Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 159 Maozi's Infighting

According to the intelligence fused by Ye Zhou, this operation was aimed at several special rockets arranged by the Chou country at the International Aviation Launch Center. , thereby specifying targets for subsequent negotiations—or strikes.

The reason for sending personnel to personally enter the territory of other countries for investigation is also very simple. After Luan Bird and Jinwu occupy the entire sky, all enemies of China must face the sword of Damocles hanging over their heads at all times. , the ground facilities have no secrets, and they have only two choices.

First, move all facilities underground.

Second, unite and bind the interests of many countries in the world together.

The International Aviation Launch Center is a product of this background. It is organized by the Chou Kingdom and will move all the space bases of many countries in the Western camp together. In this way, if China wants to conduct an air strike on a certain target, it will be Facilities in other countries must be taken into account.

It's a turtle tactic, and while it's not decent, it's really very effective.

At least, in the several years after the establishment of the International Aerospace Launch Center, Jinwu never carried out a porcelain touch operation on it again.

After all, life can go on, and no one wants to tear their skin and force the other party to break the jar and use nuclear weapons to directly reopen the human world.

But this time, the problem we faced was a bit serious, forcing us to adopt an unconventional strategy, even if we dispatched ground troops, we had to interrupt the opponent's rocket launch.

Because the other party's rockets carry materials that can end the entire Somersault Cloud project.

From Ye Zhou's point of view, he didn't know what was in the opponent's rocket for the time being, but he knew that once the rocket was put into the sky, the integrated air and space combat strategy would fail completely.

Even if the Somersault Cloud dual-mode aerospace integrated engine is successfully developed, it will lose its usefulness.

Ye Zhou watched the playback screen frame by frame, first confirmed the direction of the attack, and then used the feature of the playback screen to zoom in and zoom out infinitely, and sure enough, he found the enemy lurking on the sand dunes.

However, what he didn't expect was that the identities of these enemies were completely different from what he expected.

Not from an ugly country.

The weapons they use are bear weapons.

Looking further, judging from the individual power armors on them, they should all belong to the Zalson Special Forces of the Bear Country. Their main task is to protect the security of overseas institutions and at the same time be responsible for some small-scale special military operations.

Although compared to the well-known signal flags, alpha and even ksso, this raging special force is not well-known, but their strength has never been ignored.

This is a knife that only lives in legend and is almost never unsheathed.

And now, the knife is pointed at us.

Ye Zhou can't understand the reason. According to his understanding of the situation in the next 50 years, although the relationship between Mao Xiong and our side at that time has passed the honeymoon period, due to our strong side, the similarity in the roots of the two countries has been Playing a role again, Mao Xiong is like a big brother who has been in the middle of the family after the separation, and has always maintained a tacit understanding of brotherhood.

Logically speaking, in such a critical project, Mao Xiong should not stab in the back.

Can't even the similarity of colors solve the "no eternal friends" curse?

But even so, how did they know our action plan?

Did they get the message before they launched their own action?

This seemed to be the only answer, but Ye Zhou also knew that it was absolutely impossible.

Their three-person team is also the elite of the elite. They have no external designation, do not participate in competitions, or even participate in low-intensity wars. The only time they appeared in history was in the battle in the 1970s. their records.

But at the same time, this sparsely populated detachment has concentrated the strongest combat power in the whole of China. The investment in equipment and economy is innumerable. Some people even commented that the cost of training a qualified team member is equivalent to manufacturing a medium-sized destroyer.

Ordinary special forces are made for tactics, but they are made for strategic operations.

For such a detachment, only the highest commander knows where they are going and what they need to do before taking action. If anyone can really guess their intentions, it can only be explained by magic.

Going back 10,000 steps, even the target of Chouguo didn't get the intelligence, where did Xiongguo get it?


There is such a possibility. After all, the International Aviation Launch Center has indeed been under the surveillance of the Maoxiong country. It is difficult to guarantee that the misunderstanding was not caused by the conflict of actions between the two countries.

But the problem is that they have been lurking for longer than their own, otherwise it is impossible to escape the multiple scans of their own air platform.

Under such a long lurking period, they should have time to report to the top and confirm our identity.

Ye Zhou scratched his head, expelling all the chaotic thoughts out of his mind.

It is useless to think so much, since it has already hit, it is nothing more than two choices of hitting and hiding.

Considering the goals of their own actions, the best way is to hide, and then use other means to force them back to ensure the smooth progress of the operation.

Ye Zhou exited the replay and re-entered the simulation.

[The five-stage simulation of Dragon Heart begins]

After opening his eyes, Ye Zhou immediately turned on the intercom and reported to the air command:

"Luanniao No. 1, please conduct an ultrasonic scan of the area one kilometer north of me so far to determine the enemy's location. In addition, I judge that the enemy is the Mao Bear Zalson Special Forces, please try to contact the other party's headquarters immediately to obtain the other party's intentions!"

Hearing his words, a teammate named Wen Feng gave him a surprised look, and then asked:

"Ye Zhou, what's the situation?"

Ye Zhou didn't answer, but turned around quickly to open the laser sights, projecting the laser on the opposite dune.

He wanted to try the other party's purpose.

If the other party really wants to kill them all, they should launch an attack as soon as they find their position exposed.

In the super-multiple electronic sights, Ye Zhou kept searching for the opponent's position. After 30 seconds passed, he finally found an unusual bulge on the sand dune.

That should be the hideout of Zalson's troops.

It's really well hidden, no wonder it evaded several optical and infrared scans.

