Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 180 Is The Traffic Administration Going To Embarrass Us?

The intelligence working group - or the staff of the geological exploration team soon forcibly blocked the research area of ​​the pilot project team's research institute. Of course, they were still extremely humane in the implementation process.

The Navigator project has a whole week to move out of Port City University, and even the exploration team kindly contacted them with moving services. It is said that the cost is low and the speed is fast, but the organizers of the Navigator project still rejected their kindness.

After all, they don't know if the staff of these so-called moving companies will bring cameras with them during the move.

Watching the staff in the research institute busy moving equipment out, neither Tom nor Monte's faces lost the indifference they had before.

"These Chinese people...I really have nothing to say. Mining groundwater? Can this be considered a reason!?"

Monte sighed helplessly, shook his head and replied:

"It sounds absurd, but you have to admit that even if this reason is publicly released on the stage, it can get a lot of support - especially the support inside the port city."

"You probably don't know how water-deficient the port city is. Most of their water resources are transported from the other side, and the cost is very high. Now some people say that they have found groundwater and it is enough for 10% of the residents. I think no one would oppose them mining."

Tom glared viciously at the intelligence team staff who were watching the moving process with a smile on his face, and said unconvinced:

"But the question is, how can there really be groundwater in this ground? This is just an excuse. If they can't mine it at that time, what will they use to explain to the people?"

"What do they want to explain... Tom, you still don't know enough about the Chinese way of doing things."

"First of all, there is more or less groundwater under an island like this close to the continental shelf, and their reasoning is at least plausible."

"Secondly, even if the groundwater reserves finally mined are insufficient, do you think they will really care? To appease the people? That's not easy? The water resources transferred from other places are only 10 cents cheaper per ton! Even 5 cents That's fine! Will they be short of this money?"

"It's useless to say this now... We should have prepared earlier, even if the research institute was built on a mountain?"

Hearing this, Tom sneered and replied:

"On the mountain? If we really built it on the mountain, they would probably say that gold mines were discovered on the mountain, right? You are right, the reason is not important at all, they just want to drive us out of the port city."

"The most important thing now is where we are going to move. So many heavy equipment and precision instruments, it took a lot of effort to transport them in, and now it is a huge cost to transport them out again."

Monte's eyes were worried, he looked at the equipment that was being moved out of the institute one after another, and said thoughtfully:

"You did remind me. I have a hunch, I'm afraid we are in a situation where staying is not easy to stay, and it is not easy to leave..."


On the other side of the sea, in the strategic analysis office, Eisen stared at the report in front of him without saying a word.

This time, instead of embarrassing the analyst, he drank coffee and thought hard while watching the report in front of him.

In just a few days, the situation has undergone earth-shaking changes under his nose.

Obviously before, they still had an advantage in terms of public opinion and reality, but it seemed that the situation changed overnight.

He has not rested for more than 48 hours, and he has read the reports one by one countless times. He wants to find evidence of his negligence from the details hidden behind the words and data, and find the failure of his own side. A key point, but he never grasped that clue.

He could only vaguely feel that this time the opponent's coping strategy had changed in essence. This change was not in the tactical details, but...

It seems that they have become more decisive and more confident.

Temporary gains and losses can no longer affect their decision-making, and they seem to care about something farther.

What exactly changed their principles?

Do they really have a breakthrough in aviation technology? is it possible?

---- It's not impossible, but there are limits to such so-called "breakthrough" progress.

As the pearl of the industrial system, Hangfa not only requires the cooperation of the whole industry, but also requires extremely stringent process requirements and process requirements, and these things require long-term experience accumulation.

Could it be that Xiong Guo has reached a cooperation with them and provided them with a full set of technologies?

Eisen's brows furrowed, he beckoned the analyst to come over, and said:

"Move our personnel to check the recent technical exchanges and cooperation between Xiong Guo and Huaxia. Is there anything that we don't know about that happened underwater."


"Also, on the pilot project side, let them withdraw as soon as possible. It is impossible for Huaxia to let us stay within their borders, but at least our project framework is still there, and the equipment is still there."

"Contact Rushima, and we will transfer the research institute to them."

"Huaxia should try to cause us trouble in transportation. You should contact the shipping company first and let our own ship pick up the equipment."

Hearing this, the analyst's face suddenly turned ugly.

After hesitating for a moment, he said:

"Mr. Eisen, I'm afraid... It's too late. Before that, Tom had requested that the equipment be transported to customs as soon as possible. On the way, all our equipment was detained."

"All detained? How is this possible?? All our procedures are legal and compliant, do they want to play hooligans?!"

Aisen stood up furiously, the coffee cup he was holding in his hand was slammed against the wall by him, and the hot coffee was sprinkled on the back of his hand, but he didn't realize it.

The analyst was taken aback by his actions, and after a few seconds he replied:

"It's not about the procedures, it's about the transportation company. From the Hong Kong City University Research Institute to the customs, Tom used a local transportation supplier because of time constraints. This supplier was originally certified by us, but , there is still a problem."

"Just say what the problem is! I don't want to hear the process!"

Eisen's eyes were cold, and he couldn't figure out what else could go wrong at this short distance.

Can't be arrested because the driver doesn't have a driver's license, right? That should just detain the driver!

Thinking of this, his mind suddenly quivered.

No way......

Just as he was amused by his idea, the analyst opened his mouth and said:

"It is overloaded. The transport vehicle is overloaded, and now it is detained by the traffic control department along with the equipment. We need to provide strict equipment list and weight data before it can be released."

"........I see."

Eisen sat down slumped.

Such a reason is really irrefutable.

What can be done?

Provide it.

Do you want to suspect that there is a problem with the weighbridge of the traffic control department?

The Navigator project is completely abolished. If those precision equipment are detained in the open space for ten days and a half months, even if they are allowed to send special personnel for maintenance, the equipment will inevitably be damaged in the end.

It's a really good move.

However, fortunately, he also held a chess piece in his hand.

Titanium alloy.

According to the latest information, the batch of problematic titanium alloys has now entered the Dawn Airship. As long as they use this batch of materials, there will definitely be problems.

This is his last hole card and his last hope for a comeback.

Whether we can fundamentally win the battle for aviation technology depends on this batch of titanium alloys.

Thinking of this, he opened his mouth and said:

"Do everything possible to ensure that our titanium alloys are used. At this point, I will never allow you to have any more problems!"

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