Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 182: The First Meritorious Service Of The Matrix

Liu Ranran probably did express her gratitude by having a good meal with Ye Zhou. In her heart, the results she can make are actually based on the platform of new materials provided by Ye Zhou, so if there is no way to make Ye Zhou If you sign on the results, you must express it in other ways.

But the way she expressed it was a little awkward.

But Ye Zhou didn't care too much. Anyway, he always had to find someone to eat, so there was nothing wrong with chatting with her.

So, this lunch was finished in such a slightly awkward, but somewhat sincere atmosphere.

Ye Zhou didn't take the brief contact between the two to heart. After returning to the office for a short rest, he came to the core development department of the factory. After greeting several team members, he connected to the computing terminal and was ready to start. He has been preparing for work for a long time.

After the terminal screen lights up, a massive emulation system begins to load.


This is an important achievement he obtained from the simulation plot of the heart of the dragon, and it is also one of the technologies that can play a decisive role in the design of future aviation engines.

With this system, most of the test work for aero-engines in the future can be moved from reality to virtual, and even without actual production at all, directly input various parameters in the system to assemble a complete engine, and then according to The pre-set conditions are used to simulate the test run.

This is a technology that spans the ages, and if it can be fully used, it will essentially change the pattern of the aviation industry in the entire world.

However, Ye Zhou still faces two major problems in order to fully utilize the software's full capabilities.

First, the computing power of the existing general-purpose computer is far from being able to support the full-module simulation of the matrix.

Secondly, the simulation and calculation of the matrix rely on strong artificial intelligence. Without the assistance of strong artificial intelligence, the adjustment of parameters can only rely on manual experience, the analysis speed is extremely slow, and the efficiency is not high.

But even this "low" efficiency is enough for Ye Zhou.

What he wants to do is not a full-module simulation, but a quantitative simulation of the evolution of the microstructure based on inherent parameters. The goal is to understand the behavior of several core thermal components in the engine under extreme high temperature conditions.

After seeing Ye Zhou, the members of the temporary group had already come over, and one of them said:

"Ye Gong, we have entered the data obtained from various workshops into the system. We did the first trial operation in the morning. The parameters are basically correct. The next step is to perform strength simulation."

"What are the structures currently involved?"

Ye Zhou asked.

"It is mainly the tip of the turbine blade, the long screw for transmitting the axial force, the high-pressure turbine rotor, the torque transmission sleeve rack, and the turbine guide blade."

"Is the simulation content set up?"

"Set up, 4 analyses in total, temperature, pressure, stator vane position angle, oil dust and spectrum."

Hearing the other party's words, Ye Zhou thought for a moment and added:

"Add a speed and vibration analysis to the spindle. This is the first time we have used a large-scale superplastic forming process. The performance is not stable, and the temperature and pressure are not a problem. What I worry about is that the material processing margin is too high. will result in a loss of accuracy."

"I understand Ye Gong, I will set it up immediately. But if we want to add this content, we have to remove the spectral analysis, otherwise the computing power will not be able to support it."

"Then take it away. This test is relatively low in difficulty and can be reserved for ground testing."


After a simple reply, the team members quickly entered the work of parameter setting, and an hour later, the first simulation was completed.

Ye Zhou frowned as he looked at the results displayed on the big screen.


Literally broken.

In the final result analysis diagram, Ye Zhou was most worried about the transmission and the gear rod, but there was no problem with the blade tip of the turbo fan.

According to the preset conditions in the simulation, these fan blades only worked for less than 620 hours before severe creep occurred. In the last test run, even when the speed just reached the rated standard, the wingtips were directly affected by the supersonic speed. Strong centrifugal force shattered.

What's the situation?

According to the design standard of an aero-engine, the total cycle life of a commercial aviation engine must reach at least 40,000 hours. Even if it is a high-intensity military aviation engine, the lifespan must reach at least 4,000 hours to be considered qualified.

However, according to the current results, the lifespan of the fan blades of this engine cannot even reach 200 hours.

After pondering for a while, Ye Zhou said:

"Simulate it again to see if it's unexpected."

The team members heard the words and started the simulation again, this time the problem was still the wingtip, but it lasted for more than 1000 hours.

Without the assistance of strong artificial intelligence, the matrix system cannot make a judgment on the influencing factors of this result. In other words, it can tell you which part will go wrong, but there is no way to tell you what went wrong.

The pressure instantly came to Ye Zhou and the team members. Several people brushed aside all the parameters from the beginning to the end, and reconfirmed the accuracy of the parameters.

There is no problem with the machining process, there is no problem with the accuracy, and the tolerance is also within the design tolerance of the ge-9x...

The only thing that could go wrong is the material.

Ye Zhou asked:

"Are you using the parameters of the latest batch of superplastically formed fan blades?"

The members of the group nodded quickly and replied:

"Yeah, because the parameters of the fan blades made of new materials have not come out yet, so we took the parameters of the last batch of titanium alloy fan blades. We took them directly from the workshop. All parameters are definitely 100% accurate."

"Then why does this happen? The material composition of the torsion sleeve gear rod is almost the same as the material composition of the wingtip, and it is subjected to greater pressure. Why does it have no problem, but it has actually been tested so much The second fan blade has a problem."

Hearing Ye Zhou's question, all the group members fell silent.

There is no answer in their hearts.

Ye Zhou flipped through the parameters and simulation results over and over again. He had actively activated the talent of the decision maker in his mind, but failed to grasp any clues.

"When you took the parameters, did you confirm with the workshop that the parameters came from the good-quality fan blades? Has the purity of the material been tested? Could it be that impurities were mixed in during the processing?"

"After testing, there is no problem with the purity... Wait, if there is a problem with the material, Ye Gong, the material of this batch of fan blades is really different from the material of the gear rod."


Ye Zhou looked away from the screen, raised his head and asked.

"This is the latest batch of titanium alloy fan blades. It is made of the latest titanium alloy that has entered the factory, but the torque transmission sleeve gear rod has not been remade many times because of its relatively fixed structure, and the titanium alloy in the previous inventory is used. Alloy, you say... Could it be the problem with this batch of materials?"

Material problem?

Ye Zhou's heart jumped suddenly.

Indeed, after ruling out all other possible factors, the material was the only object of suspicion.

According to the knowledge in his mind, if there is a problem with the composition of the titanium alloy as the main material, it is very likely that the life of the turbofan blade will be reduced.

But the problem is that all the high-end titanium alloys used by Liming Aviation are from Baoti Group, and there has never been a problem in history. Possibility of dropping packages or incorporating other destructive elements.

If there is really a problem with titanium alloy materials, then there is only one answer.

This batch of titanium alloys had problems before they entered the factory.

Thinking of this, he immediately picked up the phone, connected to the material laboratory, and said:

"I'm Ye Zhou. Please organize an inspection of the latest titanium alloy materials in storage. I now suspect that there is something wrong with this batch of materials."

"Yes, find some titanium alloys from the previous batch for comparison. I don't care whether this batch can meet the standard or not, as long as there is a difference with the previous batch, notify me immediately!"

"Do a comprehensive test! What I want is a full range of analysis results including metallographic, composition, and mechanical experiments!"

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