Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 166 Do It For Them

The pilot project's artificial god-building plan for Wen Xiao has been launched at this time. In a very short period of time, the so-called "research group" led by him is like a giant blood bag, which has exported a huge amount of scientific research results to him.

These achievements may not be able to be applied to reality for a period of time, and some may even be purely micro-innovations of existing technologies, with no technical content at all, but this does not affect him using his account to advertise on the scarf.

This was both a request from the Navigator project and some sort of unspeakable vanity of his own.

After all, Liu Ranran caused him too much shock before, and he couldn't accept it.

Why do I make more money than you, my school is worse than yours, and my research is more advanced than yours, but these netizens who don’t know anything still think I’m inferior to you?

Just because you have an official endorsement?

what about now?

I have become the leader of the top international project group, and I have all the achievements. My name will be written on many papers, and I will have a share of all the patents that will be generated in the future.

This should always surpass you, right?

As he had expected, the netizens in the scarf were indeed still wary of him at the beginning, but the Internet had no memory. After he continued to publish the progress of the results with high intensity, people's attention was quickly diverted.

They have forgotten that they were once initiated into tax investigations, and that this person is still a non-simple researcher who is defined as having transactions with overseas institutions. All they see is that this person is very good and keeps on deliver results.

Even more convincing is that these results cannot even be questioned by those in the industry - they are indeed orthodox research, and they are indeed serious results.

Therefore, in this context, the small-scale public opinion turned again.

As Wang Hu could see, those who were originally dissatisfied with the officialdom, or who were longing for the Western world all gathered under his scarf, and made some not-so-friendly comments.

"Didn't you still brag about that Liu Ranran before? You still want to slap the boss's face, but now your face is swollen. It's true that you kicked it on the iron plate."

"Should I say it or not, the strength of the leader is indeed strong. It has only been established for so long, and it has already produced so many results, and it is still application-oriented, so can't you see how big the gap is between us and others? Don't be all day. It's boiling, and I'm hehe."

"Isn't it Feng Fei who made it? That place is already rotten, and I guess it's just eating Mao Xiong's old book. No, it's not just Feng Fei that's rotten, the entire Fengtian and the entire Northeast are rotten."

"What kind of bulls and horses are in the Northeast? They have made such a good foundation, and there are still people who follow suit? I didn't expect a high degree to have no brains. I thought those who stayed there were all junior high schools. What about the following diploma."

"Upstairs, don't be black. Is there a reason why they can't do it? Is it the Northeast or the official one? I just want to understand what I understand."

"Hahaha, I spent a lot of money to create Liu Ranran as an Internet celebrity scholar, but I don't have the money to pay my workers. I don't need to say more about the ingredients."

"What ingredients? Hehe, it looks so good, what ingredients do I need to say more?"

"Professional scientific research relies on selling for a living."

"Good news, I received an offer from Navigator yesterday, and I'll go immediately. I can't stand this scientific research environment in China for even a minute."



After reading the previous comments with the most likes, Wang Hu's teeth were almost crushed.

He has no culture, but his mind is very simple. To him, Northeast China and Fengtian are his hometowns. He can't understand why so many people slander Northeast China for this reason.

Yes, the Northeast has been poor in recent years, but even he, a worker, knows that it is a helpless result under the general environment. Don't the people of the Northeast not work hard? Are things not getting better now?

Why are these people who have not contributed a single bit to say that the Northeast is finished here, and that China is finished?

Just because of the achievements of the pilot project?

They have grades and we don't? Gu Yan

What's even more irritating is that there are even people clamoring to find Liu Ranran and give her the truth offline. Wang Hu really wanted to reply, "Come and give it a try", but the principle of confidentiality rooted in his heart made him take it back. hand.

How malicious does it have to be to make these people speak so disrespectfully to a little girl?

He had also seen Liu Ranran several times, a very quiet little girl, who was really good-looking----but not good-looking.

After spending all day in the laboratory, every time Wang Hu saw him, he was tired after get off work, with messy hair, and even a dusty face. How could such a girl be like what they said?

Wang Hu angrily withdrew from his scarf, and after lighting a cigarette for himself, he said angrily:

"Look at this kind of thing less in the future! We are all educated in counter-espionage, and there are no one who knows how many spies in these comments, don't be influenced by them!"

When his wife heard what he said, she quickly agreed:

"I know, I know, in fact, I saw it a long time ago, and I didn't tell you because I was afraid that you would be angry..."

"It's not that I'm angry now! It's so fucked up, I don't know how there are people like them in the world!"

"Yes, they are awesome, and their foreign fathers are technologically advanced, so aren't we catching up? Why should we belittle us because we are backward? Who can bear this grievance?"

The woman sat beside him, patted the back of his hand while reassuring:

"Don't be angry, they said that we didn't do anything, why did we rush over and beat him?"

"I really want to beat them! If the dog dares to come to Fengtian, see if I can kill him!"

"Don't be angry!"

The woman's face turned solemn, and she scolded in a low voice.

Hearing the woman's words, Wang Hu's heart froze, and his emotions settled down a bit. After a moment of silence, he opened his mouth and said:

"It's impossible to kill them, but we have to convince them this time."

"Don't you mean we don't have technology? Let's make it for them to see!"

"I'm not afraid to say that there are so many scientists in the factory recently, and what they have to do must be a major event. If it is not a major event, it is impossible to invest so much!"

"There is pressure outside now, and we have to unite internally. No, we can't rest today. If I work harder, we can get a share earlier."

The woman quickly reached out to stop him and said:

"Don't go, I've been working overtime for so many days. I'm going to rest at home today, or my body won't be able to bear it! I'll cook some vermicelli for you in the evening, you can drink two sips, rest early in the evening, and go tomorrow!"

Wang Hu, who had already stood up, hesitated for a moment, and finally sat down.

Yes, you have to do it, but you also have to talk about science.

I've been working hard all day, and now it's inappropriate to go to work overtime and say anything, my body can't bear it.

Thinking of this, he said to the woman:

"Let's stew, I'll ask Lao He and they will come and have a bite too."

"It happens that everyone has sent money today, celebrate and celebrate, and continue to work tomorrow!"

"I'd like to see, I just follow the country, can I be better than those dogs!"

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