Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 163 Photos That Shouldn't Appear

After returning to reality, Ye Zhou recalled the layout of the air launch base and the sentry setting in his mind, and found that it was almost impossible to avoid the sight of all the guards if he didn't hurt people.

But heart rate monitoring is a big problem. Once a guard is unconscious, their heart rate will immediately drop below the normal value, and the system will also give a direct alarm.

Another almost unsolvable problem.

Ye Zhou sighed and comforted himself, anyway, his luck was not bad, the first goal was to find the evidence he needed, at least he didn't need to think about the follow-up, just figured out how to get the materials out.

There are still two days left on the weekend. In order to replenish his energy, Ye Zhou slept for a day. When he woke up, there were already several missed calls on his mobile phone.

It's all from my sister.

During this period of time, I was busy with the sedan chair project. Ye Zhou hadn't called her for a long time. Usually, the contact on WeChat was only a few words, which was a little lack of concern.

Ye Zhou rubbed his head sober for a moment, clicked on WeChat, and saw the message from Ye Lan at the top.

"Brother! How is your project!"

"When are you coming back, bro?"

"Brother, did you have your cell phone taken away? Why is your cell phone taken away?"

"Brother, my security has been strengthened recently, are you all right?"

"Brother, I've been fine lately, I'm so bored, can I go and play with you?"

"Don't answer the phone, I'm going to find my boyfriend."

Ye Zhou read the news with tears and laughter. It is estimated that this girl's affairs with the financial project team has come to an end, and the postgraduate entrance examination has also ended. She felt a little uncomfortable when she was idle for a while, so she came to harass herself.

However, given the current situation of the sedan chair project team, it is absolutely impossible for her to come here. This is not only due to the requirement of confidentiality, but also the principle of project operation.

If anyone can plug people into the project team at will, then this project should not be done at all.

After thinking for a moment, Ye Zhou made a direct video call. Soon, Ye Lan's surprised face appeared on the screen.

"Brother! Are you alive?"

"...I'll be a hammer. Seeing that you sent so many messages, I'm afraid you'll be worried. I'll report you peace."

Ye Lan at the other end of the video nodded with satisfaction. She was indeed a little worried during the period when Ye Zhou didn't reply.

There is no explanation for this kind of worry. He clearly knows that he is in the safest place, and he knows how many people are around him to protect him, but he just can't let it go.

Probably this is the concern in the blood flowing between the family members.

But why does it seem like Mom and Dad don't care at all----Oh yes, they have always been stocking this son.

Thinking of this, Ye Lan said:

"I'm quite worried. I always feel that something is wrong when you don't have any news...Did you tell your parents?"

"I said, but I haven't been in touch much. I've been too busy recently."

"Be busy, be busy... When will your project end?"

"How can I tell you this? It's all confidential. It's already an exception for me to give you this call."


Ye Lan's expression on the opposite side was a little disappointed, but soon became cheerful again.

"Brother, your project is over, can I apply for the first seat?"

"...You are my brother, we are working on the engine, you fly on the engine? By the way, this is top-secret information, the rules and regulations have been emphasized to you, and it must not be leaked, do you understand?"

"I understand, I understand, I'm staying at home every day now, don't worry, I'm just curious. By the way, brother, one more thing, have you looked at your own scarf?"

Hearing Ye Lan's words, Ye Zhou was stunned for a moment and replied:

"You haven't written me off this thing yet? I didn't see it, what's wrong?"

"Uh... I saw someone say under your scarf that you're in love."

"I'm in love? Why don't I know, with whom?"

Ye Zhou is full of question marks. He was indeed considered a half public figure before, and he has also appeared sporadically to call him her husband, but it is not to the extent that netizens will knock him on the head, right?

"With a guy named Liu Ranran, he seems to be from your side, right? I think what he said is quite true..."


Hearing Ye Lan's words, Ye Zhou was instantly alerted.

