Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 162 Passed One Level After Another

At 11 o'clock in the evening, Ye Zhou received the last version of the target instruction map and route plan. The three of them sorted out all the equipment and started to maneuver in the direction of the launch base.

During the process, the high-resolution cameras at the launch base will continuously scan the surrounding two-kilometer area, and as soon as a humanoid feature is identified, an alarm will be issued immediately.

However, most of the time this alarm mechanism is based on the AI ​​algorithm. As long as the infrared shielding and optical shielding masks are activated, the possibility of being discovered at this distance is actually not high.

The three of them adjusted the power of the exoskeleton to full load and moved forward along the shadow of the dune. It took less than 15 minutes to reach 30 meters outside the base.

This is the hidden spot Luanniao planned for them in advance. At this point, they need to make a final observation, find out the running fan of the patrolling camera, pass the fan to Luanniao, and then perform image simulation through Luanniao's analysis. Combined, laser projection is used to project a false picture onto the photosensitive element of the camera.

There are a total of three cameras involved in this intrusion route. Monsoon arranged three miniature laser projections according to the direction of the cameras, and then three highly concentrated bright lights shone directly into the cameras.

"Quick, start entering, the guard patrol counts down to 20 seconds. 19, 18..."

In Wen Feng's countdown sound, Ye Zhou and Monsoon quickly deployed the hook and shot into the wall, and then the exoskeleton ran at full speed, sending them to the high wall with the fastest speed.

This wall is covered with power grids. When they are close to the last two meters of the top, the two people stop rising. Then they grab the rope and kick their legs suddenly. The exoskeleton assist system is activated. The top of the wall swayed a full circle, and then landed on the other side of the wall.

The hook lock automatically fell off, and the two of them landed gently. At this time, Wen Feng had just counted down to 5, and Ye Zhou pressed the communicator twice. Wen Feng immediately cut off the laser projection, and the guard turned around and found nothing abnormal.

After another cycle, Wen Feng entered the high wall with the same operation. They hid in the only blind spot of the camera and began to check the further route.

The information obtained from the aerial reconnaissance of Luanniao-1 was not completely accurate, and there were too many target points.

After checking the table, all three of them put on a shield.

At present, the optical shielding masks used by the military are already the most advanced ones. However, due to the performance of negative refraction metamaterials, the shielding masks can only achieve the best results at two extremes - extremely large range and extreme In a small area, medium-sized targets like the human body are the most embarrassing. If you look at them, you may really think that they are invisible, but you can see that the light in that small area is distorted with just one more look.

What's more unfavorable is that optical shielding masks have been publicly reported countless times around the world, and countries have carried out targeted training for their personnel, and they are no strangers to the effects of shielding masks.

No one would think it was hell, they would just shoot without hesitation when they noticed the anomaly.

Because only the infiltrator would do such a small gesture.

Ye Zhou took a deep breath, turned the power of the exoskeleton to the lowest level, tried to avoid noise as much as possible, and then slowly stepped out of the shadows.

In his mind, he repeatedly compared the scene in front of him according to the previous route plan, and the route hints from the Luanniao headquarters kept coming from his earphones.

Turn around the corner, wait 30 seconds, and enter the next shadow.

The first target is right in front of you, but to reach the target, you need to go through an extra-long open area.

The safest way is to open the shielding cover and slowly climb over according to the command's instructions, but he is very skeptical of the actual effect of this.

Maybe it just prolongs the time of death.

After pondering for a while, Ye Zhou calculated the fan-shaped area of ​​all the cameras in the open area, and after confirming that there was no gap, he rushed out with a single stride.

The distance is 370 meters, and the sprint time takes 50 seconds. During this process, as long as a guard takes a look here, you can find this distorted light and shadow moving in the open space.

In the 24th second, Ye Zhou fell to the ground, and the hardened ground did not stir up any dust, which made him feel lucky.

If the designer of this base were a little smarter and covered all the ground with sand, then he would probably leave a string of long footprints on the ground behind him like Jerry who drank the invisibility potion in the cat and the mouse. .

The guards who glanced over did not find Ye Zhou, and at the 40th second, Ye Zhou got up again.

After 25 seconds, he reached the launch pad and brought down the only guard beside the launch pad at a very fast speed, then supported him on the rocket structure frame, and attached the pre-prepared artificial eye to him. face.

The purpose of this is not to fool the guards, but to fool the AI ​​that comes with the camera that is about to scan.

Ye Zhou didn't make any sound. He took out the special detector from the equipment and placed it on the outer wall of the rocket. With his remote control, the detector began to circle around the rocket's main body, and checked the contents of the rocket's cargo compartment through X-rays. thing.

This process took nearly two minutes, Ye Zhou stared nervously at the guard he had put in a standing position, for fear of being spotted by other guards.

Fortunately, the only guard who cross-checked did not find any abnormalities. Ye Zhou's scan has entered the final stage. Judging from the image transmission data, there is indeed something hidden inside the rocket. Next, he needs to drill the outer wall of the rocket. Holes for direct sampling of internal cargo.

But just as Ye Zhou was operating the detector, he noticed out of the corner of his eye that the guards on the side suddenly raised their guns for no reason, and then sirens blared loudly throughout the base.

What are you doing? ?

Ye Zhou didn't understand the reason at all, but looking at the enemies swarming towards him, he also realized that he should have been exposed.

Just as he was about to take off the mask, Wen Feng's voice suddenly came from his earphones.

"Ye Zhou, get out! All the guards have heart rate monitors! Fuck, we shouldn't knock them out at all!"

Hearing Wen Feng's words, Ye Zhou finally understood the crux of the problem.

However, it was too late now.

Part of the guards had already gathered towards him, while the other part was obviously heading towards Wen Feng.

He took out a smoke grenade from the suit and threw out the mask, then took two steps back and shot directly, creating two huge holes in the rocket cargo compartment. The detector quickly entered the holes, and returned quickly after collecting samples.

The data has been uploaded, and now all he has to do is try to evacuate as much as possible, and then take the sample out.

But his attempts were unsuccessful.

The opponent's performance was more aggressive than he expected, and the moment he saw the smoke rise, all the guards began to retreat.

Afterwards, a rocket hit Ye Zhou's position without error. Under the violent explosion, Ye Zhou's eyes went black and he returned directly to the void.

[The end of the five-stage simulation of Dragon Heart]

[Reward: 10 energy points]

Ye Zhou frowned and looked at the settlement interface, deeply feeling the difficulty of this simulation.

Now, the only way to break the jar is blocked.

Either open Wushuang, or you can only sneak through the whole process---you can't kill people.

What kind of ghost simulation is this, the task of dead cells is not so difficult.

Ye Zhou wanted to try the simulation again, but his energy had reached the lowest point, so he had to give up.

After exiting the simulator, he suddenly remembered the words sung by the simulated Chinese Feng.

He obviously has the most advanced weapons and equipment, but he can't use it at all. This is really like mourning for a wild geese in the sky, like a dragon swimming on a shallow beach...

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