Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 178: The End Of Wen Xiao

While the sedan chair project was going well and Ye Zhou's work was getting smoother, there was a person on the other side who was facing an unprecedented crisis.

Wen Xiao.

Since the Strategic Analysis Office determined that the public opinion war surrounding Liming Hangfa was a complete failure, his status has also plummeted. After all, he only exists as a chess piece. When the chess game has been lost, who will take him away? in hand?

The gifts that fate had given him had begun to be gradually withdrawn at this time.

Wen Xiao was sitting on the sofa. Takeaway boxes were thrown in a mess on the coffee table in front of him. The drinks from the poured drink bottles had been spilled and dripped onto the expensive floor.

The position of the research group leader has been cancelled, and today is the first and last day of his handover.

The Navigator project deprived him of his power within the project with amazing efficiency. At this moment, he realized that he was originally a dispensable person in the project team.

Are you really involved in R&D?

Are those results really related to you?

Why did this simple fact not find out until now?

It is probably that the touts that don't know where they came from blinded their reason and made themselves have the illusion that "I really matter".

Now, the project is gone, the results no longer belong to him, and even he has lost the permission to enter the pilot project experimental base---- there is still a part of his efforts there, after all, he did bring his own The thermodynamic research group has done research for a period of time.

But now, all these efforts were in vain.

What made him even more unacceptable was that he had given up Qinghua's key projects in order to enter the Navigator project, and now it is almost impossible to go back.

However, he had to give it a try.

If he fails to achieve results, not only will his doctoral degree be in the foreseeable future, but also his future development in scientific research will be seriously affected.

Thinking of this, he took out his mobile phone, found a familiar number and dialed it.

The call was connected, and he said respectfully to the other end:

"Mr. Liu, I'm Wen Xiao, are you busy?"

Hearing his voice, the other end of the phone was silent for a second or two, before responding in a tone that was both grandiose and enthusiastic:

"Wen Xiao, what, you're not busy today? Call me when you remember? Is it going well over there?"

Wen Xiao smiled awkwardly. The other party didn't seem to know that he had been kicked out of the project team, and he didn't plan to say it now.

It's still a potential advantage for him until the other side doesn't know the truth.

"I'm not busy, not busy, Mr. Liu, I'm not busy when I call you. How about your side? Is your headache better? I bought you some Pien Tze Huang here, and I heard that taking a tablet occasionally is to clear heat and detoxify. , when the time comes, I will bring it back for you to try."

"Then thank you very much, but this medicine is too expensive. You give me a market price, and I will give you the money at the market price. By the way, my in-laws also want to buy it, so you can buy it for me together."

As soon as he said these words, Wen Xiao knew that it was almost impossible for him to confine himself.

The other party did not reject him, but instead followed his words and asked him to help bring the medicine. This attitude of putting interests on the table is the most resolute rejection.

However, there was not much he could do about it, and he could only bite the bullet and continue:

"What gives you money and doesn't give you money is just to bring you a little bit by the way, talk about money and earn more points! By the way, Mr. Liu, how is our project going now?"

"It's going very smoothly. It is estimated that the results will be produced in around June. You also participated in the early stage, and your name will also be there at that time."

Having a name and having a name on the key contributor list are two completely different things.

But the good news is that the project doesn't end until June, and I should still have a chance.

After all, my own technology is really there. If I let myself go back, it will only benefit the project team and not hurt.

After clarifying this point, Wen Xiao continued:

"That's Mr. Liu, on my side, the project went well and some results were obtained, but I always felt that something was wrong. The results were not our own, and I felt like I was working for others."

"So, I thought, if things go well in the near future, I'll go back to our Qinghua project team. Can you help me arrange it when it's convenient?"

Hearing this, the other side fell silent, and after a few seconds, he answered:

"Wen Xiao, you also know that our project has a limited budget and limited staffing. After you left at the time, we had already arranged for the top staff. Now if you want to come back, it will be over-edited. It's really difficult."

Hearing the other party's words, Wen Xiao's brows furrowed.

Overstaffed staff and limited budgets are just excuses.

When did Qinghua's project have a limited budget?

I just don't want to let myself go back. Gu shame

But why don't you want to let yourself go back? Is it just because of those things that are making trouble on the Internet?

I don't even want to! Who knew things would turn out like this?

What's more, scientific research is a matter of speaking with strength. Can this trivial matter affect a project's decision on personnel selection?

"Mr. Liu, are you really no longer thinking about it? If the staff is really full, then I can only continue to work here - in fact, I really want to go back and make some contributions."

"I know you want to contribute, but that's the reality. It doesn't matter, you still have a lot of time, and we still have a chance!"

Wen Xiao sighed helplessly, he knew that at this level, he didn't need to worry about it anymore.

However, Qinghua is not his only choice.

The big deal is to go to other domestic projects, so many projects, don't you want to be yourself?

He opened the address book on his mobile phone, dug out the list of project contacts who had offered him an olive branch but had been rejected by him, and started calling them one by one.


Two hours later, Wen Xiao angrily threw the phone on the sofa.

No one really wants him.

The reasons they gave were all kinds of strange, such as insufficient budget, low project level, and policy requirements that were inconvenient for cooperation. In a word, no charge!

how so.......

Wen Xiao sat on the sofa holding his head, feeling that he had suffered a major blow.

Obviously, he was still the favored son of heaven, but in just a few days, he has become a role that no one is willing to accept.

What went wrong?

He didn't understand.

After a while, he picked up his mobile phone and clicked on the online banking, and the amount on it honestly displayed the figure of 5.76 million, which gave him some comfort.

At least, the money is really earned.

Even if it's not much, it's enough to keep him alive for a while.

But soon, his sense of security was also broken. He received a call from Monte, who told him that because he broke the contract in the consulting contract, he needed to compensate the consulting party for 6 million yuan of losses.

The money must be paid within 30 working days or they will go through legal channels to resolve the issue.

After hanging up the phone, Wen Xiao couldn't control his emotions any longer. He kicked the glass coffee table in front of him and looked at the glass shards all over the place, his heart twitched with pain.

This time, there is no money left.

6 million, which is almost all the money he has made in the past few months.

In addition to what has been spent, he even lost more than 200,000.

Just as he was looking at his phone and thinking about whether to scrape together the money to compensate, or really bite the bullet and go to court, his phone rang again.

This time, it was Lin Xin.

Wen Xiao answered the phone excitedly. He remembered that he had at least one girlfriend.

"Hey, Xinxin..."

"Wen Xiao, let's break up."

Lin Xin's tone on the opposite side was indifferent.

Wen Xiao was stunned for a moment. It wasn't that he didn't think that the relationship between the two would end like this, but he really didn't expect that this day would come so quickly and so suddenly.

Not reconciled.

He opened his mouth and asked:

"Why? Give me a reason!"


Lin Xin sneered, and then gave him an extremely absurd and ironic reason.

"I don't like people who are disloyal to their country."

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