Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 165 A Huge Sum Of Money For A Small Person

Chen Hao distributed the money faster than Ye Zhou expected, and the method of distribution was simpler and cruder. There was no notification. On the next morning, all the participants of the project team saw the bank card salary on their mobile phones. information.

From 50,000 per person for the outermost ordinary workers to 300,000 per person for the top-level engineers, the amount has not been calculated in detail, but simply divided by position and then distributed.

Logically speaking, such a division method should bring many questions, such as why I have a higher bonus than him, why am I the same as him, why I work so much harder than him, and the bonus is a little higher than him, etc. Yes, but Chen Hao suppressed all these complaints before they had time to appear in one sentence when he issued a notice to all the staff.

"It's not a bonus, it's a heat subsidy."

Ye Zhou looked at the 300,000 yuan that had also arrived on his mobile phone, feeling speechless and wanting to laugh.

The weather in December gave him a subsidy for high temperature, and he really couldn't figure it out.

But what he didn't know was that in fact, in this factory, the issuance of high temperature subsidies in December is really not a rare thing.

State-owned factories have a long process and complicated budget granting. Sometimes the funds that have been applied for and approved have to be released for several months. The employees in the factory have long been accustomed to this kind of operation. It's not surprising at all.

Their attention was all drawn to the staggeringly large amount.

Of course, this so-called large amount is actually relative.

For example, for Ye Zhou, this is just a simple number, but for Wang Hu's family, the 60,000 yuan he received is almost equal to their family's income for half a year.

As soon as he received the money, Wang Hu immediately checked the information with the surrounding workers. After confirming that everyone had received the same amount of money, he finally felt relieved.

During this period of time, there was a lot of overtime. According to their overtime pay of 1.5 times 1.2, the total amount of zero and zero was around 20,000 yuan. The leader gave some bonuses, and it was reasonable to get 60,000 yuan.

But what he didn't expect was that the money really wasn't overtime pay or a bonus.

According to Chen Hao's notice, everyone's bonuses will not be calculated until after the project ends, and now they are only given some additional subsidies.

In other words, this is free money.

At this moment, Wang Hu couldn't hold back.

Huge sum of money!

Originally, he worked overtime during this period of time to earn more overtime pay and to make money for the living expenses of the child going to college in the coming year. After all, the child is old, and the cost of food and clothing can't be worse than others when he travels far away. With this money, not only the living expenses, but also he can drive the whole car for himself.

The whole day after receiving the money, he felt like he was working like a chicken blood. He happened to bump into an urgent production task. As a result, he worked from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm without even thinking about eating. But I didn't feel hungry at all.

It was not until the team leader came over and saw that he had timed out, and specially arranged for someone to come over and let him go back to rest first, and he felt in a trance that his body was almost exhausted.

After leaving the workshop, Wang Hai went to the supermarket in the factory area to buy two cans of Red Bull for himself, then went to the cafeteria to eat a large bowl of beef noodles, and finally walked unsteadily towards the dormitory.

When the project team was established before, their group of workers also implemented closed management. Those with family members were placed in single dormitories, and those without family members lived in group dormitories. He simply took his wife in because his children were studying abroad. in one piece.

When he returned to the dormitory, his wife was sitting on the bedside watching a boring TV series. Seeing him walk in, she asked in surprise:

"Why did you come back so early today? Don't work overtime?"

Wang Hu threw his work clothes on the bed, leaned back on the chair and replied:

"I won't work today, I've worked too much during the day, and the leaders won't let me work overtime."

"It's okay if you don't add it. You're too tired during this time. For the overtime pay, don't burn yourself out..."

Hearing his wife's words, Wang Hai smiled and said:

"You still have to work overtime. You don't make money if you have money. But to be honest, our man made a lot of money today! Do you know how much?"

"How many?"

The woman sat up curiously and reached for Wang Hu's mobile phone. Wang Hu obediently handed it to her, and then replied:


"60,000?? Where did it come from??"

The woman flipped through the text messages on the phone, and when she saw the number on the message on the bank's arrival reminder, she raised her head and looked at Wang Hai in disbelief and asked:

" all your overtime work?"

"How can there be so much overtime! The leader said that this is a high temperature subsidy, but people with discerning eyes will know that this is a bonus! And it is a bonus for us to get even the rain and the dew, just to avoid some people complaining that it is too little, so it is deliberately said to be true High temperature subsidy!"

"Why are you giving out so many bonuses all of a sudden? Do you still need to contribute?"

"That's not!"

There was a proud smile on Wang Hu's face, and he continued to answer:

"The next step is to make a desperate effort. I heard that there is a big goal above. Those of us below have to work hard, or we won't be able to catch up with the construction period -- but then again, it's really worth the money for this job! "

"You said, I've been working in this factory for 20 years, and every year I get so many points. When have I ever seen so much salary?"

"In the past few months, not only have wages increased, but overtime pay has also increased. Now even the bonuses are starting to be so unreasonable. These days are really getting better."

Hearing Wang Hu's words, the woman was happy at first, and then a bit of sadness appeared in her eyes.

"I'm afraid it's only for a while. I've heard people say that the reason why the factory is so willing during this time is because there is a big leader in charge. I don't know what it will be like after he leaves... ."

"Go! Who did you listen to? Don't talk nonsense! Forgot the secrecy regulations?"

Wang Hu's tone was suddenly severe, and the woman was taken aback and hurriedly explained:

"No, no, can I still keep it secret? It's just a few women talking about gossip, don't worry, I specified that I can't cause trouble for you..."

"It's good to know not to cause trouble! Don't worry about who is in charge, has the money been given to us? We ordinary people care so much about him? As long as there is money to make, it's enough to live a good life. Listen to those rumors less. ."

The woman nodded, handed the phone back to Wang Hu, and suddenly said thoughtfully:

"There's actually no rumors in the factory. You're like us. You can tell if you're doing well or not by looking at your wife's face. During this period of time, which of our women's faces isn't smiling, doesn't she feel hopeful?"

"But I see that some people on the Internet are not very polite. You haven't used the Internet much recently, have you? I see that many people on the scarf are talking about us, and I don't know what's going on..."

After listening to the woman's words, Wang Hu frowned and turned on the phone, and then asked the woman to help him find the scarf. The woman entered a topic in the search box, found the comment and pointed to the screen and said:

"Look, just this person, I don't understand what he said. It seems that he has achieved something. It seems to be quite advanced."

"You said this was a good thing, why did you suddenly get involved with us? A lot of people below are scolding our factory, saying that our factory doesn't do anything with money, and they say that they can't compare with others..."

Wang Hai swiped the screen with rough fingers, and clenched his fists secretly while slowly reading the comments above.

The account on the phone, the same as the one being monitored on the big screen of the public opinion office at the moment, is Wen Xiao's account.

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