Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 190 Want To Buy A Ticket?

The first contact with Xiong Guo happened faster than Ye Zhou expected. That night, he was still eating at Chen Hao's house. The main purpose is to obtain further project information, as well as to determine cooperation methods and cooperation conditions.

At the same time, the superiors also responded to his suggestions.

You can mention it, you can strive for it, but don't hold too much hope, and don't make it a necessary prerequisite for reaching cooperation.

Seeing this reply, Ye Zhou breathed a sigh of relief.

Indeed, the requirements he put forward are actually extremely difficult to achieve. This is not only because of the complex relationship issues that Chen Hao mentioned before, but also because of the strategic significance of the place he wants. too much.

Even if the natural ice-free port is excluded, Xiong Guo is unlikely to give up such a large area in exchange for participation in a project.

The price is too high. Without being able to see the true strength of the Nantianmen project, it is impossible for them to make such a compromise.

However, fighting for something is better than not fighting for it, everything has to have a beginning.

Only when such a request is made in the initial stage of the project, then as the project develops and the benefits of the project become higher and higher, further negotiations can be made based on this premise.

Chen Hao also received the notice of the preliminary exchange, and the preparations he needed to do for this exchange were not less than Ye Zhou, so a Friday night that should have been relaxed and leisurely was just like this, and the two went back to their respective homes to finish the work. Preparations, the next day at 16:00, the first exchange started on time.

The communication was still conducted by video conference, but unlike the previous meetings Ye Zhou participated in, this time he did not show his face or even appear in the conference room.

Chen Hao will be responsible for the technical speech in his place, and he will command remotely through real-time voice.

The main participants of the other party include a veteran technical expert, Alixay, and the official in charge of administrative affairs, Sergey, and the rest are technical and platform support teams.

After the meeting started, the two parties involved first greeted each other according to etiquette. Afterwards, Chen Hao, as a representative, once again introduced the basic situation of the Nantianmen project, and briefly mentioned some more detailed technical details that were not disclosed to the other party earlier. These details surprised the Xiongfang technical team.

After listening to his introduction, Alexey frowned slightly and asked:

"Mr. Chen, we have already understood the overall plan and goals of the project in the early stage. In fact, we are more concerned about the technical details you just mentioned, because only through these details can we evaluate the real situation of the project, It’s up to us to decide how much we can pay.”

"I heard you say just now----if there is no mistake in the translation----I heard you say that you have already accumulated preliminary technology for the five sub-projects of the Nantianmen project. I would like to ask, these How far is the so-called accumulation of technology?"

Hearing Alixay's question, Chen Hao smiled friendly and replied:

"Mr. Alixay, please forgive me for not being able to give a specific answer to your question, because this is confidential information of the project, and you have no right to know it before you officially join the project."

"However, in order to express our sincerity, I can reveal to you a piece of news--or a judgment, that is, we judge that all technological breakthroughs of the Nantianmen project will be completed within 10 years, and the remaining 15 years will be completed. , just as time for actual production and equipment."


Hearing Chen Hao's words, Alexey's eyes widened.

Not only him, but all of Xiong Fang's technical representatives were also shocked.

The impact of this news was not even inferior to the impact when they heard the details of the Nantianmen plan for the first time, because it completely overturned their pre-set psychological judgment.

10 years to complete all technological breakthroughs?

The remaining 15 years to complete the production equipment? ?

You don't say that on the news!

As we all know, for such a large-scale equipment project, there are four completely different stages to complete the technological breakthrough, complete the prototype design, complete the production of the test machine and complete the equipment.

Gu Zhuo

Among them, technological breakthrough and prototyping are the most difficult parts, and it takes the longest time, reaching more than 60% of the entire equipment cycle.

According to the wording of Rabbit in the news media and communication materials before, everyone believes that this 25-year plan requires only prototype design, and at most the completion of test machine production.

But in the current meeting, the other party gave this completely different answer.

What they have to complete in 25 years is not just a conceptual design.

They really want the giant aircraft in those concept images to fly into the sky!

Alexey carefully recalled the details of the project in his mind, but the more he recalled, the more incredible he felt. He couldn't help but say:

"How do you plan to achieve this kind of technological breakthrough? Well, starting from my own specialty, where do you plan to increase the thrust of a single engine?"

"It's as simple as raising the combustion chamber temperature."

"...Mr. Chen, I'm not kidding, I mean, how are you going to develop high temperature resistant materials? This is the key!"

Chen Hao smiled slightly and replied:

"Sorry, this is confidential, no comment."

Alexey was stunned by his words, and after a while, he continued to ask unwillingly:

"Okay, okay, this one involves core technology, so I won't ask another question, then I'll ask another question, how do you plan to complete your so-called ultra-large-scale simulation system? As far as I know, this kind of system The Ugly State side is also doing it -- we are doing it, but the problem is, we have plans for more than 10 years."

"On the other hand, your goals are much loftier than ours, and you even planned a strong artificial intelligence assistance system in it. I want to ask you, do you know the concept of the difficulty of realizing strong artificial intelligence?"

Chen Hao nodded, this wasn't really a technical question, so he didn't need to ask Ye Zhou for help.

After a moment's pause, he opened his mouth and replied:

"Mr. Alixay, believe me, although I am not a technician, I am very aware of the difficulty of strong artificial intelligence."

"However, what we mentioned in our plan is dedicated strong artificial intelligence, not general strong artificial intelligence, and the difficulty of the two is not the same order of magnitude."

"So, the answer I can give you is that it's really difficult, but it's not impossible."

Alexey shook his head, he still didn't want to believe it.

"I can't imagine how you would make it happen."

Looking at his expression, Chen Hao tapped the table a little helplessly, and then said:

"Of course, of course, everyone can't imagine what they haven't seen with their own eyes. This is the material basis of this world, isn't it?"

"It's actually very simple to solve your doubt. When you want to confirm whether there are whales in the sea, it's best to buy a ticket in person, and then go out to sea with our boat to see."

"There's no point in questioning whether we'll be able to catch whales before you board the ship, and arguing like that is just a waste of everyone's time."

"Now, I want to ask you guys."

"We have a ticket to the sea. This ticket is very expensive. Do you want to buy it?"

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