Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 192 Occasionally Be Your Teacher

After Chen Hao finished speaking in place of Ye Zhou, the venue fell into an awkward silence. After a long time, Sergey, an official of the Xiong State, came forward to round up the field. Put the meeting back on track.

The two sides amicably discussed the details of the cooperation and the terms of the exchange. It seems that the conversation just now did not take place at all, but everyone knew in their hearts that there was something in this venue, or on a larger scale. , quietly changed.

The meeting lasted for more than two hours, and the two sides basically determined the overall framework of cooperation. Huaxia still insisted on reporting the demand for the construction of the base to the upper management of Xiong Fang. Ye Zhou was extremely satisfied.

Whether or not it succeeds in the future, this seed is planted.

There is an effect in psychology called the threshold effect, which means that when you want to achieve a very high requirement, you must first throw a relatively low requirement, and after this requirement is completed by the other party, then step by step logically. The difficulty is greatly reduced when more excessive demands are made.

Because at that time, the other party was already standing on the threshold, and for him, continuing to move up became an easier choice.

After hanging up the video conference, Ye Zhou walked into the conference room and looked at Chen Hao with a tired face and said:

"Thank you for your hard work, these hairs are really hard to deal with. They bite so deadly that they don't leave any holes at all."

Chen Hao smiled and replied:

"Do you think this is a trivial matter? If they made such a request to us, it is estimated that we would have slapped the table on the spot. The reason why people did not turn their faces was because of historical factors, and some of our intentions did not show. It's too obvious, and it leaves them wiggle room."

"Otherwise, you can watch it. The name of the fighting nation in the past two years is not for nothing."

Hearing this, Ye Zhou snorted somewhat disdainfully, and then replied:

"Oh, still fighting the nation, to put it badly, isn't the fighting nation forced out? We are now in the world and the common people have nothing to worry about. If it is their economic environment and the kind of diplomatic situation, let's compare They fight more, believe it or not?"

"Even if we raise it directly, what if we just slap the table and scold it a few times. Is it possible that we can lift the table? These days, we can only lift the table. They no longer have the power to lift the table."

Chen Hao nodded, sighed with emotion, and then said:

"They are really not good enough. I saw at the meeting just now that their technical team is older, not to mention the administrative team. Compared with ours, the difference is obvious."

"I estimate that their core staff are now in their 40s and upwards. On our side, they are less than 30, not to mention you are a monster."

"The change of attack and defense is indeed the change of attack and defense. You can see a lot of things in a meeting. It is estimated that after returning this time, they will also study and discuss carefully."

Ye Zhou sat down in front of Chen Hao, and after a moment of silence, he suddenly said:

"It can't be that optimistic either."

"The skinny camel is bigger than the horse, and the skinny bear is bigger than the cat. Although they are thin now, their bones are still a few pounds. Today we have forced them hard enough. In the next negotiation, I feel that we We need to let go, otherwise, if we really drive them away, we will have no wool to sew."

"After all, it is said that their technology is not good, but if it is really delivered to us, it will still be very fragrant."

"Especially the three-rotor technology, coupled with our high-temperature-resistant materials, the thrust of the aviation engine can directly go to a higher level."

"So, our problem now is how to sing a good reputation in the subsequent negotiations and deceive their technology without losing our core technology."

Chen Hao hummed in agreement, and then he continued:

"Then if we follow the way of thinking, we propose that the construction base can actually be used as a bargaining chip, and we will discuss it one by one. If we find that we can't talk about it in the end, we will use this bargaining chip to exchange for some other technologies. "

"We have been greedy for the big white goose for many years. We can ask them to bring it over. After improvement, it can be used in our Jinwu project."

Hearing this, Ye Zhou suddenly froze for a moment.

Yes, to build the Golden Crow, it is not only necessary to solve the problem of the high-thrust engine, but also a more important problem is the problem of the fuselage structure.

He carefully recalled the shapes he had seen in the simulator in his memory, and then suddenly realized that this thing was indeed similar to the big white goose in some details.

Including the variable wings of the Golden Crow.

So, is this really the way to go? Gu Yi

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou nodded and said:

"Just do as you say. If you can fight for it, try to fight for it. If you can't fight for it, use it for something more useful!"


An hour later, in the small red building, the man received an update on the negotiation. While watching the key minutes of the whole process, he said to the secretary beside him:

"This kid Ye Zhou really dares to say anything. Fortunately, this time it is technology-to-technology negotiation. If it is a policy-to-policy negotiation, it is estimated that the negotiation will collapse directly."

"Looking for a chance, we should remind him that it's okay for young people to be sharp-edged, but it's best to pay attention to the occasion. After all, they are our strategic partners. It's a bit inappropriate to say this in front of others."

The secretary nodded and asked:

"Are you going to beat him?"

The man shook his head and replied:

"It's a reminder, not a knock. Xiao Qin, don't bring the administrative work style into Ye Zhou's affairs. He is different from everyone else."

"He is very young, but at the same time, he is quite assertive and decisive, and more importantly, he has a set of his own self-consistent behavioral logic."

"Judging from the current situation, his behavioral logic is not harmful to us, but a beneficial impact. In this case, we should not try to make him adapt to us, but we should adapt to him."

"So, when faced with disagreements, don't make any hints, beatings, etc., send him a message generously, and tell him what is wrong with what you have done in this matter, and what is the reason. , what should I do next time I face the same thing."

"Writing in detail and objectively, I believe, he is absolutely acceptable."

"A person who can contribute to a huge project like Nantianmen must not treat him in a petty way. The more frank we are, the more he trusts us."

"When he sees the various problems that exist within us and does not reject us, but will find a way to help us solve it, that's when he really trusts us."

"However, before we really get to that point, I still hope that we can work harder and try to make our problems less and his resistance less."

After hearing this, the secretary nodded sincerely and replied:

"Understood the leader. I made a mistake this time. I won't make such a mistake again in the future. I will deal with the information you said immediately and send it to him later."

"Show me before sending it, and I will also give my opinion."



Two more hours later, when Ye Zhou was lying on the sofa in the office after dinner and closed his eyes, a thousand-word email was sent to his mobile phone.

The email frankly pointed out the inadequacy of his performance at the meeting today, explaining that it should not be said directly in front of the bears that they are "glorious no more", especially when the other party's senior administrative officials are present. case.

In the content of thousands of words, this email gave him a brief exposition from various aspects such as national customs, society, culture, etiquette, etc., and made Ye Zhou convinced.

Yes, it is indeed inappropriate for me to be too aggressive at the meeting. After all, the two countries are not enemies, but partners who are fighting against hegemony at this stage.

No matter what the grudge, you shouldn't point your partner's nose and say he can't, it's cool, but it's not wise.

But when he saw the last two sentences listed separately in the email, he had a different feeling.

Those two sentences are very simple, they are simply said in a mocking tone:

"Three people must have my teacher, and occasionally let us be your teacher, I think it's okay, right?"

"Inner Saint and Outer King, we haven't reached the time when we can become Outer King, please give us some more time."

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