Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 188 Is Just A Small Suggestion

(Let me tell you in advance, if someone discusses too sensitive things in the comment area in the future, I will delete the post directly, don’t mess around, do you know?)



"It's all right. Just after the decision on the ugly country's side was decided, Maozi came to the door again."

Chen Hao returned to the sofa and sat down again, reluctantly replied a "received" message on his mobile phone, and then continued:

"To say that their sense of smell is really sensitive enough. How long has it been since the news was sent out, and the judgment and decision-making have been completed so quickly. I feel that the efficiency is quite high."

Ye Zhou shook his head and replied:

"This is all forced out, and now Maozi is no longer good, and all aspects of technology are stagnant. If you continue to eat your old money, you can't guarantee that you can eat for a few years."

"So, seeing our old neighbor throw out such a project, they must smell it. If it can indirectly stimulate the technological development of the country, it will be a sure-fire thing."

During the conversation, the two received further detailed information on their mobile phones. The main content was the conditions that the other party wanted to exchange. Ye Zhou projected the content on the big screen and discussed with Chen Hao while watching.

"There is nothing to talk about in terms of resources, nothing more than oil and natural gas. How much of this thing we want depends on the final negotiation."

"In terms of talents... well, I actually want it too. Mao Xiong is more professional in the aerospace field, and our Nantianmen project involves many problems in the field of mathematics. This is also their part. If we can have some talent exchanges with us, it will also be beneficial to our own development.”

"The initial plan they put forward is to send us a group of experts in the aerospace industry, mathematics and materials science to participate in the project, but it will be mainly deployed by us. I think this condition is acceptable."

"So the only problem is that the technology is exchanged. They probably want to trade technology for technology and enter our core R&D circle. This is the point I hesitate the most. The Nantianmen plan is completed, but in all fairness, if there is their technical bonus, the progress can indeed be much faster."

"It's hard to choose."

Ye Zhou sighed, turned to look at Chen Hao and asked:

"What do you think?"

After pondering for a while, Chen Hao replied:

"I personally believe that cooperation with them is necessary, not only considering the strategic alliance between our two countries, but more importantly, such a large-scale project cannot avoid international technical exchanges and integration. It is better to leave this opportunity to the West than to them.”

"Another point, in the long run, I think the idea of ​​our project is to open up the generation gap. If it can really be completed in 25 years, or even 20 years, it is likely to lead to a fundamental change in the world pattern. Variety."

"To put it bluntly, the unipolar order is difficult to last. If we are too strong, they will die. If they feel like they are dying, they will try to pull us into the water. So the best way is to give us meat, Give them a drink of soup, hang them, but leave them too weak to grab the meat. Do you understand that?"

In Chen Hao's eyes, although Ye Zhou has unquestionable and unchallenged authority in his technical background, on the one hand, he is still young, and on the other hand, he has not received a complete and comprehensive education, so when he talks about this topic , he tried to express his views in as simple and easy-to-understand words as possible.

However, Ye Zhou's reaction was much duller than he expected.

"Well, I understand, a half-dead bear is a good bear."

"This is also the basic direction of our cooperation. We agree to cooperate with them, but we cannot let them enter the core field. However, it may not be easy for them to accept this. After all, they are still among the best in the aviation field, and there is still some pride in them. ."

Hearing Ye Zhou's words, Chen Hao smiled and said:

"Pride is useless. In this situation, whoever has the money is the eldest brother. They used to be our eldest brother for decades. Now that we are developed, should we be the eldest brother?"

"That's true. Since we all agree, I will reply directly. Regardless of technology exchange or entering the core R&D field, other parts can be discussed."

"Reply, the final decision-making power in this matter is not only technical, there are more factors to consider, you can communicate with the above more at that time, after all, this is not a decision that can be made in a day or two. "


Ye Zhou nodded and replied his opinion on the phone.

But in the middle of the message, he suddenly stopped, then put down the phone and frowned and said:

"I suddenly had an idea."

"what idea?"

Chen Hao asked.

Ye Zhou thought for a moment in silence, and then said tentatively:

"You said... can we take this opportunity to take something back from them?"

beside the valley

"That is, what we lost for various reasons can be recovered in exchange for some, do you think it is possible?"

Hearing Ye Zhou's words, Chen Hao was obviously taken aback.

Of course he knew what Ye Zhou was talking about, but he knew even more how difficult it was to accomplish this.

This is an extremely complicated issue, involving many historical factors and social and environmental factors. I am afraid that one Nantianmen project is not enough to make the other party make such a big determination.

Thinking of this, he shook his head and said:

"I don't think it's possible. This problem is too complicated to solve."

"In addition, on this issue, even if we both reach a consensus, we will face many major external pressures."

"Think about it, who would want to see them make such a deal with us with their heads down? This is a strong signal, and the impact may even be greater than the Nantianmen plan."

Ye Zhou sighed, took a sip of the cold tea beside him, and didn't answer immediately.


What Chen Hao said is of course correct, and it is also the most rational and safe solution based on the current actual situation.

Don't mention it at all, bypassing this topic is the most correct way.

However, he was a little unwilling.

Maybe there's nothing wrong with that, by the way?

But what kind of formulation should be used?

After frowning and thinking for a few seconds, Ye Zhou spit out a mouthful of tea, and suddenly said with a flash of light:

"That is, is there a possibility that we will engage in in-depth cooperation and resource integration with them in this project?"

Chen Hao's eyes lit up, and he instantly understood what Ye Zhou meant.


Two hours later, in a small red building, a man looked at the report in his hand, dumbfounded, and said to the secretary beside him:

"This Ye can I say he is good? Let's call him a juvenile temperament, and he is so sophisticated in every aspect; but let's call him mature, he dares to do this without any scruples. Mention me here."

"Really...a very interesting young man."

"Did you read the report he sent?"

The secretary on the side nodded and replied:

"I've seen it, it's really interesting, and I have a lot of ideas, but it's not good to say it, it's a bit of a bullshit."

The secretary was originally from the Northeast, so when he talked about this topic, he couldn't help but bring a little Northeast accent.

"My hometown is near there. The climate and environment there are too bad, and heavy industry can barely do it, but for a project like Nantianmen, it is still a bit inappropriate to put the base there."

"Don't talk about those engineers from other areas, even if I go there, I can't handle the weather a bit. Let's not talk about open-air experiments. Most of the time people will freeze when they go out."

Hearing the secretary's words, the man smiled and replied:

"Let's talk about whether it's frozen or not, Ye Zhou, he just took this as a pretense. When it's really built, it's a big deal not to put people in it. It's purely a staged experiment and production site."

"Anyway, I think it can be tried. Let's talk about it first. If we can't agree, we won't lose anything."

After all, the man signed his name on the document and handed it over to the secretary. The secretary took the document with a smile and made a rare joke:

"Leader, you are saying Ye Zhou is reckless, but in fact, his proposal, I am afraid that you have gone to your heart?"


The man laughed and didn't refute.

The secretary put the documents in the sealed bag, and before closing the bag, his eyes swept over the words one last time.

"It is recommended to establish a joint experimental base for the Nantianmen project in the northeast region. In view of the project volume, the experimental base should cover an area of ​​more than 200,000 square kilometers."

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