Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 170 Never Lost Once...

In the small plaza of the Liming Shipyard, Ye Zhou was walking leisurely side by side with Chen Hao. They had all noticed the public opinion about Wen Xiao's interview, and they had already come to an internal conclusion.

This public opinion turmoil surrounding a certain Internet celebrity scholar is about to end.

Ye Zhou was the one who concocted the letter, and he was also the one who came up with the eye-catching title. It was nothing, but Ye Zhou's words made Chen Hao ridiculed several times.

"I said, you're a young man who's having a lot of fun. Where did you go to see this kind of mess? Now it's a net cleaning operation. Don't be embarrassed when you get caught."

"...Brother, you seem to be out of date when you say this, you know? What's wrong, it's not a niche fetish on the Internet for a long time. Then again, you know so well... ."

"Stop, stop! Let's stop talking about this topic, okay?"

Chen Hao glanced at Ye Zhou helplessly, and he was really too far behind Ye Zhou when he was joking.

---- Thinking about it carefully, it seems that he is far from Ye Zhou in every aspect, except for the matter of finding a wife.

After all, he fell in love at the age of 15, got his license at the age of 22, and Ye Zhou will soon be 24. It is said that he has not even kissed a girl on the mouth.

"If you don't say it, don't say it, and it's not what I want to say. It's good to talk about public opinion. You suddenly mention this yourself, can you blame me?"

Ye Zhou nonchalantly walked to the bench in the small square and sat down, and then Chen Hao also sat down.

After the two watched the sunset silently for a while, Chen Hao took out a cigarette and said to Ye Zhou:

"Come on one?"

"Come on, smoking kills you early. Why, do you want to live by car-t injections like Teng Jian?"

"...Don't you have something auspicious in your mouth? Forget it, stop smoking. Hey, let me ask you, why did you finally lock the account of Old Jingbao?"

Ye Zhou gave him a strange look, and then asked back:

"Why not lock it? I haven't achieved my goal yet. If we let them delete the post like this, wouldn't we be laying the groundwork for nothing?"

"But isn't our purpose to overthrow Wen Xiao's character design? As soon as your post is published, isn't the purpose achieved?"

Ye Zhou sighed and did not answer the question directly, but instead asked:

"Do you know why our public opinion is so easily manipulated?"

After pondering for a while, Chen Hao replied:

"Because netizens are not rational enough? Or do you want to say that netizens are less educated?"

Ye Zhou shook his head and replied:

"Evaluating the rationality of a group by the level of education is a very silly behavior. It is true that education does play a positive role in this regard, but its role is also limited."

"A 25-year-old Ph.D. is no more mature than a 50-year-old primary school graduate in dealing with online public opinion, because there is an unbridgeable gap in life experience."

"To use an old saying, one learns to gain wisdom, only after suffering enough losses and stepping on enough pits can people learn to distinguish which pits are, and can learn to restrain their impulses and not jump down. "

"Now, our network environment is facing such a problem. Our netizens, they have stepped on too few pits----can't say too few, in short, not enough."

"This leads to the fact that whenever a new pit appears in front of them, they still can't help but jump down. There is no way out."

"That's why you asked me why I kept that scarf from the old newspaper there, and the reason is very simple."

"In the past, after stepping on the pit, it was filled up quickly, no trace was found, and it disappeared in the memory of netizens, so they had no way to compare, and there was nothing to remind them what this pit once looked like. ."

"And now what I want to do is to constantly brush the popularity of this scarf through our public opinion office, let it stay there, and let it remind people who have stepped on the pit, your pit is just like this, don't step on it next time. already."

"This process may take a while and the expenditure will be significant, but it's also something we have to do."

"Because this is an educational activity, there is no need to worry about how much money is spent in educational activities."

After listening to Ye Zhou's words, Chen Hao nodded in agreement.

"It makes sense to say that. Don't worry, I won't get stuck on the budget in this area. Just spend as much as you need to. They have to keep their memory long."

"You don't know, some time ago I was looking at the comments on the Internet, and even at my age, I was so angry."

"Don't mention the personal attacks on Liu Ranran, just talk about the attitude towards Liming Factory and the Northeast. Do you know what they said?"

