Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 164 Still Start With The Material

Two hours later, Ye Zhou received the latest investigation results, and the person who posted the photo was indeed a staff member of Liming Aviation, and was also a senior engineer named Gao Xiaosheng.

However, he did not actually participate in the sedan chair project this time, because he had a record of going abroad to sensitive countries within half a year.

This made all the people involved in the investigation frown. If he is not in the sedan chair project team, then their office area is completely isolated from the sedan chair project team's office area. How did he photograph Ye Zhou?

This can't be explained by reasons such as "coincidence" and "accidental encounter", right?

Unlike ordinary case trials, which follow the principle of never suspecting a crime, on the intelligence battlefield, investigators follow the principle of never suspecting a crime, and now there are too many doubts about Gao Xiaosheng.

First, why did he make up the rumor that Ye Zhou was in love with Liu Ranran on a whim?

Second, why did he think of secretly photographing Ye Zhou, and how did he get it?

Third, although he is not a member of the sedan chair project team, he is also a senior researcher of Liming Aviation. All of his personal mobile phones should be equipped with network shields, and all the information related to social postings every day will be sent to Liming Aviation. The information security department issued a warning, but this time there was no warning at all.

These points still require further interrogation, but in any case, until he is completely cleared of suspicion, he should be treated as a leaker.

After waiting for another two hours, the results of the first interrogation were sent to Ye Zhou, and the other party's answer was very brief.

Made up for fun, the secret shot is mainly to satisfy vanity and want to show off. The isolation area is not completely closed. When he was testing the telephoto function of the new mobile phone, he accidentally photographed Ye Zhou.

Without being warned by the network shield, it is because the new mobile phone has not had time to install the network shield.

As for his statement, not only Ye Zhou, but also no one in the intelligence department believed it, but the simpler the statement, the more self-consistent logic. He only needs to die for these reasons, based on the current situation that does not involve project leaks , the intelligence department really can't do anything about him, at most Liming Factory will fire him, and then detain him for a few days according to the security detention method.

After listening to the introduction of the intelligence officer, Ye Zhou asked:

"Are there any clues that he has had financial transactions overseas, or that he has received gifts?"

"No, it's too clean, but because his cleanliness is a bit outrageous, it makes us suspicious. Generally speaking, a person like him who often needs to travel abroad will have some problems more or less - these Problems are overwhelmingly caused by lack of caution."

"So the point of contradiction is here. How could a person who is cautious enough to never have any problems make such a stupid mistake at such a moment? I don't believe it. I plan to apply for special disposal rights to my superiors. Lock him up for a while."

Hearing the other party's decision, Ye Zhou finally nodded.

This is the safest way now. It is absolutely impossible to let him leave like this until the purpose of the other party is clear.

A rare weekend was ruined like this, but Ye Zhou couldn't do anything about it. After returning to his residence, he began to try to use the talent of decision-makers to deduce the other party's intentions, but the information he has so far is too little. , he has no way to construct a logical chain.

So he had no choice but to put this matter aside first. After all, although this matter is bizarre, if we really study it carefully, its impact on the sedan chair project is actually limited.

The sedan chair project is a military project, and there are not many restrictive measures that the other party can take, except for upstream patent restrictions and talent competition.

The upstream patent restrictions are mainly concentrated on high temperature resistant materials and thermal insulation coatings. Originally, these two aspects could not be produced by domestic aviation manufacturers and had to be purchased externally. But now, the application of fluorescent iron to combustion chambers has achieved corresponding As a result, the tbc coating based on the star rock substrate has also been successfully applied, and these two dead ends have been hit.

Then, even if the other party really raised the restriction level because Ye Zhou sailed in Liming, it wouldn't actually have much impact.

As for talent competition?

The battlefield of public opinion on Wen Xiao's side is one aspect, but you want to attack Ye over and kill him?

The Northern Theater is no joke with you.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou shook his head. After expelling the distracting thoughts in his heart, he lay down on the bed and re-entered the simulator.

He did not intend to simulate, but to extract as much detail as possible from the playback and re-examine a feasible solution.


While the Intelligence Department of the sedan chair project team was continuously reviewing Gao Xiaosheng, on the other side of the sea, in the strategic analysis office, the owner of this office, Ai Sen, was staring at the screen in front of him, with the analyst on the side holding the report. are reporting their latest findings.

