Just as Ye Zhou made his suggestion to his superiors, a group of experts and administrative officials at the Baranov Aero-Engine Research Institute in Xiongguo was discussing strategies related to the expected cooperation with the Huaxia Nantianmen project.

The first person to speak was a senior researcher named Alixay. He was wearing old-fashioned clothes and his hair was gray, but he was still in good spirits.

"According to the preliminary plan information we obtained from Huaxia, the first thing to be solved in the Nantianmen plan of the other party is the related problems of aero-engines, and it happens that we have relative technical advantages in this field. I think we can sell part of it. technology in exchange for opportunities for cooperation.”

"After all, it is an objective fact that we lack funds and resources at this stage. If we can join the other party's project and take advantage of the other party's advantages to help us carry out more advanced research and development work, it will have a role that cannot be underestimated, both for them and us. ."

"It's a win-win strategy, and I don't think the other side will refuse."

"The only question is how much they want us to give in exchange, and how much and how much are we willing to pay."

"From my point of view, the other party has been trying to obtain more advanced aero-engine technology from us, especially the design principle of the nk-32 engine. If we are willing to sell this technology, then I think that in the other party's project It is not difficult to occupy a core seat in China.”

Hearing his words, a man in a suit opposite said:

"Alixay, I understand what you mean, and I also understand the dilemma that our aviation sector is facing now, but I have to remind you that nk-32 represents our most advanced aviation technology and what we have now. One of the few technologies that dominates the world."

"If this technology is sold to Huaxia, it means that we will lose our dominant position for a period of time in the future - this will trigger a butterfly effect and cause unpredictable consequences."

"do you understand what I mean?"

Alexey nodded and replied:

"Of course I understand, but, comrade, I want you to think about another thing too: this is our only chance."

"If you don't cooperate with them, they will overtake us sooner or later on their own, it's only a matter of time because our country is not as good as it used to be and she can't come up with more bread to feed us researchers. ."

"And once researchers run out of food, falling behind becomes inevitable."

"So, we have to make a choice. Do we die slowly, or cut off one of our arms in exchange for a chance to be reborn?"

His voice fell, and everyone present fell silent.

That's right, they are no longer the big brother who used to be wealthy. In the past few years, under the combined influence of various factors such as continuous sanctions from the West, internal management flaws, and the wrong direction of development, their strengths in all aspects are constantly increasing. The decline of the scientific research field is that scientific research talents have not been paid attention to for a long time, and scientific research projects have not received enough funds.

They have not known how many years they have not come up with amazing and world-leading products.

If this continues, the status of the former powerhouse may be in jeopardy.

The man in the suit glanced around and said:

"What about other people's opinions? Is it the same as Alexey's? If so, please raise your hands."

"I don't mind telling you the result of this choice directly: if you choose to transfer core technology to cooperate with the other party, the lives of all of you in the next 20 years will be much richer, and your families will be able to receive more care. "

"But, again, our country will face a huge risk that the other party will use our technology to quickly overtake us, and at that time, everything we have temporarily will likely not be satisfied."

"On the other hand, if we choose not to cooperate or sell core technology, then the result is that you will live an ordinary life in peace and stability, which may be very ordinary, but there will never be more accidents."

"Now, please raise your hands to vote. If you agree to transfer technology to achieve cooperation, please raise your hands."

There was a whisper of voices in the huge conference room. A few seconds later, Alixe raised his first hand, and then others raised their hands.

The man in the suit carefully counted the number of people who raised their hands, and then said:

"Okay, the result is clear, we will transfer core technology in exchange for corresponding funds and project core seats."

After saying that, he stood up to say goodbye to everyone, turned his head and left the conference room.

Alixay followed him and sent him out of the institute. At this time, there were sparse snowflakes floating in the sky. The two were strolling in the snow, and the dim street lights illuminated their long but slender shadows.

After walking out of the research institute, the man in the suit said with some emotion:

Gu Yun

"I never thought before that we would have to compromise with anyone else in terms of technology. It seems that the times have really changed. This era no longer belongs to old men like us."

Alexey nodded, sighed and replied:

"Yes, but it's a phase we have to go through, and every country goes through a period of pain like this when it develops to a certain point, doesn't it? We'll get through it."

"In addition, on the bright side, what we are discussing today is only the expected coping strategies. In fact, according to what I know about Huaxia, they are still very friendly to us as a whole. Maybe they don't need to pay too much. It will give us a hand on this matter.”

Hearing Alexey's words, the man in the suit smiled, patted the other person's shoulder lightly, brushed off the snowflakes from his clothes, and said:

"Alixay, you're still the same... You know, the times I'm talking about have changed, and it's not just because we've become weaker, or China has become stronger."

"What really changed was something else."

"There's a saying among their people, I don't know if you've heard it: 'We miss Big Brother because Big Brother is dead'."

"Do you know what this sentence means? We are no longer their big brother. The big brother they recognized was dead when the last century was about to end."

"So, in fact, they have no feelings for us, everything is just an exchange of interests based on alliances."

"At the national level, it is difficult to have brotherhood."

Alexey listened silently, and after a long time, he opened his mouth and said:

"At least, we still have a chance to exchange, don't we? I heard that they directly rejected the cooperation request of the ugly country."

"Yeah, that's good."

The man in the suit nodded, and suddenly asked thoughtfully:

"Alixay, from your point of view, is their so-called Nantianmen project really that attractive?"

Alexey didn't hesitate, and answered directly:

"The attraction is huge. This attraction is not only their huge investment in resources and funds, but more importantly, the new ideas and technical concepts they have shown in the planning of this giant project."

"We've received preliminary planning documents from them that are a bit more detailed than what they've made public at the public level."

"By analyzing these documents, we have come to the basic conclusion that they should have mastered the basic technologies of the five sub-projects of the Nantianmen project, at least, they will not encounter any difficulties in project initiation and early development."

"When I say pre-development, I mean in the next five years."

"In the past five years, with the Nantianmen Project, they will obtain a huge amount of new technologies and new achievements, which are equally attractive to scientific researchers all over the world. Otherwise, why would there be so many countries to What about their requests for cooperation? You know, other countries are not as short of money as we are.”

The man in the suit nodded and said nothing.

He is over sixty this year and has spanned three full representative eras, but he doesn't seem to realize until these few days that the protagonist of this world has changed.

On the day the Nantianmen project was announced, all relevant personnel in this once extremely proud country were scrambling to inquire about the details of the project, and some even submitted a report directly to him, requesting him to make a decision on cooperation immediately.

And these reports one by one really made him speed up his decision-making.

It's not so much efficiency as it's a sense of urgency being forced out.

The two did not continue talking, but walked silently to the car parked on the side of the road. After saying goodbye to Alixay, the man in the suit sat in the back seat. In the back seat, he looked at each other again through the glass. He has been staring at the smear of red on the other's chest that has never been taken off.

The red, which should have been bright, was mottled and pale after decades, and the dim light of the streetlights made him feel sad.

He retracted his gaze and motioned the driver to start the car. When he closed his eyes and was about to rest, a thought suddenly popped into his mind.

On their side, will this red be more vivid?

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