Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 184 The Fire Passer

The announcement of the Nantianmen plan adopted a completely different method at the request of Ye Zhou. It did not simply release a message or an announcement, but the most powerful special effects company in China was responsible for the key achievements of the plan. Designed a concept map, which of course is technically very crude, but its effect is equally obvious:

Ordinary people can also understand what this plan is going to do.

Technology, at this moment, is not just technology, but a real future that you can try to touch if you try to stand on tiptoe and stretch out your hand.

The golden crow that never falls, the luan bird that swims like a god, the somersault cloud that travels freely in the sky, the matrix system, the gravity strike system, the miniaturized nuclear bomb and the nuclear reactor...

All this seems unreal, but under the influence of the renderings that combine various concepts, most people feel the determination of this plan.

This time, the officials are not engaging in popular science activities, they are trying to play the real thing.

Of course, discussions about the feasibility of the Nantianmen project were immediately rampant, and even a small number of organizations who received official notices and were called upon to participate in the project still had doubts, but soon, such doubts were sent to the The top-secret documents in their hands were swept away.

Shencheng, Sanchi Research Institute.

Today is Friday. According to Ye Zhou's request to Sanchi, no one other than the security staff should have stayed at the institute this night. They should all go back to their homes or lie on the soft sofa. , or sitting in a quiet little Qing bar, ready to start enjoying their rare weekend.

However, on this day, after all the work was completed, all the staff in the institute came to the large conference room located in the center of the institute.

This is a conference room that can accommodate a hundred people, but when these people gather, the conference room still looks a little crowded.

No one spoke, everyone quietly looked at the man standing in front of the screen at the front of the conference room, waiting for him to take out the material specially prepared for them from the pocket in front of him.

There were two guards with guns standing beside the man. The guns had a cold metallic sheen, but under the slightly yellowed eye protection lights in the conference room, they didn't make people feel oppressed, but had a very strange feeling. .....sense of security.

At 20:55, the man coughed and said:

"Hello everyone. As you know, I am from the Nantianmen Project Supreme Command, Intelligence and Security Office. The document in front of me is the overall framework planning white paper of the Nantianmen Project, which exists in the form of video."

"In 5 minutes, I will show you this white paper."

"Here, I reiterate our principle of confidentiality."

"First of all, all the people who were notified to come to this conference room today have passed the review and are qualified to view the confidential documents of the Nantianmen project level 3 and below."

"Second, the security level of the framework planning white paper is level 3, which is defined as: it can be used for internal circulation, and it is not allowed to spread to the outside world."

"This means that after reading the white paper today, all of you will be limited to the 136 people present in the discussion of the Nantianmen project. In addition, it is forbidden to mention the details of the white paper to anyone."

"We will implement 24/7 supervision from the moment when the white paper starts to be displayed. This supervision will not interfere with your daily life, but may cause slight inconvenience on some special matters. If you cannot accept it, please leave the meeting room. ."

This is a routine set of confidential procedures to preach, and no one at the scene has any action to leave.

They all know the weight of this project, and they have undergone strict confidential education and training. In front of such a huge and grand plan, no one wants to be absent.

After waiting for two minutes, the man determined that no one chose to leave, so he continued:

"The selection time has come, and your actions are deemed to accept the project's confidentiality terms. The current time is January 6, 20xx, 21:00, I will decrypt the document, Ombudsman, please check the document seal."

The inspector on the side stepped forward, carefully checked the document seal, and nodded to the man.

The man received the instructions, opened the document and took out a military terminal. After connecting to the large screen in the conference room, he performed fingerprint and voiceprint recognition several times. The screen was briefly dark, and then turned on again.

The exciting moment finally arrived.

The first thing presented in front of everyone is a huge net map. The end point of this net map is a small dot, with a few small characters on the side of the dot:

"Integrated Air and Space Fighter".

A slightly old voice began to explain the net map, and along with his explanation, the net map also began to move synchronously.

Everyone present held their breaths and quietly listened to the thin voice echoing in the conference room.