He projected the laser to the front of the bulge, constantly switching it on and off, projecting a Morse signal representing an inquiry on the dune.

The signal lasted for nearly a minute, which, according to the experience of the first two simulations, exceeded the opponent's attack time.

Just as Ye Zhou's fingers gradually pulled the trigger, the same light spot suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

Short and precise, the flashes of light flashed a signal of "safety".

Really misunderstanding?

The third team member named Monsoon had turned the same direction as him. He also saw the light spot on the ground. While the muzzle of the gun was pointing in the direction of the dune, he asked:

"Brother Zhou, what's the situation? Why is Maozi here?"

Ye Zhou shook his head and replied:

"I don't know. We still need to continue to observe. Put up the shield. I'm worried that there may be a conflict in a while. Don't let the launch base notice the anomaly on our side."

The shielding mask mentioned by Ye Zhou is generally a kind of invisibility cloak. It is actually a 360-degree optical concealment mask based on negative refraction materials in the visible light region. This technology is not mature enough even in the future decades later. However, in the field of special operations, it is enough to achieve large-scale stealth in a long range.

The purpose of this is to buy as much time as possible to ensure that after the conflict with Mao Xiong is resolved, he can continue to complete the established tasks.

However, just as Monsoon nodded and unfolded the mask from his backpack, a light of fire passed from the distant sand dunes to Ye Zhou's eyes through the sights.

Already nervous, he immediately twisted his body, and the speed disadvantage of the subsonic bullet was revealed at this moment. It was not until he re-aimed at the gun that the bullet slowly crossed the distance of 700 meters and penetrated into the bullet in front of him. in the sand.

Shit, shot again.

"Don't fight back, don't fight back!"

Ye Zhou immediately pulled out the folded bunker from behind. Monsoon's shield was already set up. After the bunker was unfolded, he pulled up the two team members and threw them into the bunker's cover.

"Fuck, Brother Zhou, what's going on? How did Maozi beat us?"

"I don't know. Luanniao No. 1, we exchanged fire with Maoxiong Zalson's troops. Can the intention of the other party be confirmed?"

A few seconds later, Luan Bird replied.

"The identity of the other party has been confirmed, but the intention has not been reported. Do you need air support?"

"No need for air support, keep an eye on the launch base and check that our cover is complete!"

"The shielding is complete, there is no infrared signal leakage at present, and the optical shielding is complete. Everything is normal inside the launch base, and they have not discovered you yet."

Ye Zhou breathed a sigh of relief. After the first shot, the gunshots from the sand dunes also ceased. He looked out through the observation window of the bunker, and was surprised to find that all the bears were already there. Concealment removed.

The team of more than a dozen people was divided into two groups, and the guns were pointed at each other.

Ye Zhou moved in his heart and said to Wen Feng beside him:

"Turn on directional sonar and listen to what they're saying!"


Wen Feng unfolded a small horn from his shoulder, adjusted the direction, and began to hold his breath and listen silently.

A few seconds later, the sound of the distant sand dunes came over.

It's all Mao language, but Ye Zhou was surprised to find that he didn't sound any obstacle.

"...You are a mutiny!"

"Vadim, it would be a betrayal to let them destroy the rockets! We are only for the benefit of the country!"

"So you are going to the ugly country?"

"This is not a refuge, it's just a temporary cooperation, we have already been authorized by the general..."

"I only obey orders from the Foreign Intelligence Service!"


Ye Zhou frowned, and the doubts in his heart were finally explained.

This barrier unit has a problem.

No matter what the reason they were deployed here, but they attacked themselves before, definitely not received the official order of Mao Xiong.

As the opponent said, the Barrier Force is only subordinate to the Foreign Intelligence Service, and the Foreign Intelligence Service is only subordinate to the High Command.

But it was clear that the order to attack was given by a certain general.

This general, obviously like Chou Guo, wants to interrupt Huaxia's somersault cloud plan!

The situation is getting more complicated.

The listening information has been transmitted to the Luanniao No. 1 headquarters above through the communicator. After obtaining the key information, Luanniao immediately issued instructions to the three-person team below.

"The operation is canceled, and the evacuation is organized immediately. We have issued an emergency note, and be sure not to conflict with the other party!"

"Refused. I advocate continued observation. There are still 4 hours before the scheduled action time. If the other party can resolve the conflict by itself, we still have the possibility to continue the task."

After a pause for a few seconds, the reply from the command came over.

"Agree to continue to observe."

Ye Zhou glanced at the two teammates beside him, and calmly gave orders.

"Monsoon, monitor the situation on the opposite side, check that the guns are silenced, and the fire control radar is turned on. Wen Feng, continue to observe the situation in the launch center. If the other party responds, give me an early warning immediately!"

After the two team members replied briefly, they immediately entered the battle position according to Ye Zhou's request. Ye Zhou nervously observed Maozi's situation. The armor is automatically coupled, the fire control radar enters the working state, the individual soldier's exoskeleton self-stabilization system is activated, and the electronic sight recognizes twelve figures on the opposite dune.

Everything was ready. Unlike the unprepared conflict before, this time, Ye Zhou's three-man team completely took the initiative.

Under the high-tech stack at any cost, it is impossible for the opposing barrier troops to take any advantage.

Ye Zhou and the others were not using subsonic bullets with low power.

The desert was silent, except for the quarrel of Maozi from the inside of the earphones, only the rustling of the wind and yellow sand was left around the three of them.

Suddenly, a sharp explosion sounded!

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