Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 169: A Swift Counterattack

The efficiency of the old news is very high. On the second day after completing the interview, they edited and reviewed the video and posted it on the Internet. With the label of "fa", it once rushed to the top ten of the hot search by stepping on the controversial traditional arts.

This result is enough to satisfy everyone in the old news. If you can make such a news at a young age, at least everyone's year-end bonus is guaranteed in advance.

Wen Xiao was also very satisfied with this interview. He not only promoted his own views, but also vaguely hinted that the domestic scientific research environment could not accommodate his big fish. With the approval of netizens, he has received all kinds of praise, while Liu Ranran's side is mixed with doubts that are either rational or malicious.

Wen Xiao lay down comfortably on the bed, it was the first day of the new year, he had millions of funds in his bank card, his enchanting girlfriend was lying beside him, and there was a group of him on the Internet. People who don't even know his name are frantically raising his reputation.

Is there anything more comfortable in this world than this?

He looked at his mobile phone with a smile on his face, and saw every comment under the latest scarf of the old shock newspaper, and then took a look at the hot search from time to time, wondering what this news related to him would reach. heat.

The hot search "Internet celebrity Dr. Wen Xiao interview video released" is now quietly lying in the ninth position, and after Wen Xiao refreshed it once, the hot search has reached the eighth position.

The heat was still rising, Wen Xiao stood up from the bed, walked into the kitchen and poured himself a cup of coffee, feeling a little uncontrollable in his heart.

Wealth and honor do not return home, such as clothing at night.

Now he is the homecoming after the rich and noble in the new era.

After a cup of coffee, the hot search has come directly to the sixth, and only ten minutes have passed.

The heat was growing so fast that even he was a little nervous even if he had already seen these things at all.

Can you make it to the top search list? If you can get on it...maybe it is also a major achievement in life?

This idea just went round in his mind, and when he refreshed it again, the hot search actually came to the second place!

The exposure soared in an instant, and he felt the blood drilling directly to the top of his head.

This is so awesome!

In less than 15 minutes, it went from the tenth most popular search to the second most popular search, and the popularity is still rising!

The "boiling" label on the title has become a blast, which means that the discussion degree of this Weibo has almost reached its limit in a short period of time.

A few seconds later, Weibo successfully reached the top of the hot search list.

Wen Xiao breathed a deep sigh of relief, as if he had accomplished a major event, even his fingers trembled slightly.

He took a screenshot of his mobile phone, took a screenshot of the hot search list, and sent it to the family group. Then he clicked on the details to see if there were any new comments that satisfied him.

However, when he clicked on the comment area, the first comment stinged his eyes.

"Buying a hot search? Half a million is really shameless. You're done jumping around in your small circle, and you're still embarrassed by running here? Don't you know what those achievements are? You have to force me to hammer it. you?"

Wen Xiao frowned, he knew there would be such a comment, but he didn't expect such a comment would get such high approval.

He clicked on the second-level comment to see if anyone was refuting it for him, but he was slightly relieved.

"Heh, what is Little Pink talking about here? Say it's 500,000 yuan when you see someone? You can hammer it if you want, do you deserve to be in this sour family? If you are so talented, you can take the Qinghua test and then become a leader. Ah, why don't you go?"

The author of the original comment did not reply, and it seems that there is no way to refute his words.

Wen Xiao shook his head and went back to the main page to continue reading, but the more he looked at it, the more wrong he felt.

The trend in the comment area is not at all what he thought.

In his prediction, a large number of people should praise him, and then a small number of people should belittle him, and then a large number of people will continue to refute.

But now, it's the complete opposite!

Those who scolded him accounted for the majority, and some people even started throwing out evidence, wanting to rely on professional explanations to prove how watery the research results that Wen Xiao had been releasing before.

Wen Xiao's face was completely gloomy. For the first time, he felt that he was being dominated by the navy.

what happened? How can this be so?

The atmosphere in my scarf was not like this before!

How come the popularity has come up, but the evaluation has dropped?

Just as he was flipping through the comment area in confusion and anger, the bib suddenly popped up a series of reminders, all of which were in @him's news.

He frowned and opened the message, and at a glance, the whole person completely froze in place.

This is an oath.

The title is "On the behavior of a pilot researcher who is not hammered once but voluntarily sent up to be hammered a second time".

The article firstly listed all the results published by Wen Xiao in detail, and conducted a very professional analysis of these results. The final conclusion is that some of these results are indeed quite forward-looking and advanced, but It mainly focuses on the fields of machinery and aeroengine control, and has nothing to do with Wen Xiao, a thermodynamic doctor!

He just scratched his name.

Seeing this, Wen Xiao had already begun to feel a chill.

This is definitely not an article that can be written in a short period of time, and such a detailed analysis shows that someone has been eyeing him for a long time.

What is their purpose?

When he continued to look down, the chill in his heart was almost bone-chilling.

The other party made a clear timeline of his emergence from the present to the present, which involved several key points.

The first one was to start a group with Feng Fei directly in the scarf after being rejected. The other party bluntly said that he was either trying to gain popularity, or he was consciously guiding public opinion. Combined with the official list of 500,000 people who had received money, he It is very likely that Wen Xiao also received the money.

The second was the so-called wage and tax evasion incident. The other party analyzed the ins and outs in a coherent manner, and named the forces behind Wen Xiao who wanted to pour sewage on Feng Fei.

The third is the continued hype that followed, and the use of echo chamber effects to circle fans.

As for the fourth one, it is the latest interview.

Wen Xiao withdrew from the scarf with trembling hands, he knew what kind of waves this article would make, but he was completely powerless.

Because everything he said was right.

From the very beginning, many people did guess the truth of the matter, but no one has ever been able to connect all the key points of this public opinion war from such a global perspective.

This is coming prepared.

Those self-concealed operations that he thought were concealed were actually already being watched by others!

He turned his phone back on and tried to call Monte, but he didn't answer.

At this time, the wind direction of the scarf has been completely reversed.

The scarf of the old shocking newspaper was almost squeezed out by the swarms of angry netizens, each of them questioning the same thing:

Why do you want to interview someone with such obvious problems, and why do you want to help him deceive the people in the country?

Your old news, is there a problem?

Seeing that the development of public opinion was gradually going in the opposite direction as expected, the leadership of Old Jingbao held an emergency meeting and wanted to delete the content immediately to eliminate the impact, but they discovered a surprising problem.

His official scarf was locked.

Can't do anything, not even change bib comment permissions.

At this moment, all the entrants are clearly aware of the outcome of this public opinion war.

This is, catching a turtle in a urn.


In the strategic analysis office, Eisen looked gloomily at the report in front of him. He didn't expect that he was already cautious enough to treat the opponent at a high enough level, but he was beaten completely!

The public opinion position that was clearly under control the day before was completely lost after only 16 hours!

Moreover, the other party even blocked all possible counterattacks.

This is a complete failure.

He has never seen such a failure in his country's history of manipulating public opinion.

Who the hell is behind all this?

The level shown by the other party in this public opinion war is not the Huaxia he knows at all!

His knuckles were almost crushed, and the analyst in front of him froze.

After a long time, he calmed down a little before he said:

"Notify Monte, immediately cut with Wen Xiao!"

"Also, let our people keep an eye on Baoti's affairs. If there is another problem in this area, then they won't come back to see me again!"

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