

Having said that, the man in the military uniform took the teacup and took a gulp of water. After calming his heaving chest, he continued:

"The things of the past are over, and I don't want to turn over those old accounts. Let's just talk about now."

"Our navy has become stronger. Three aircraft carriers, dozens of destroyers, and countless submarines. It really cost a lot of money—but are we losing money?"

"Then you say, are we at a loss?"

"No loss at all! Now in the offshore field, who else dares to point fingers at us? Non-concierge? Will he try again?"

"Island, one by one, the actual control has been taken back, the airport has been built, and the development of seabed resources is also being done. These economic benefits, not to mention three aircraft carriers, we can afford three more!"

"Our navy is moving towards the deep blue, and the incident of Minjinyu 5179 cannot and should not happen again, because now, our 10,000-ton coast guard ships are staring at the sea all the time. Fly over their heads in minutes!"

"This is the story of our navy. Logically speaking, the Nantianmen project is an air force project, and I, an old man in the navy, should be opposed to it - your air force has eaten up resources, and our navy will eat less! "

"But, I really can't say such a thing."

"We have j-20 in the Air Force, but this is not enough. What we need to do is not only fly into the sky, but also occupy the sky."

"To occupy the sky, it is not enough to rely on a few stealth aircraft. We need strategic bombers, we need large early warning aircraft, we need constant air patrols, we need integrated air and space operations... These things, one by one It's too slow to do it, we just have to have a project to bring all these technologies together and launch them all at once!"

"The analysis documents of your experts, and then listen to Ye Zhou's recording. Both these experts and he himself have made it very clear."

"The final result of the Nantianmen project is not necessarily the key point. The key point is the fruits that are produced during the progress of the project. Each time one of these fruits is picked, we are one step closer to truly owning our own sky."

"So, to sum up, my suggestion is to start the Nantianmen plan immediately, and allocate resources according to the optimal allocation!"

After listening to the words of the man in the military uniform, everyone present fell into contemplation.

As he said, the current strength of the Huaxia Air Force is not a comprehensive strength, but a longboard effect in some areas.

What if one day this longboard is broken?

So our sky... can we hold it?

After a long time, sporadic discussions began to sound, and the man in the Zhongshan suit sitting in the middle watched this scene with emotion and was silent.

After a discussion, the people in the small room began their speeches one by one, and their views differed in detail, but all reached a consensus.

The Nantianmen project must be undertaken.

Not for anything else, just for the sky of China.

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