Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 187 Cooperation Application

There is also a group of people who have the same idea as everyone in the Chouguo Strategic Analysis Office, that is, those researchers who were unable to conduct research in a short period of time because of the withdrawal of the Navigator project entity organization and the seizure of equipment.

As professional researchers, they are obviously better able to see the practical significance of this seemingly unrealistic project than the ordinary people who eat melons and watch.

The ultimate goal of the project is not necessarily the key, the key is the additional results that can be made as the project progresses.

More importantly, they don't actually care about whether they can produce results in the end. What they care about is that such a project that can get a lot of publicity and exposure on the official media must have the same huge resource support behind it. amount.

This is true whether it is in terms of funds, policies, or other preferential treatment.

As long as you can enter this project, you basically don't have to worry about the rest of your life.

Therefore, they had nothing to do for the time being, and they began to inquire about the contact information of the project leader, and then sent their resumes to the Nantianmen project team through various channels. These resumes were finally gathered in the human resources department of the project headquarters. After screening by the human resources department, it was submitted to Ye Zhou.

However, what they don't know is that their resumes have been marked with a red label before they reach Ye Zhou, which means that their credibility level is already low to an outrageous level, unless Ye Zhou exercised his command. Otherwise, the final destination of these resumes is only one - the boiler fuel pool of the heating boiler room of Liming Aviation.

Ye Zhou picked out a resume with a red label and threw it into the trash, and then asked:

"Why do you have to give me these resumes that can't pass the review? Can't you throw them away? I'm really annoyed that I have to pick them first every time. Do you think I'll be bored enough to pick from these people? "

Seeing Ye Zhou's impatient expression, Chen Hao answered helplessly:

"It's a process requirement. Of course, these resumes won't pass the scrutiny, but since you have overriding command, there is a possibility that you will pick out the talents you think are available from these people, and the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. So , Based on this possibility, they must still show it to you."

Ye Zhou sighed, he knew that what Chen Hao said was right.

The so-called transcendent command power means that Ye Zhou can bypass the leading group and general rules under certain special circumstances, and directly make decisions according to what he thinks is the correct strategy. leadership, but also to avoid when certain disagreements arise that the project cannot move in the right direction.

This is the same as the emergency command power Ye Zhou used in the three-stage simulation of Dragon Heart before. There are no restrictions when using it, but after using it, no matter whether the result is good or bad, he will face corresponding scrutiny.

Therefore, Ye Zhou had already set a baseline in his mind as soon as he knew that he had this power, and he would only use it when the situation was the most urgent. As for the trivial matter of talent selection, he simply thought about it. Not consider.

It's true that those who have been labeled are not all bad people, and part of it is because they don't know enough about the situation, or they really have reasons to go, but he doesn't intend to pull too much for this very small number of people. with your own energy.

Missing one or two high-quality talents may cause the project to be delayed for one or two months at most, but if a bad person is brought in, it is not a problem of the project progress, but a problem of whether the project can still succeed.

Thinking of this, he opened his mouth and said:

"Don't worry, I will never pick someone from here. What level of project is Nantianmen? The confidentiality requirements have reached level 1, and they are still looking for these people who are most prone to problems. Who will come when there is a problem? The solution? Am I going to make myself uncomfortable? Really, don't give it to me next time, just throw it away."

"Okay, okay, you have the final say, next time I will throw it for you, is this the head office?"

"...If you don't mind the trouble, throw it away. By the way, when it comes to leaking secrets, do you know that the Chou Kingdom is trying to contact us?"

Chen Hao nodded and replied:

"I know, this is why I came to find you today, but as soon as you came over, you complained about your resume, and I didn't even say anything."

"Then what can I do? The sedan chair project is already busy enough, and I have to waste 5 minutes of my resume screening. It would be nice for me to have a cup of tea with these 5 minutes... Forget it, don't talk about this, what are you? view?"

Valley Rock

"You said to cooperate with the ugly country? I have no idea, I don't want to do it."

Hearing Chen Hao's answer, Ye Zhou smiled satisfactorily and replied:

"Sure enough, we are still in the same mind, and I don't want to do it, but I really enjoy the pleasure of being licked by them."

"...Indeed, the Nantianmen plan has only been released for a few days, and our relationship with each other has loosened up a lot, and they have even made concessions in some areas. However, I suggest to refuse decisively, So that you don't have too many dreams at night."

"I know, that's all, I have already submitted a report to the leading group before you came. The decision-making suggestion is not to be accepted, and the element of the ugly country is completely excluded."

"Very good, then I can rest assured that you are a mature and good comrade."

"Why not? It's a struggle, it's not a dinner party, it's not embroidery or painting, but if you are ruthless and steady, if you are indecisive, sooner or later, they will catch the loophole."

Ye Zhou flipped through the last batch of resumes, signed his name on the review form and handed it over to Chen Hao, then continued:

"Another thing, I have also been following the comments on the Nantianmen project on the Internet for the past two days, and found that the overall atmosphere is indeed much better than before, which shows that our previous education is still useful, and this is a good momentum."

"Yes, I also found it. There are more technical discussions about the Nantianmen project now, and there are both possible and impossible to achieve, but both sides are not extreme, and the previous public opinion that has risen to the nature of attack at every turn. Much less."

"That's right. Now this is a good atmosphere for public opinion..."

As he spoke, Ye Zhou stood up. He had already checked his watch, it was exactly 5:50, and he walked over to the cafeteria just in time to eat.

Seeing his actions, Chen Hao also got up and asked:

"What do you want to eat today? It's Friday, why don't you go to my place and let my wife cook two dishes and eat and drink?"

"...Take it down. I don't want to see you two middle-aged husband and wife show their affection. I'll go to the cafeteria to eat by myself."

Chen Hao smiled helplessly and said:

"As you please. Go back and have a good rest this weekend. The engine will enter the assembly test next week. You will be busy then."

"I know, I know....."

Ye Zhou opened the door and walked out, followed by Chen Hao, but suddenly, the special cell phone in Ye Zhou's pocket rang.

He took out his mobile phone from his pocket and saw that there was a message from the leadership team on it.

The content of the information is not much, but he has read it several times in a row, and his brows are also wrinkled.

"What's wrong?"

Chen Hao asked suspiciously looking at Ye Zhou's expression, but before Ye Zhou could answer, his own cell phone rang.

Above is the exact same message.

"Xiong Country has just submitted a cooperation application to us, and the exchange conditions include resources, technology, and talents."

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