Ye Zhou nodded and replied:

"I also saw it. It's nothing more than black areas. People in the Northeast are all Tartars. Otherwise, all the people in the Northeast would just die. The Northeast doesn't deserve to be called the Son of Huaxia or something."

"It's more than that."

Chen Hao's eyes became cold, and after a while, he continued:

"The thing that annoys me the most is a long article. The person who wrote that article didn't have a single swearing word, but every sentence was extremely disgusting."

"That article was extended from Liming Factory, and the title was 'Why is the R&D capability in the Northeast far weaker than in the South'."

"Do you think it's normal to see a headline? But do you know what this post is about?"

"He is not analyzing objective factors such as economy, location, and talent flow. He is analyzing race!"

"He copied a lot of genetic theories, and finally came to a conclusion that because the Northeast people have been in the extremely cold climate for a long time, the brain capacity of the people living in the warm areas is naturally smaller. So no matter how the resources are tilted, as long as the Northeast is still from the Northeast, the status quo cannot be changed.”

"What kind of hateful remarks do you say this is? Before I saw this article, I couldn't imagine that someone would be so vicious, but there is still a lot of fanaticism for such an article."

"...I can't understand."

Seeing the somewhat angry expression on Chen Hao's face, Ye Zhou smiled and said:

"Actually I'm not as angry as you, because I know it's just a commonplace tactic."

"I don't want to talk about racial theory, blood theory, and other messy things. Since the Northeast is mentioned, let's take the Northeast as an example."

"This place in the Northeast once had a glorious time, and even won many firsts in the country."

"The first car, the first 10,000-ton freighter, the first helicopter, the first highway, the first bomber, the first nuclear submarine...too many. These things were in that era. It is definitely one of the best black technologies, and it is not even backward."

"And right now, we will also build the first high-thrust aero-engine."

"Just in such a place, do you think her people will be what that person called 'low-brained'?"

"It's impossible. The reason for this argument is just to dwarf us."

"Is this a kind of cyber violence? Not only the Northeast, but many other places are actually experiencing the same cyber violence."

"Helan people steal manhole covers, Beijiang people sell cut cakes, Guangxi people do pyramid schemes, Guangdong people eat Hu Jianren and so on."

"Behind these cyber violence, some are indeed prejudiced, but some are deliberately guided separatism, which is part of the enemy's conspiracy."

"And then we take it a little further, not just domestically, but actually internationally, is there a day when we don't suffer from cyber violence from other countries?"

"For domestic public opinion, we can still do some control, but what about the international ones? Can we rush over and blow up their servers?"

Having said that, Ye Zhou paused for a moment, then cleaned up his emotions and continued:

"So, as I said at the beginning, the purpose of our public opinion war is not to completely eliminate negative public opinion, but to cultivate the resilience of our people to public opinion. In this goal, we have not actually succeeded. Yet?"

"Public opinion is very important, but sometimes it's not that important."

"We should pay attention to public opinion tactically, but despise it strategically."

"The main energy is still on construction."

After listening to Ye Zhou's words, Chen Hao nodded, but after a while he said unwillingly:

"Although I understand the rationale, I'll still be angry when I'm angry, otherwise I won't be so cooperative with you this time."

Ye Zhou glanced at him approvingly, and then said:

"Almost, in fact, sometimes I am like this, but I have a trick. If you change your mind, you may not be so angry."

"What idea?"

"Public opinion is the icing on the cake, not the help."

Chen Hao frowned and continued to ask:

"How to explain this sentence?"

"It's very understandable, think about it, the reason why this public opinion war will start is purely because we still have spare energy and spare energy, so in order to achieve the best result, we launched it. This counterattack."

"But what if we really can't get our hands on it? If we really let the public opinion ferment and lose some talents and resources, wouldn't the sedan chair project go ahead?"

"Isn't it?"

"We will always have some people who will work hard without being influenced by public opinion. These people are the ones who really hold up the backbone of this country."

"Do you know how to say something?"

"We haven't won a cyber violence, but we haven't lost a single time, the righteousness of the family and the country."

"This sentence is the same in the international perspective."

"Maybe we've tried very hard to speak up, but still no one is listening."

"However, until one day, when the east wind blows the stars like rain, I can guarantee that the whole world will be quiet and listen to our voices."

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