Liu Ranran was originally a banner they launched to fight the leader's public opinion war. In theory, it shouldn't have anything to do with him.

Now at this node, how could someone pull themselves and her CP?

More importantly, Ye Lan said "very true", which means that the other party must have half-truth evidence.

This is very dangerous.

If it is from insiders, I am afraid there will be a risk of leakage.

Hearing the change in Ye Zhou's tone, Ye Lan also realized that this matter might not be as simple as she thought, she was silent for a moment, and after organizing the language, she replied:

"I don't know where it came from at first, but now someone under your scarf is saying that the reason why Liu Ranran can get so much attention is because the official promotion."

"She said that her own strength is not strong, and it is mainly because of your face that she said that Liu Ranran is from a high school with you."

"Then, he also said that he saw you in Fengtian, and guessed that you were with Liu Ranran in the past."

Hearing this, Ye Zhou felt alarm bells in his heart, and quickly asked:

"Any pictures? I mean, is there a picture of me in Fengtian?"

"Yes, he posted it, but it's blurry. I'll send it to you."

"Send it to me immediately, don't talk, hang up."

Ye Zhou hung up the phone and immediately called the Public Opinion Office and the Intelligence Office respectively. He sternly demanded that both parties rush to the office immediately and Chen Hao to be there.

After hanging up the phone, Ye Zhou got up and went to the office. He had already received the photo sent by Ye Lan on his mobile phone. It turned out to be him, and the location was inside Liming Aviation!

What are you doing?

Liming Aviation has implemented comprehensive communication controls, all social media platforms have been banned, and limited external contacts are limited to family members.

Even the most peripheral cleaning personnel, as long as they enter the core site of the sedan chair project, are managed on the same principle.

In a word, those who can take pictures of him can't send them out, and those who can send them can't take pictures of him.

It is simply impossible for his photos to appear on the Internet, unless there are management loopholes.

After arriving at the office, Ye Zhou directly pulled out the comments sent by Ye Lan and handed them to the public opinion staff, who also realized the seriousness of the matter.

He immediately arranged to delete the post and ban the account, and then submitted the information to the intelligence department for emergency tracking and positioning.

After the emergency measures were completed, several talents finally sat down.

Looking at the two in front of him, Ye Zhou asked:

"Why does this happen? Why can someone post my photo on the Internet? How big is the spread? Did you monitor it in the early stage? Did you find out the ip of the browsing record? Are there any Ugly country affiliates visiting?"

The intelligence officer who asked Ye Zhou's series of questions was a little confused, but at the same time he had to sigh at Ye Zhou's clear thinking.

That's right, it's not a big deal for someone to take a photo and throw it online, but if you let your opponent know that Ye Zhou is in Liming Factory, then it will be a big problem.

Since the chip project, Ye Zhou has always been on the opponent's high attention list, and every action of his may trigger the opponent's strategy change.

The last time he was in Spark Engineering, the lithography machine appeared.

This time at the Dawn Factory, it is difficult to guarantee that the other party will not raise the alert level of the so-called Turbofan 18 project.

Thinking of this, he clarified his thoughts and answered one question by one:

"At present, we have launched an internal investigation, and the result will take about two hours. We will find out who took the photo, and then we will know why it was sent."

"The spread is currently very small. The actual number of views of these comments is less than 30, which is why we have not monitored it. The impact is too small."

"After the comment was issued, all the IPs that have entered the original text have also been exported, no more than 500. At present, they are actually checked one by one, and the preliminary screening results do not overlap with our sensitive personnel database."

"In addition, the itinerary record we made for you in the early stage is still in the deep city. If you need to, you can actually refute it, but there is no need for this at present-overreacting is easy to reveal."

Hearing this, Ye Zhou's dangling heart relaxed a little bit, but he still didn't understand, who got his photo and why did he post it online?

Ye Zhou faintly smelled some conspiracy in it.

This matter seems to be not as simple as what he has seen so far.

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