Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 185: Planting Flags Everywhere

After the meeting, no one wanted to leave the room because they all knew the seriousness of the so-called Level 1 confidentiality requirements.

Once they leave the fixed location, they will not be able to talk about the details of the project with anyone in any area, not even colleagues who belong to the same project team.

So now is their only window of time if they want to discuss it.

They need to vent too much. The original Nantianmen plan has given them enough shock, but after knowing the details and work arrangement of the project, this shock has been raised again on the original basis, which makes them impatient. They want to share with those around them the thoughts that are overflowing from their hearts.

Lei Gang is the expert in charge of ceramic materials in the Sanchi Research Institute. He led the team to develop the ceramic-based fluorescent iron reinforcement material based on the fluorescent iron formula provided by Ye Zhou, so among the 136 people, he is probably the most A person who is aware of the enormous energy that Ye Zhou possesses.

But it is precisely because of this that he has become the most silent one among the heated discussions.

He has a lot to say and a lot of emotions to vent, but he doesn't know where to start.

South Gate.

When he heard the name of this project, he once thought to himself that the name was a bit too big. If it weren't for a huge project, I'm afraid it wouldn't be worthy of such a name.

That is heaven.

That is the entrance to the other side of the world. If there is no "ascension to the sky" level project, how dare you call it Nantianmen?

It's like a child, if you don't have a hard enough fate, you can't bear those big names.

But as he learned the details of the project from the official public media, he had faintly overturned his previous prejudices, and he realized that the power and ambition behind this project was definitely far more than exposed to the public. degree of.

Until just now, when he learned from the short video and the old and calm voice the details he was looking forward to, it was like a huge mountain was pressing down in his heart and slammed into it. the deepest part of his consciousness.

Nantianmen, worthy of Nantianmen, is the ladder to the sky.

And it was the man who erected the ladder.

Ye Zhou, Sui people.

How to evaluate him?

A leader who is easy-going most of the time, but extremely demanding?

A genius boy who has achieved world-renowned achievements at a young age?

A junior who is often ridiculed by himself in his spare time and needs to find a girlfriend quickly, or else it will be difficult to find a girlfriend when his hair falls out?

These are all him, but none of them are the real him.

The real him, like the title "Suiren", is like a legend in ancient times, full of mystery with infinite power.

He shook his head, but there was no way he could combine these mixed impressions in his mind.

While he was immersed in his own thoughts in confusion and confusion, a colleague across from him came over.

This person's name is Mao Lin, and he was a member of his previous Yingtie research group. At this moment, his face was filled with undisguised joy, and at first glance he seemed to be full of youthful vigor.

Seeing the silent Lei Gang, he opened his mouth and said:

"Brother Gang, why are you sitting here alone? Don't you go to chat with everyone and celebrate? We can let go of the chat today. When we leave this conference room, we are first-class security personnel."

Lei Gang smiled and replied:

"I want to talk too, but I have a lot of words in my heart, but I can't say them. It feels like a dream."

"Such a big project, it was launched as soon as it was launched, and it was publicly released in this way, and the core member was still Ye Zhou... I was thinking... Are we really going to Do research and development, or just like the glow iron, just need to improve?"

Hearing Lei Gang's words, Mao Lin was also stunned.

Yes, this question flashed in his mind just now, but he didn't take it seriously.

Regardless of whether it is R&D or perfection, in a word, how can the government do things that are not certain?

All you have to do is keep up with the pace and work hard, and sooner or later you will see results.

After all, I am still young, and if I live to be in my 50s casually, I might just be able to see somersaults in the sky?

Thinking of this, he opened his mouth and replied:

"Brother Gang, I didn't think about it that much. You think, we are not strategists. Once the task above is finished, it's over. Can we still be treated badly?"

Lei Gang shook his head and said:

"I'm not worried about being mistreated or not. I haven't thought about this issue at all. I'm just a little bit. How should I say? Curious? Anyway, it's just out of a researcher's instinct to know the logic behind a thing. ."

"Well, I can understand."

Mao Lin nodded slightly, then continued:

"However, in fact, the question you are thinking about will actually have an answer soon. When the details of the work plan are posted, you will know it at a glance?"

"Damn, that's what I'm saying, I'm just curious now. Think about it carefully, what's the biggest difference between doing research and development from scratch and doing things based on the existing foundation?"

"What is it? Difficulty?"

"Of course the difficulty is different...but that's not what I'm talking about, try to look a little further from this matter."

Hearing Lei Gang's words, Mao Lin frowned.

Go a little further? How far? Is the 25 years of the Nantianmen project not far enough?

After a while, he opened his mouth and said:

"I don't particularly understand. Brother Gang, just tell me directly."

Lei Gang thought for a moment in silence, as if trying to straighten out his logic. After a few seconds, the expression on his face suddenly changed.


At this moment, he finally figured out his thoughts, and also understood the reason why the words in his heart were blocked.

Because he saw deeper clues from behind the project.

The key to this clue is Ye Zhou.

After pausing for a moment and organizing the language a little, he opened his mouth and said:

"You are also a member of the Fluorite Research Group. I ask you, do you still remember what our research and development process was like?"

"How can I forget this, Ye Gong...let's call him Ye Gong, Ye Gong provided the formula of fluorescent iron, and then delineated the research and development direction, and we followed his direction to do optimization and experiments... ....Wait."

Having said that, Mao Lin stopped in horror.

He suddenly felt a shudder with the hair standing on end.

This trembling was not from fear, but from the great shock.


The context of the whole thing is not that simple.

Ye Zhou, or Sui Ren, works in a way that is different from any other research scholar.

Every time he throws not just a direction, but an almost certain result, and after one result is thrown, he will immediately turn to another new direction.

From chips, to materials, to aero engines, every time he appears, it means a huge change.

And now, based on what they already know, Ye Zhou is the real core of this Nantianmen project.

The release of the Nantianmen project means that he has already thrown out the results.

That's why Lei Gang asked, "What is to be done is to develop from scratch or to improve".

Because the difference between the two is not the so-called difficulty difference at all.

As Lei Gang said, he needs to see from a farther and farther perspective.

Nantianmen is already a project beyond the times, and the core technology of this project may have been conquered.

So, where will he turn next?

How many technologies beyond the Tianmen project have been or will be thrown out by him?

Once these technologies are thrown out, what impact will it have on this country and the world?

Mao Lin looked at Lei Gang in amazement, and said with some tongue-tied words:

"Brother Gang, yours, you mean..."

Seeing his expression, Lei Gang realized that he also understood what he was thinking.

"Yes, it is what you think. The Nantianmen project is not just a simple... nor simple, in short, it is not just a project itself."

"It's a signal!"

Speaking of this, Lei Gang suddenly stood up, and at this moment, he had the same smile on his face as everyone else.

After glancing around with emotion, he continued:

"His, Ye Zhou this kid!"

"It's no wonder that this project has to be released with such great fanfare. He is not worried that this project will fail at all!"

"Not only don't worry, for him, this project should be just a... phased task!"

"While this mission is in progress, he will definitely start other missions."

"These tasks will definitely be bigger than Nantianmen, and the impact and impact on the world will be more profound."

"It's... such a big ambition. You see, we just want to do the things right in front of us, he doesn't think like that."

"He raised the Nantianmen project as a flag."

"When this flag is raised, that's when we're going to start planting flags everywhere."

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