Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 181 A Little Thing About Liu Ranran

Inside the Liming Factory, the situation is exactly as Eisen thought. The batch of high-end titanium alloys for aviation from Baoti Group has already been put into storage and a part of it has been used.

However, there are some facts that are different from what he thought.

That is, these batches of titanium alloys have not entered the finals at all, and will not be used in new engines.

The strength and heat resistance of the ceramic-based fluorescent iron reinforced composite material have passed the test. Based on this condition, Ye Zhou did not hesitate to ask the project team to overturn the original plan and start all over again, and replace all key thermal components with this type of material. Material.

As for titanium alloys?

Pull it down, the processing is difficult, the precision is low, and the yield rate is also low. Instead of spending a lot of energy to improve the process and process, it is better to use new materials.

Although using the new material is almost equivalent to starting from scratch, similar to Ye Zhou's usual style, this new material is extremely robust.

There is no need to precisely control the machining accuracy and process, as long as it can be manufactured, it is basically usable.

Because the upper limit of new materials is too high.

According to the original design, each turbo fan blade of ge-9x should be able to withstand a pulling force of more than 7 tons and a high temperature of more than 1400 degrees. To achieve this goal, titanium alloys need many harsh conditions during the processing.

But on new materials, this situation does not exist.

It can withstand a tensile force of more than 12 tons and a high temperature of more than 2000 degrees at most. Even if there are various problems in the processing process, which cause its performance to be greatly reduced, it can still complete the most basic requirements.

After all, the overall design of the entire aviation engine has not changed. In this aviation engine, the material is a very prominent longboard. Even if this longboard is accidentally cut off due to various negligence, it can still be used with other Portions fit together nicely.

Ye Zhou took a tour of the factory as usual. The last workshop he passed was the workshop where Liu Ranran was responsible for the manufacture of fan blades. The new materials had been applied, and the test was normal, so he didn't say much, just After asking a few questions about the progress, he decided to leave.

But what he didn't expect was that Liu Ranran actually took the initiative to find him.

"Ye Gong! Do you have time now?"

Ye Zhou looked at Liu Ranran suspiciously and asked:

"If you have time, what's the matter?"

"Uh... I just have something I want to discuss with you, that is, I have also done a project here for three months, and then accumulated some things, mainly about the matching of different materials for fan blades In terms of the influence of the creep model in each region, I want to write a paper and publish it, but it will involve the results related to you, so I want to ask your opinion.”

Hearing Liu Ranran's words for a while, Ye Zhou couldn't help but feel a little funny.

After all, she is still a pure scientific research scholar. She is not skilled in interpersonal communication after all. She wants to be polite, but she has not formed that instinct.

It sounds funny and kind of funny.

After pondering for a moment, Ye Zhou replied:

"Writing can be written, but it's best not to involve me in it. The part about new materials will not be decrypted until the project is completely over."

"I know I know! But Gong Ye, if you don't add your name, I feel like... This achievement is related to you after all, right? According to the normal process, you should make important contributions. of the person.”

Ye Zhou shook his head and replied:

"It doesn't matter, what you want to publish is not the results of the material, but just use the platform of new materials. I don't have much contribution, so don't worry too much. In addition, I really have no way to sign the paper, you know , with confidentiality requirements."

Hearing Ye Zhou's words, Liu Ranran opened her mouth to say something, but she didn't say it in the end.

After hesitating for a moment, she said:

"Otherwise... I'd better not post it?"

"Why don't you post it? It really doesn't matter! If you really want to thank me, work overtime and make the fan blades earlier."

Ye Zhou replied dumbfoundedly.

But when he finished speaking, he felt something was wrong.

Damn, I've become a capitalist.

Fortunately, Liu Ranran didn't react much to this, just nodded firmly and replied:

"Well! Ye Gong, don't worry, we will definitely work overtime to ensure that the progress is faster than other workshops!"

"That's not necessary... The fan blade is the key component. You should experiment a few more times to ensure reliability is the first."

"Okay, okay! Don't worry!"

"Just say 'you'. I've seen your resume. We are the same age, so you're weird..."

After speaking, Ye Zhou ignored Liu Ranran's reaction and left the workshop.

Regarding Liu Ranran's request, in fact, he didn't feel anything wrong.

He really doesn't care much about the false name of such scientific research results. What is the use of coming to him?

He has already entered the circle of the highest decision-making level, and was even used as an anchor in major projects related to the country's luck. What are he tossing about with these things?

Leave the opportunity to those who need it.

It was exactly 12 o'clock, he did not go back to the office, but walked straight towards the cafeteria.

The canteen opens at 12:05. Every time he is the first to arrive and the first to finish eating, it is not because of some inefficiency, but purely because he thinks that people who are not even active in eating should designate ideologically. something wrong with.

In order to avoid Ye Zhou's safety and health problems caused by his diet, Chen Hao has assigned a chef to cook for him, and the ingredients used are also purchased separately. Ye Zhou has no objection to this.

No matter how cautious you are about your own safety, because being responsible for your own safety means being responsible for the safety of China as a whole.

However, he still eats in the cafeteria, mainly because it is not only a place to eat, but also a place to have less official communication with those who need it. For example, sometimes he will find some engineers in the core workshop to sit down Eat together, chat about recent issues, understand their trends, and adjust follow-up work arrangements in time.

For this, Chen Hao is very satisfied.

He thinks it's a good way to work - although it's awkward to chat at times and doesn't feel useful, it does find some problems.

He once said to Ye Zhou that what he wanted was not a pure technical person, but an all-round person who could not only provide technology, but also control the project from an overall perspective.

As the Nantianmen project gradually took shape, Chen Hao also realized a major problem. In so many projects, if Ye Zhou only acts as a technical consultant, it will be detrimental to the progress of the project.

Now I can provide him with various resources unconditionally and can fully support all his ideas, but what if the person in charge of the next project is not me? So what should Ye Zhou do?

Even in the most perfect situation, everyone has no selfishness and everyone is selfless for the ultimate goal, but in the process there will definitely be various differences, and even Ye Zhou will conflict with the project manager. At that time, where should the project go?

So, the only answer is that Ye Zhou has to be the controller himself.

Not only in technology, but also in project management with absolute authority.

It cannot be just a symbol representing technology, but must be a solid foundation for the project to go on.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou raised his head and looked around, preparing to pick one of those familiar faces who had gradually entered the cafeteria, as the protagonist of today's awkward chat, but before he could choose a target, a flamboyant figure appeared He ran to him with a dinner plate.

"Ye Gong, shall I invite you to lunch?"

It was Liu Ranran who came, and she looked at Ye Zhou expectantly, waiting for his answer.

This was the only way she could think of to repay Ye Zhou a little.

Now that the project is closed, and you can't go out, eating in the cafeteria is considered a meal, right?

Ye Zhou looked at Liu Ranran amusingly, motioned her to sit down, and said:

"...If I'm not mistaken, that is to say, is there a possibility that the meals in our cafeteria are originally free?"

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