Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 179 We Want To Exploit Groundwater

If the staff of the intelligence team heard the reasons that Lin Xin gave to Wen Xiao, I am afraid they would not think it was so funny, because they knew that Lin Xin was indeed not from China.

People's nationality is no longer in Huaxia.

However, the group of intelligence officers who have come to the port city are not interested in Wen Xiao's gossip. Their view of Wen Xiao is the same as the pilot project, that he is just an abandoned child.

---- No, it should not be said to be an abandoned child, but a dead child.

The kind that has been taken out of the chessboard.

No one cares about the state of a dead piece, because he can no longer have any influence on the direction of the game.

What they have to do now is to continue to finish the game.

As Ye Zhou said before, the public opinion war is over, and now it's time to attack the Navigator project entity.


Port City University, Navigator Project Team, in Tom's office.

Tom and Monte were sitting facing each other drinking coffee. The expressions on their faces were not relaxed, but compared to Wen Xiao, they were a little more indifferent than "the situation is still under control".

After putting down the coffee cup, Tom said:

"This public opinion offensive has been a complete failure. Have we taken back all the things we provided to Wen Xiao before?"

Monte shook his head and replied:

"It's not that fast. I have explained the fine to him. My offer was 6 million, but he didn't accept it. This is also what I expected. Everything has a cost, and we can't count on it. There is no risk in the investment, according to my estimation, if it can recover 4 million, it will be considered a success.”

"After all, although our offensive did not achieve the expected results this time, it did involve the other party's energy and had a certain impact on their public opinion environment - this is at least part of our results."

Hearing Monte's words, Tom smiled and said:

"It's just lying to ourselves. Monte, we should learn to accept failure."

"Of course, of course, I'm not saying that we succeeded, I just wanted to say that we didn't fail that completely."

"On the other hand, we shouldn't lose confidence because of this failure. After all, we still have so many researchers from our opponents, and the advantage is still on our side."

Tom shook his head with a cold look on his face.

"Is this really the case? I'm very suspicious. I heard that a special team of the other side has come to Hong Kong City, and they will definitely take action against us. I'm very worried about whether our project can continue to be carried out. ."

"Where did you hear the news? Not even me."

"You don't need to worry about this. In short, I also have my own intelligence sources. The problem now is to figure out what they are going to do and work out our own response plan."

Monte finally finished the last sip of coffee in the cup, he took out the humidor from his pocket, and after biting his teeth, he struck a match and carefully lit the cigar.

Pale blue smoke rose, and Tom turned off the air conditioner just in time.

The flow of air can affect the enjoyment of a cigar's true flavor, and both are experts at this point—in fact, they're both experts when it comes to personal enjoyment.

After exhaling the first puff of smoke, Monte finally said:

"Although I didn't receive this information, based on my experience, I can roughly judge what they want to do."

"They have already won in public opinion, so according to their habits, the next step is to expand the victory in reality."

"I suspect that they are likely to use the momentum of this public opinion war to directly attack our physical organization with the purpose of deporting us - they probably won't allow us to set up research institutions in Hong Kong City again."

Tom frowned. He was actually aware of the problem, but he couldn't figure out where the other party would start.

The Navigator Project is a cooperative project that fully complies with international law and the laws of Hong Kong City and Huaxia. It is backed by Hong Kong City University and has been officially endorsed by Hong Kong City at the beginning of its establishment. In this case, Huaxia Is it possible to drive them away by force?

Port City is a part of Huaxia, and the implementation of key policies is under the orders of Huaxia officials. To expel them now is to slap their own face. It is impossible for Huaxia to do such a thing.

Thinking of this, Tom asked:

"From your point of view, how do you think they will pressure us?"

Monte pondered for a moment and replied:

"In many aspects, water and electricity, fire protection, environmental protection, safety... In short, they will find a lot of excuses to tell us that our institution has various problems, either suspend research and rectification, or Leave Huaxia completely."

"This is their usual routine. In fact, we already have experience in dealing with these difficulties. I don't think they will succeed so easily this time."

"Are you sure?" Gu Jing

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