Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 183 Official Announcement

The test that Ye Zhou requested was completed quickly under expedited conditions, and the result was exactly as he expected.

It is true that this batch of titanium alloys in storage can fully meet the previously preset use standards, but the problem is that through the α-β high and low magnification inspection, they found that this batch of titanium alloys did indeed keep up with the previous batch. There are subtle differences in ingredients.

Ye Zhou immediately contacted Chen Hao, and his intuition told him that although the difference was small, there was definitely a bigger thing behind it.

Baotai Group is a mature titanium alloy manufacturer. Their manufacturing process and formula will not be modified at will. How can there be a situation where the difference between the previous batch and the latter batch has not yet been discovered.

Either they want to recharge in sequence, or there is a ghost inside.

The possibility of the former situation is too low. On the one hand, the factory of high-end titanium alloys has a strict inspection process.

On the other hand, Baoti's leadership is very clear about where the raw materials they produce will be used, and who will be the unlucky if there is a problem.

So, they shouldn't bet their luck on this issue.

After all, although the production process of high-end titanium alloy is complicated, it is not a complex industrial product in essence. As long as there is a problem, it will be rebuilt as soon as possible. In fact, the cost is not too much.

So, based on these two inferences, there is only one answer.

That is someone maliciously sabotaging.

And this person can only be the enemy.

After receiving the news from Ye Zhou, Chen Hao immediately organized a meeting with the core members of the intelligence department. After a short and quick decision, all senior leaders of Baoti Group were controlled by the local department at 8 p.m. that night.

At this time, they didn't know what happened, but when the personnel from the relevant departments blocked the factory area and brought experts from another domestic high-end titanium alloy manufacturer to conduct a comprehensive inspection of the production process and operation records, they all responded.

There is a problem with the titanium alloy products shipped from the factory.

At this moment, the leaders who were still complaining immediately put down their stature and knew everything about the censors' problems. They needed to clear the relationship immediately - even if they couldn't clear the relationship, at least they had to find a way to prove that they were just mismanagement. , rather than vandalism.

Under these circumstances, problems in the production process were quickly identified, and the expert group confirmed that someone had modified the composition of the latest batch of titanium alloys to include ingredients that could slightly embrittle the titanium alloys.

This component is extremely difficult to detect, and in the absence of a reference material, its strength can meet the basic requirements for use even with the most precise mechanical analysis.

But in terms of service life, no one can guarantee it.

All the staff who had access to the production process were brought back to control, including even the factory cleaning staff. After a night of interrogation, the results were finally passed on to the sedan sedan project team.

Ye Zhou was sitting in the office, and opposite him were Chen Hao and the commander of the intelligence department.

"...So, the actual situation is the same as I speculated before. There are indeed some bad elements mixed in Baoti. They tampered with the production process, resulting in a decrease in the quality of the latest titanium alloy?"

The intelligence commander nodded and replied:

"That's the way it is now, and the motive has been basically confirmed, and it's aimed at us. However, we can't make a thorough characterization of this matter for the time being, because they insisted that this was just a commercial competition, and it was a domestic competition. The money of the two titanium alloy manufacturers wants to destroy the reputation of Baoti, so they did this.”

"Do you believe this?"

Ye Zhou asked with some humor.

"Of course I don't believe it, but our work is also about evidence, so let's try them again. Hey, there are quite a lot of people arrested during this time, and I don't know if they are for money or something else. "

Hearing the commander's words, Chen Hao interjected and said:

"Obviously for the money--of course, it could be argued that they were for the things money can buy. Either way, you've thwarted another offense this time."

"It wasn't us, or Ye Gong discovered it in time. Otherwise, it would be really difficult for us to find clues about this kind of technical thing."

Ye Zhou shook his head and replied:

"It's just a coincidence. If I didn't want to apply the matrix system in advance, it is estimated that those of us would never have a chance to discover this problem, because the titanium alloy solution has been abandoned by us, and the ground test car will not have titanium alloy blades. ."

"It's ridiculous to think about it. The other party deliberately wanted to do something with us on the material, and the result was like punching the air. If they knew, they would probably be pissed off."