"The Nantianmen Plan is our long-term plan focusing on future integrated aerospace operations and integrated aerospace economic operations. The initial plan for the time span is 25 years, and the resource investment plan is 5% of the GDP per year."

"The core goals of the plan are: to establish an integrated aerospace equipment system, to train executive talents for integrated aerospace, and to build an integrated aerospace economic cycle."

"Based on the macro goals, the project has five specific goals, which are grouped into the following bullet points."

"Goal 1: develop high-thrust, high-reliability aero-engines with a thrust of more than 120 tons and a full-cycle life of more than 400,000 hours."

"Goal 2: Develop a miniaturized high conversion rate nuclear power reactor and apply it to large aircraft."

"Goal 3: Develop a super-large-scale simulation system and a dedicated strong artificial intelligence system for the design and manufacture of aero-engines."

"Goal 4: Develop and manufacture large-scale, long-endurance aerial platforms."

"Goal 5: Research and development of aero-space-integrated dual-mode aero-engines."

"The above five goals correspond to the five sub-projects of the Nantianmen Plan, and their project codes are: Flower Sedan chair, Golden Crow, Matrix, Luan Bird, and Somersault Cloud."

"Based on the above goals, we have set the project timeline as follows."

"The sedan chair project will be completed within 3 years, the Jinwu project within 10 years, the matrix project within 15 years, the Luanniao project within 20 years, and the somersault cloud project within 25 years."

"Considering the long time span of this project, the members of the project team will be appointed by post. The members of the core leadership team of the project are all the leadership, and the core executive team is the Chinese Academy of Sciences and other relevant scientific research scholars and enterprises invited to participate in the project. business unit.”

"In addition, this project has added an independent command group, which has the overall decision-making power of the project and surpasses the command power. The group code: Suiren."

"The above is a comprehensive introduction. Next, I will introduce the specific work arrangement of your organization."

The screen flickered, followed by another cut to the video.

Most of the people in the conference room nodded secretly, they understood the meaning of the two videos recorded separately.

For such a huge project, the work content assigned to each organization is different. There are five sub-projects, and some organizations may only have access to a small part of one of the sub-projects.

What about the Sanchi Institute?

This is an institute that has been established for less than half a year. Although it has indeed produced a lot of results in the past few months, objectively speaking, the contribution and experience of this institute may not be enough. To the point of taking on too many responsibilities in this key project.

But even just being able to participate is a huge achievement.

The old voice in the video remembered again, and everyone held their breaths, waiting for the result that was extremely important to them.

"Sanchi Research Office will participate in the following sub-projects in the Nantianmen project: Flower Sedan chair, Golden Crow, Matrix, Luan Bird, Somersault Cloud."

"The specific work details and R&D progress arrangements will be delivered in the follow-up."

"Based on this work arrangement, the Sanchi Research Institute will be reorganized, the original personnel structure will remain unchanged, and the organizational relationship will be changed to be directly under the center."

"All participating personnel are subject to the first-level confidentiality requirements and are directly commanded by the independent command team."

"The work arrangement has been announced, and I wish you a happy work."

The video ends and the screen goes black.

The man exited the video interface, looked at everyone in the conference room and asked:

"Are you clear about the arrangement, do you need to watch it again?"

No one answered him, because everyone was immersed in great shock.

The research institute was upgraded to be directly affiliated, participated in the research and development of all core projects in the Nantianmen project, and accepted the direct command of the independent command group...

What kind of treatment is this? What is the reason for the Sanchi Research Institute to have such treatment?

At this moment, a name appeared in everyone's mind.

Yes, the identity of this person is not a secret.

Because of the technologies related to the Nantianmen project, in fact, they have been able to see some clues from their daily research.

It's him.

Ye Zhou.

Or call it... the Flint?

Everyone in the conference room was a little surprised, and they realized one thing at the same time.

That's right, starting from today, that name will not and will not be mentioned to the outside world. He will always hide in the darkness and pass fire to others.

And as a member of the 136 people in the conference room, I will be the first batch of...

Fire spreader!

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