Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 191 Times Have Changed, Davari

Chen Hao's voice fell, and everyone realized that the content of the next exchange would turn to specific exchange conditions.

Arik nodded slightly to Sergey, the administrative officer beside him. After the latter paused for a while, he said:

"Dear Mr. Chen, after we received your project plan in the early stage, we have organized a preliminary discussion on the way of cooperation between the two parties. The following are our requirements and conditions."

"First of all, we ask to get the core participation seat of the project, we need to get the right to enter the research and development field, and the right to share and use the core results."

"Secondly, we ask for project priority and exclusivity, that is to say, if the subsequent Nantianmen project needs to introduce other partners, it must first be discussed by both of us."

"In the selection of partners, we ask for the right of suggestion - of course, we prefer to obtain the right to veto, but in view of the actual situation, we will not waste everyone's time by raising this unnecessary request."

This joke just dilutes the nervousness when Chen Hao communicated with Alixay before. Seeing the understanding smiles on the faces of the Huaxia representatives who participated in the meeting, he continued to speak with confidence.

"Based on the above requirements, we have also prepared conditions in good faith."

"The first is the preferential purchase rights and supply rights of oil, natural gas and other resources. We will ensure that you can unconditionally import oil and natural gas resources within the quota from my country during the duration of the Nantianmen project. This quota will be specified in subsequent negotiations. discuss."

"In addition, we will provide the most adequate personnel support for the Nantianmen project, including but not limited to scientific researchers in the aerospace industry, materials science, mathematics and physics and other basic fields."

"Finally, we will sell some technologies. These technologies are related to the phased achievements of the Nantianmen project and can help the Nantianmen project quickly overcome some technical difficulties."

"Here I can provide some simple examples, such as nuclear aero-engines, high-thrust engines, and simulation algorithms. We all have quite advanced technical achievements, and I think you will be interested."

"These technology transfers are our greatest sincerity. I think their weight can be exchanged for a core seat in the Nantianmen project."

After listening to Sergey's words, Chen Hao shook his head and replied briefly:

"It's not enough."

"Of course, of course, it is normal for you to feel that it is not enough. However, this is an early negotiation, and we all need to make compromises on the conditions and demands of both parties, don't we?"

"Perhaps, you can also put forward your demands, so that we can discuss it more conveniently."

Sergey still had a smile on his face. Of course, he knew that this early exchange would not go so smoothly, although he had leeway when making conditions.

In terms of resources, only what will be given, but not how much.

In terms of talents, it only describes the provision of personnel support, but does not explain how to use it.

In terms of technology, he only explained what he had, but did not say what he could give.

Such a negotiation method will provide him with great initiative, because he has shown his sincerity without revealing his trump card.

But what he didn't expect was that Chen Hao didn't seem to pay much attention to his conditions. After a slight pause, Chen Hao said:

"First of all, we cannot accept that you have entered the core area, and we do not accept the shared core. The highest level you can enter can only be the sub-core level."

"Second, even if you only enter the sub-core realm, the conditions you have provided are not enough. We need to add one more condition to the conditions you proposed."

"We hope to build a dedicated base for the Nantianmen project in the northeastern region, which will straddle the borders of the two countries and be jointly managed by both parties."

"Given that the project requires a vast experimental site, the base should cover an area of ​​... more than 300,000 square kilometers, of which 100,000 square kilometers are located in my country."

Hearing Chen Hao's words, all the representatives of Xiong Fang on the screen froze in place, filled with doubt, shock, and anger.

Of course they know what the so-called dedicated base means, and even more so what the so-called co-management means.

What they couldn't understand was how dare these rabbits make such a request?

Are technology transfers not enough to satisfy their appetites?

That's right, the Nantianmen project has a huge vision, and a lot of resources and funds have been invested, but just for such a project, it is far from enough to make them pay such a big price, right?

Alexey forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart, and tried his best to say in a calm tone:

"Mr. Chen, I think that this request you put forward is impossible to achieve, which has exceeded our bottom line. In addition, I am very curious, Mr. Chen Hao, as a decision-maker today, you are not clear about what we just did. The weight of the said technology transfer?"

Alexey's eyes were fixed on Chen Hao, his eyes were cold, not only because of the other party's request to cross the line, but also for another reason.

From the attitude of the other party, he vaguely felt a kind of contempt for them.


In other words, contempt for technology.

This should not exist.

Even if Huaxia has more resources and more funds, in terms of technology, especially in the field of aviation technology, they are still a long way ahead of these rabbits.

Under such circumstances, why do you despise us?

We were the first to build a nuclear power engine, the first to run stably in the sky.

High-thrust engine, our nk-32 is one of the most advanced small bypass ratio engines in the world, with this engine, our big white goose can even fly supersonic for a long time at Mach 2.

The same goes for simulation simulation algorithms, which are essentially mathematics based on simulation software, and our mathematicians are absolutely world-class.

With such a big advantage, now we put these technological achievements in front of you, but you haven't even looked at them, and even said that these are not enough?

This is a bit ignorant.

Looking at Chen Hao on the screen, Alixai quietly waited for his answer.

However, the other party did not reply immediately. He just touched the earlobe inadvertently, and after a moment of silence, he said:

"We fully understand the weight of the technology you're talking about, but we also understand the flaws in those technologies."

"First of all, let's start with the high-thrust engine, the nk-32, which should be the target of what you call a technology transfer. However, from our point of view, the shortcomings of this engine are as obvious as its advantages."

"The three-rotor structure is very creative, but an engine that does not even have a hollow air-cooled structure and single-crystal turbofan blades is really not an advanced engine."

"In addition, regarding the nuclear-powered engine, as far as I know, your nuclear-powered engine is based on the 'Haiyan' nuclear-powered cruise missile. This nuclear-powered turbojet solution is simple and crude, polluting, and cannot meet the needs of our project at all. ."

"The third point, your simulation model algorithm. It's not convenient for me to comment on this point, because I don't know the specific information, but I only know one fact."

"No matter how advanced your algorithms are, they can't be more advanced than the algorithms we have in our hands."

"So, now you think we don't understand the weight of technology? We know the weight of these technologies too well, so we can tell you bluntly that these are not enough."

"If you are unwilling to accept our plan, you can continue to increase the technology transfer, but I doubt the effect of this."

"Diminishing marginal utility, this simple economic principle, I think you know it too?"

After listening to Chen Hao----or Ye Zhou's words, Alexey's face sank instantly.

The other party's evaluation of the technology was not wrong at all, and it could even be said that it clearly pointed out the core problems of the three technologies, which made him unable to refute for a while.

However, he vaguely grasped another point.

This point is the core of today's negotiation.

Yes, our technology has various flaws, but you don't even have these flawed technologies.

Thinking of this, he opened his mouth and said:

"Mr. Chen, if you think our technology has various flaws, then I would like to ask, do you have technology that surpasses ours, or do you have the ability to develop these technologies over a period of time?"

"If neither, I suggest you reconsider our terms."

Chen Hao nodded vaguely, and then replied:

"It's you who need to reconsider our terms."

"Here, I want to remind you of a fact."

"Your technology is not as out of reach as you think it is."

"Yes, now we have not mastered more advanced technology than you."

"But even if it's not today, not this year, someday in the very, very near future, we will surpass you."

"Everyone, don't be immersed in your former glory. Let's really talk about the conditions from a fair point of view."

"Dear Davari, times have changed."

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