"However, this also shows that we still have some loopholes. This time it is titanium alloy. What if it is ceramic powder next time? We still need to strengthen management, and the acceptance process must be in place."

"Future acceptance not only needs to analyze a single batch of products, but also to compare and analyze with the previous batches of products. If differences are found, they will be upgraded in time to ensure that the quality of the materials is qualified."

Chen Hao nodded and replied:

"Understood, I will explain this request. In addition, on the opponent's side, how do you plan to deal with it, and do you need to take some countermeasures?"

Ye Zhou frowned slightly, and after a moment of silence, he said:

"There is no need for countermeasures. Everyone was caught by us. They probably already know what happened, but I have an idea." Gu Su

"This project has reached the present, and the conflicts between our two sides have basically been put on the table. Now is probably the time to let them know our true attitude..."


On the other side of the sea, in the Office of Strategic Analysis.

Eisen had just suffered the biggest blow in his career, and he could not care about the defeat on the battlefield of public opinion, because in his opinion it was just a icing on the cake, but when the navigator entity was forced to cancel, he Already feeling the pressure.

This kind of pressure made him pin his hopes on the material offensive he personally developed, but what he never expected was that just the day before, he was still emphasizing with his subordinates that titanium alloy matters must not go wrong. Today, their actions have all been bottomed out.

Huaxia's response was so fast that he couldn't even understand how the other party discovered the problem.

how can that be possible? Obviously, the titanium alloy with the adjusted formula still has a working life of thousands of hours. Even if they have conducted a ground test, it is impossible to find the problem.

According to the design requirements of military engines, the test market for an engine is only 300 hours at most. During these 300 hours, it is impossible for them to find problems with titanium alloy materials.

Only when this engine is accepted and practically applied will the problem slowly emerge.

This was also his initial strategy.

But now, this strategy has completely fallen into the void.

He squeezed the pen in his hand tightly, wanting to sign his name on the latest situation report, but he couldn't do it for a long time.

As long as this name is signed, it means that he will completely lose the trust of the top, just like his predecessor.

Even if you can continue to stay in the strategic analysis office as the leader, it will be difficult to carry out the follow-up work.

It shouldn't be like this...

There must be a chance!

He flipped through the piles of analysis reports that had been piled up in the past few months with a little mania, trying to find a new breakthrough in them.

As long as he can find it, he still has a chance to turn over!

Such opportunities are already very small, but after all, what the other party is doing is what they have done before. Whether it is developing engines, or trying to make breakthroughs in materials science and computer science, their own country has already done it. .

In terms of technology, experience and even forward-looking vision, absolutely no country can surpass its own country.

This is the source of his confidence. With this, he firmly believes that he can definitely find out the opponent's flaws, and then hit the opponent hard.

Just need to give him a little more time...

However, just as he was nervously flipping through the material, his analyst suddenly pushed open the door and walked in.

"Mr. Eisen...I think you should look at this."

Aisen was stunned for a moment, and took the pad in his hand, which was an open news page.

After just one glance, he felt a suffocation, and after he read the full text of the news, his heartbeat almost stopped.

It turned out to be so...

From the very beginning, the opponent did not regard himself as an opponent.

The so-called turbofan 18 project is simply a pretense.

Even, what he deduced, the more advanced project hidden behind the Turbofan 18 project is just a small part of the other party's plan.

From the beginning to the end, I just wanted to fight the grass and startle the snake, but I didn't expect that the one hiding in the grass was not a python, but a giant dragon.

That's ridiculous.

I thought that those petty fights on the battlefield of public opinion, those so-called talent competitions, and so-called sabotage could dampen the determination of the other party and slow down their development, but I never thought that these small actions could be used in the other party's huge ambitions. How small it will appear in front of the grand plan.

This is not a confrontation of size at all, because the other party intends to invest thousands of times more resources than his own small office.

After a long silence, Eisen picked up a pen and signed his name on the report, then walked out of the office without looking back.

The pad he left on the desktop was still on the original news page, and the headline of the news only had a few big characters:

"The Nantianmen plan is officially announced!"

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