"...The other party's reaction to Ye Zhou was very intense. The comments we posted have been deleted directly, the account has been banned, and the informant has been arrested."

"The good news is that this informant is one of our cleanest informants. As long as he can be bitten to death, it is impossible for Huaxia to catch anything."

"The bad news is that from this test, we can fully confirm that this man named Ye Zhou plays a huge role in the existing projects of Liming Aviation, and this person has brought us too many surprises before. , this time is likely to be the same.”

Eisen nodded, his tone indifferent, but his words approvingly said:

"Very good, you have learned not to look down on them now, which is good. Now tell me, what role do you think Ye Zhou will play in their project?"

The analyst turned the document in his hand and replied:

"According to the information we have, this Ye Zhou is a genius in the chip field, and has played a huge role in the research and development of Yinglong eda and the manufacture of lithography machines."

"Then, we have reason to speculate that his areas of expertise may include the following broad categories: computer science, materials science, optics, precision automation, circuit systems, mathematics, and applied physics."

"We made a list of the disciplines required in the chip field and the aerospace field, and speculated that Ye Zhou's most overlapping fields are: precision automation, materials science, and mathematical modeling."

"So, we preliminarily judge that the reason why Ye Zhou appeared there is likely to be related to the work on high temperature resistant materials, tbc, turbofan blade structure and heat dissipation design, aerodynamic design, finishing or superplastic forming."

"The other party is likely to have made breakthrough progress in these fields because of Ye Zhou. Therefore, my judgment is that their project this time cannot be the turbofan 18 project, but should be an experiment for some new technologies. Sexual Manufacturing Project.”

"This project is very likely to be an improvement on the already available turbofan 15. After all, they are currently eagerly seeking the j-20 to ship, which requires their engines to have greater thrust."

After listening to the analyst's words, Eisen nodded with satisfaction, and then continued to ask:

"So, what should our strategy be now? Is there a way we can stop them?"

The analyst was silent for a moment, then tentatively replied:

"Maybe we can also impose restrictions on their upstream industries, or... directly find a way to attack Ye Zhou?"

"Idiot! Why can't you be smart today? Do you think such a key military project is useful for restricting the upstream industry? Do you think they will let us kill Ye Zhou under their noses?!"

"Idiot! What I want you to see is the essence of things! The essence! Understand?"

Seeing the guilty look on the analyst's face, Eisen sighed and said:

"Forget it, you've done a good job today. It's fine now. Your previous analysis is all correct, but you have seen the core of the problem."

"The core of the question is, why did they build this engine?"

"The answer is simple, they're going to use it! They're going to use this engine on their planes!"

"And what we have to do is to make them unavailable!"

"Now, are you clear? Under the premise of not being able to interfere with their research and development process, how should we make them not use this engine?"

The analyst stared at Eisen dumbfounded, and his mind went blank for a moment.

Can't stop the other party from researching and developing, but also make the other party useless?

After a while, he shook his head.

Eisen glanced at him helplessly and said:

"It's okay, it's okay, this is really not an area you can reach, and you really don't see this possibility from your perspective."

"However, what we need to do is actually very simple..."

"It's the material, titanium alloy material."

"Yes, whether it is in Fengfei or Liming, we have no way to insert our people into the core field."

"But at their biggest supplier of titanium alloys, at Baotai Group, we have people."

"Just a little change in the formula of the high-end titanium alloy they leave the factory, and then send this batch of titanium alloy to the Dawn factory, can make the engine project completely fail."

"The engine can spin up, even well, but its lifespan is greatly reduced."

"It is impossible for them to find out the reason. Even us, it took more than ten years to understand the reason for the reduction in the life of the engine blades."

"How can an engine whose service life does not meet the requirements be used?"

"Even if they find out about the abnormal titanium alloy formula, it must be a long, long time."

"If you can hold them back for a year, it is enough to be called a success. If you are lucky enough to hold them back for more than three years, then no matter what kind of engine they build, they have missed the last chance."

"The gap between them and us will get bigger and bigger... Now, go to convey my order, our informants have seen the procurement needs of Liming Aviation, don't let them wait too long. …”

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