Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 158 The Only Constant Name

The Nantianmen project was officially approved, but for such a super-large project, it would take months even to make a preliminary planning framework and confirm the participating departments. In that house, only one thing was finally determined.

members of the leadership team.

As we all know, in China's power system, organizations with smaller names tend to have greater power, and the so-called leadership group is the pinnacle of it.

If a certain leading group participates in a project, it means that the core of power will personally lead the team, and its importance is self-evident.

What makes the Nantianmen project even more special is that this time there is only one name on the leadership team.

Ye Zhou.

Other than that, all members are drafted by position.

The reason is very simple, this is a super long-term project with a time span of 50 years or even a hundred years. All the leaders present will be replaced, but only Ye Zhou will be the core of this project from beginning to end.

That afternoon, the list of the leadership team was handed out to Ye Zhou. Ye Zhou breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the well-known positions above.

It seemed that the superiors attached more importance to the Nantianmen project than he expected.

This list not only includes those departments he originally asked to participate in the project, but also complements the people he has left out, but who are essential to the project.

For Ye Zhou, the only uncertainty now is when the project will be released.

The Navigator Project is constantly moving. As an application project, the sedan chair project cannot be disclosed to the public. Only by announcing the Nantianmen Project as soon as possible can it be a shock to them.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou shook his head. After signing the document sent by the intelligence officer, he wrote his suggestion below.

"I hope to seize the time to start as soon as possible."

The intelligence officer did not read the contents signed by Ye Zhou, and after sealing the document, he saluted and left.

Ye Zhou grabbed his phone and glanced at the time. It was two o'clock in the afternoon on Saturday, and the factory had been on vacation for two days after a long absence, which just gave him time to complete the plot simulation of the final stage of Heart of the Dragon.

He rested for a while, and after drinking a cup of strong tea, he tapped the bracelet lightly and entered the simulator.

After re-watching the plot replay, Ye Zhou entered the plot simulation again.

[Dragon Heart Five Stage Plot Simulation - Somersault Cloud]

After opening his eyes, Ye Zhou was still in a desert, this time he didn't hesitate, he immediately turned on the intercom and sent a warning to the internal channel.

"Everyone pay attention, there are enemies behind us. What about the peripheral security personnel? Why didn't they find it?"

Hearing his words, a comrade beside him turned to him in surprise, then turned his head slightly, and said to the communicator:

"Luanniao No. 1, turn on the infrared scan, take me as the center, and check if there are other enemies within five kilometers."

"Received, scanning."

Ye Zhou's communicator received a response from the sky synchronously, he looked up subconsciously, but there was nothing there.

Ye Zhou looked at the tactical watch in his hand, there were only two minutes left before the enemy launched an attack.

He clenched the gun quietly, then moved his body slowly, wanting to turn behind him and use optical equipment to check all the areas on the trajectory where the enemy might be lurking.

But his movements only lasted for a few seconds, and a slight explosion reached his ears across a distance of hundreds of meters.


Ye Zhou couldn't care less about concealment, and twisted his waist suddenly, his body deflected in one direction in the air.

It was this small deflection that made the bullet that was originally heading towards the back of his head deflected from its target.

The bullet hit his shoulder, and under the blocking of the Kevlar body armor, the huge impact instantly shattered his shoulder blade.

"There are enemies!"

The comrades beside Ye Zhou let out a low cry, and immediately returned fire with their guns. Gu Xiong

Ye Zhou rolled to the side, and the third comrade rushed forward and pulled out a suitcase from behind. He shoved the suitcase into the ground with force, then slammed the button, the suitcase unfolded instantly, and an alloy shield bunker appeared in the three before.

Ye Zhou grinned and crawled behind the bunker. He switched to holding a gun in his left hand. With the military instinct injected by the information flow, he fired back a few shots, and then began to call for support in the air.

"Luanniao No. 1, scan the heat source of the gun to find the enemy's location! Our target has been exposed and needs support!"

A few seconds later, Luanniao No. 1's reply came from the earphone.

"The heat source scan is completed, and the opponent has individual infrared shielding equipment and is conducting an ultrasonic scan."

"That's too late!"

Ye Zhou is backed by the bunker. According to the limited intelligence analysis, this operation has a high probability of failure. The reason why they did not quit the simulation immediately is that their three-person team is still alive, and there is still very little to complete the simulation. Opportunity.

There is no need to gamble on this slim hope in this simulation. It is the most profitable choice to seize the limited time to absorb as much memory injection as possible.

He took out a smoke bomb from the tactical gear and threw it around him, then called to the intercom:

"Luanniao No. 1, request to bombard the target point 1 km north of the smoke, within a radius of 500 meters, to suppress the enemy's firepower!"

As soon as his words fell, the comrades beside him immediately turned around to hold him down and shouted:

"Ye Zhou, are you crazy? The mission of bombing us is over now!"

Ye Zhou looked into his eyes, he could totally feel the other party's desire to complete the task.

For them, there is only one chance, and if they fail, it is a complete failure.

Ye Zhou sighed, he had already merged a lot of memories and already understood the details of the action, so he opened his mouth and explained:

"The purpose of our operation was to infiltrate and investigate, and the operation has failed since the exchange of fire. It is meaningless to continue. We must protect ourselves!"

While speaking, he confirmed his request into the intercom.

A few seconds later, Luanniao No. 1's reply came from the earphones of the three at the same time.

"The bombing is on the way, please set up cover immediately. It is expected to arrive in 30 seconds. 29, 28..."

"Set up cover!"

Ye Zhou's comrade-in-arms still wanted to talk, but he had already taken out the folding bunker from behind involuntarily. After the combination of the three bunkers, a small temporary fortress was quickly built.

"It failed this time, and we can't have another chance to find the target... Our actions leaked?"

"It's very possible. Infrared shielding for individual soldiers is not cheap. We have been lurking nearby for 3 days, and we have not found them after several scans and reconnaissance. That can only prove that they have been lurking longer than us..."

The three were huddled in the bunker, and the dense sound of bullets hitting the bunker continued to sound, but after just a few seconds, the sound stopped abruptly.

On the hillside not far away, the fire of the explosion shot up into the sky, and then, a thick yellow cloud rose from the sand and swept in their direction.

"Lie down to meet the shock!"

Ye Zhou issued the last instruction, and then, his eyes turned into darkness.

[The end of the five-stage simulation of Dragon Heart]

【Score for this simulation: h】

[Clue discovery: leaks]

[Reward (Clue Reward): 10 Energy Points]

Ye Zhou exited the simulation summary interface. Just as he thought, this infiltration operation did have a problem of leaking secrets in the early stage, and the consequence of leaking secrets was that someone lurked near the target point earlier than them, just to prevent them from attacking the target. Scouting of the target point.

Ye Zhou entered the playback interface, and while observing the details of the simulated scene, he began to integrate the memory of the action injected into his brain.

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