Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 167 Break The Wall Of The Room

On the other hand, the members of the public opinion working group were also nervously analyzing Wen Xiao's scarf and adjusting their strategies in real time.

The genius of Wen Xiao Bib is that he did not take the initiative to make any instructive speeches to public opinion, but just kept synchronizing scientific research progress and achievements in the bib, so it is impossible for the official to take any management measures directly on his account. .

However, all his scarves vaguely reveal a tendency, even if he does not use the active guidance of the navy, when the exposure is achieved, a large number of people with similar views will be screened out to gather around him, forming a inherent influence.

This is the echo chamber effect (echo chamber effect), which means that people generally choose to absorb and accept content similar to their own views, and each absorption will further strengthen their inherent impression, resulting in originally wrong views become unbreakable .

Mapped to the network, the echo chamber effect becomes more lethal, because with the support of only algorithms, you don't even need to actively filter the content - the function of preference recommendation and guessing what you like will automatically help you do this. step.

This is also the root cause of the growing popularity of domestic rice circle culture and niche groups.

This time, the Navigator Project used this for Wen Xiao's God-building plan. Their purpose is to use the echo chamber effect to gather a large group of people of the same type, and then wait for the echo in this room to be large enough. Break the walls of the room and spread this echo throughout the internet.

This is the usual method. Whether it is the previous vegetarian, environmental protection, animal protection or the current so-called pastoral women's boxing, they are fighting this set of combination boxing.

However, to be able to punch such a combination to such an extreme level, it has to make domestic public opinion workers admire their skills.

Now, the problems and pressures are placed on the public opinion staff of the sedan chair project. They have to make a decision, whether to interrupt the process of echo formation in advance, or to create a bigger echo to cover them up.

Both options have their natural shortcomings, but they seem to have no better options.

"A decision has to be made. Do I need to contact Gong Xia? He has extensive experience in public opinion, shall we also let him participate in decision-making?"

"Contact Ye Gong. He is the project commander. Whether he has better suggestions or not, we should have his final say on the implementation of our plan."

The staff nodded and contacted Ye Zhou by phone. After half an hour, Ye Zhou came to the public opinion office.

"What's the situation now?"

Ye Zhou asked.

After the public opinion working group briefly introduced the situation, Ye Zhou frowned slightly.

According to their current strategy, if it is necessary to restrict the interaction between Wen Xiao's scarf and the comments below, it can indeed achieve the effect of interrupting the "echo" in a short time, but after realizing the official intervention, this small group of people There is bound to be a stronger backlash.

The so-called defense of the people is better than the defense of Sichuan. It cannot be blocked by blocking alone, not to mention that there are 500,000 experienced people hidden among these people. At that time, if they are exploited by them, the consequences will be even more serious.

And to create a bigger echo, to a certain extent, they are already doing it, that is Liu Ranran, but the effect of this is limited to Wen Xiao's "room", people who have entered the room, or are about to enter the room, yes I can't hear Liu Ranran's voice.

Neither option will work.

After thinking for a while, Ye Zhou said:

"None of your plans are good, they are very stable, but they are no longer suitable for the current online environment. After this time, I hope you can absorb some fresh blood and add some new strategy packs, because I feel that your current coping strategies, We are at least three years behind our enemies."

"Public opinion is an ever-changing battlefield. It's terrible to be one year behind, let alone three years. In the battle of public opinion, you must not look ahead and learn to break the rules."

"If necessary, you can refer to the operation team of the Communist Youth League. They have a deeper understanding of the Internet environment than you."

Hearing Ye Zhou's words, the members of the public opinion working group were a little ashamed.

What he said is indeed the truth. His group of people are gradually no longer young, and their sensitivity to the Internet has begun to decline. The public opinion work in the past two years has mainly relied on large-scale propaganda, but in terms of refined strategies, the actual results very limited. Valley Stick

Maybe, it's really time to break the routine and get some fresh blood.

Seeing the expressions of several people, Ye Zhou realized that they had indeed listened to his words, so he continued:

"In this echo chamber problem, in fact, in addition to what you said about interrupting the echo and creating a bigger echo, we also have a more effective method, which is also a strategy of drawing wages from the bottom of the pot."

"We don't have to wait for them to accumulate enough echo energy before letting them break the walls of the room, we can break the walls of the room right now!"

"Let's expose their echoes to the internet right now, and let everyone see the authenticity of those echoes."

After a pause, Ye Zhou continued pointing to the scarf and comment on the big screen:

"Look, these scarves, especially the ones about the results of the Navigator project, are actually unreliable. Nickel-based high temperature tcb, what kind of thing is this, the results that have appeared ten years ago, and now And take it out to fry cold rice?"

"And this, the fan blade punching model, this thing has basically developed to the limit, as long as the shape of the turbofan blade does not change greatly, what they do is only a small innovation."

"But these two scarves have also attracted a large number of netizens who don't know the truth."

"Imagine what would happen if we exposed it to a wider, more specialized scrutiny?"

"The scarf itself is still like this, not to mention the comments below, regional blackness, prejudice, hatred of the country... As long as the scope expands, these people will be smashed by the majority of netizens with normal views. "

"So, the strategy is very clear, we have to break the wall ahead of time, use a way beyond their plan to greatly increase the popularity of this account and these scarves, and directly kill them!"

Hearing Ye Zhou's strategy, everyone in the public opinion working group suddenly realized.

This is indeed a strategy of drawing wages from the bottom of the pot, and the difficulty of completion is much lower than the previous two strategies.

But the question is, why do we think that netizens with normal three views on the scarf will make up the majority, and why do we think that these people will not be affected by the echo?

A staff member asked Ye Zhou this question, Ye Zhou smiled slightly and replied:

"There are indeed a lot of gangsters on the scarf, and there are also a lot of irrational people who eat melons. They are easy to be rhythmical and easy to get into the horns, but this does not mean that they are really fools or bad people."

"Just give them a chance and they'll prove themselves to you - both professionally and loyally."

"My confidence is not based on data analysis, past experience or other evidence, but based on a point of view."

"We should trust our people, after all, in the decades-long history of the nation, they have never let us down."

The staff member nodded with emotion, and after thinking for a while, he asked:

"So about the specific implementation, Ye Gong, do you have any suggestions? How can we expand its influence?"

A sinister smile appeared on Ye Zhou's face, and he said:

"People who do this propaganda can neither represent the official position, but also have a certain influence on the entire network, and they must be prepared to be settled by the autumn after the propaganda..."

"I've thought about it, I'm afraid there is no more suitable choice than the old shocking report..."

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