Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 186 Occasionally Have To Be A Dog

Just when Lei Gang was excited that he was about to witness the opening of an era, on the other side of the sea, a large number of professionals were urgently summoned in the Strategic Analysis Office to discuss the authenticity of the Nantianmen plan.

Eisen did not attend the meeting, and his reason was that his body was not, but everyone could see that after this period of high-intensity work had not achieved any results, his spirit had almost been wiped out.

The one who organized the meeting in his place was a middle-aged man with bald hair. In front of him was all the information he could collect about the Nantianmen project. At this time, he was looking at the information while communicating with other people in the conference room. .

"...So, judging from the information we have now, how real is this project, can anyone give me an accurate answer?"

Everyone in the conference room was silent for a moment, and then a man in a pure black shirt replied:

"At present, there is no reliable evidence to prove the authenticity of the project, but we have analyzed several sets of concept maps and simple announcements they released, and extracted the technical concepts involved."

"From the analysis of this information, it is not particularly optimistic."

"What they show is superficial, but if we analyze it according to our experience, it is completely correct."

"For example, the nuclear-powered large aircraft project they mentioned is almost the same as what we and Mao Xiong have done before, but their design is more advanced."

"Another example is the so-called simulation system in the concept map. We are also doing this, but the scale is far less than that of them. After analysis by technical personnel, none of the conceptual wording they adopted was made up, it is very likely that , they are really already engaged, and even have some results."

After listening to the words of the man in the shirt, the bald man frowned.

"Are you sure? Such a huge project... I always find it a little unbelievable. What's even more incredible is that they actually said that?"

The man in the shirt smiled wryly and replied:

"That's what I'm really worried about."

"The scale and ambition of the Nantianmen plan is amazing enough, and they even dare to publish this plan through a public platform like this, which shows that everyone should know what it is."

"What is the working method of our opponents? Equipment generation, R&D generation, when the next generation is not in R&D, this generation will never come out with equipment."

"You should have heard their saying on the Internet, 'It's too backward to show it'. I feel that the Nantianmen project has a bit of this meaning."

"They want to use this project to send us a signal to warn us not to engage in senseless confrontation, because what they are plotting is not what we see."

After the man in the shirt finished speaking, everyone in the conference room fell into deep thought.

According to consistent experience, their opponents are indeed such a style, and they must be 100% sure of what they can say.

But if you analyze it logically, it feels a little weird.

Is the technology involved in such a huge project really something they can conquer in a short period of time?

25 years sounds like a long time, but for the development of technology, it is actually a very short period of time.

In this extremely short period of time, the things they have to do and the technologies they have to conquer are massive.

Is this really possible?

In all fairness, if one's own country has the courage to come up with such a project, in 30 to 40 years, it is possible to complete all technological breakthroughs and achieve the goal set by the other party, but this is already based on its own technology. It was already on a more advanced basis than the other party.

The other party is obviously still at a disadvantage, so how could he come up with a plan that even his own side would not dare to propose?


After a moment of silence, the bald man continued to ask:

"Is it possible, this is a strategy? You all remember the previous space arms race, right? We also proposed many advanced plans at the time, and we also convinced our enemies to believe in these plans, and finally successfully dragged down them."

The man in the shirt shook his head and replied:

"Don't have such a fluke mentality. Our opponent's work style is completely different from ours. Are there still few examples of this?"

"In the past, we said we wanted to develop electromagnetic guns, which was just to deceive some Congress's budget. What happened? They did it."

"Then we said we wanted to do lasers, but we gave up because of budget issues, and they did it again."

"After that, drone swarm operations, waverider missiles, dual-pulse missile engines, synthetic starch, space stations, moon landings, dark matter capture... It's just everyone's bragging, but every time they take it seriously already."

"The most important thing is that they can actually make it when it's real."

"With such opponents, you still dare to doubt whether they are playing psychological warfare with us? Stop joking with me, the only thing we can do is, no matter what the current public opinion is, no matter what the reaction of other countries is. , we must take it seriously ourselves!"

"They're not Yindu... Everything they say will be taken seriously!"

The bald man scratched his head silently, a somewhat embarrassed and somewhat ashamed expression on his face.

That's right, it's them who often engage in strategic fraud, the gang of rabbits across the sea, but they've never played tricks.

But if this tone is established, their response plan becomes extremely limited.

Or rather, only one.

That is, if you do it, we will do it too.

Thinking of this, he opened his mouth and said:

"Since everyone agrees with this point of view, then I think our strategy is very clear, that is, we can only join the competition."

"We have to surpass them in terms of economic and technical strength. If we really compete on the same stage, we will not be slower than them."

"Isn't it the Nantianmen plan? We can also do the Valhalla plan and the Olympus Mountain plan. In short, we have to compete against each other to suppress them..."

"How do you want to compete?"

Before he could finish speaking, the man in the shirt interrupted immediately.

The bald man was stunned for a moment and replied:

"What does it mean to compete? Am I not clear enough? We also have to start similar programs, and we have to do a larger scale than them. Is this difficult to understand?"

The man in the shirt gave him a sympathetic look, then said helplessly:

"Do you think it's that easy... To start such a huge project, it is a huge challenge for the organization, coordination and execution of the entire country - of course, this does not mean that we can't do it. Now, my question is, why do it?"

"What do you mean? Don't you think the other party is playing for real? Why do you suddenly start opposing?"

The bald man had a suspicious look on his face.

"It's not that I'm against...I'm just imitating the tone of the congress lords. If I were the lords, now I ask you, why do we do this?"

"...because the opponent did."

"If our opponents do it, do we have to do it? If we spend so much money, will there be results? Can't we spend this money elsewhere? For example, to maintain world peace, such as robbing oil, such as supporting our beliefs, donating money, etc. To the Holy See, isn't there a shortage of money in these places?"

The bald man was instantly dumbfounded.

He was all too familiar with such problems.

He has to answer these questions repeatedly every time he applies for a budget, and the people who ask the questions don't really care about the answers, they just don't want to give them.

Their eyes can only see the real interests.

After sighing, the bald man asked:

"Then according to you, we have nothing to do with their plans? We can only watch?"

The man in the shirt shook his head and replied:

"It's not that there is no way. In fact, the reason why the other party wants to announce this plan is also very obvious, that is, they want to avoid some unnecessary disputes as much as possible."

"Whatever their ultimate goal is, at least, for now, the attitude they are showing is positive."

"Then, what we have to do is simple."

"Instead of confrontation, it is better to cooperate, and interests come first."

"Cooperation with our enemy!?"

The bald man widened his eyes.

The man in the shirt spread his hands, leaned back on the chair, and replied:

"Otherwise? Why don't you go to convince Congress, do you think it's possible? Or, take a plane to the Vatican to pray and pray, let God bless us, and then curse the other party's project failure?"

"...I understand what you mean, I will do it. However, the other party will hardly accept us, after all, we are still in a confrontation."

"Confrontation and cooperation are eternal coexistence, and there is no clear dividing line. As for you worry that the other party will not accept us, then I can only say, you should show your sincerity well, you have to give it a try and do something. ."

"If it really doesn't work, let's make other plans."

"Seriously, if the other party has really laid the foundation for the so-called Nantianmen plan, then this time, I am afraid it will be our turn to be dogs."

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