Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 193 The Salted Fish Who Lost Their Dreams

Ye Zhou was not the only one who summarized the content of the meeting. Similarly, the bears also convened a new meeting immediately after the meeting to discuss the conditions raised by the rabbit.

Because the issues involved are too high-level, this meeting once again invited the man in the suit last time to participate, and it was still Alixay who spoke first.

"Everyone, we have made a summary of the content of today's preliminary exchange meeting, and I will not repeat it now. I will only express my own point of view and objectively as much as possible about a few key content of the meeting. Opinion."

"First of all, regarding the issue of technological advancement mentioned by the other party, according to my judgment, the speculation we made earlier that they have mastered the basic technical foundation of the Nantianmen project is true, and our judgment should be improved by one level, then That is: they have not only mastered the basic technology, but they may even have mastered the application direction.”

"The way rabbits talk has always been half talk and half talk. If they say that technological breakthroughs can be completed within ten years, then we should understand that technology applications can be completed within ten years."

"Based on this, the demands and conditions we considered in the early stage have to be adjusted accordingly."

After saying these words, Alixay took a sip from the teacup, moistened his throat and continued:

"The above is the first point, and I will go on to the second point."

"As for the technology transfer plan proposed by our side, I think we should reconsider. The other party really has little interest in the few technologies we envisioned. This is for sure."

"Whether it's on kn-32 or nuclear power engines, I think they already have alternatives. Therefore, we should upgrade the technology transfer plan, but the specific situation will wait for them to show phased results. Make another decision."

"This phased result will not be delayed for too long. From what I know about them, they may produce results within a year or even half a year, and our negotiation is delayed for the first half of the year, and there is not much problem. "

"The third point is also the core of our discussion this time, that is, about the construction of the base."

"What is the essence of this appeal, I don't think I need to go into details, I just say my own judgment."

"I think that although the other party has made this request, it is not necessary to achieve this request. Our subsequent negotiations will revolve around this point. They will use this point as a bargaining chip, and we can do the same."

"If we are determined enough to join the project and don't want to give away too much technology, I think we can really make some concessions."

"The area of ​​this land needs to be decided by the administrative team. My personal suggestion is that an experimental field can't take 200,000 square kilometers at all. To be honest, 10,000 square kilometers is enough."

Hearing his words, the man in the suit beside him immediately interrupted:

"Alixay, this is non-negotiable, and there is no need to repeat this suggestion. The bottom line I can accept is that the other party can use our resources to conduct experiments, but the ownership must be firmly in our hands. Otherwise, this breakthrough will once Open, I can't guarantee that the rabbit will not play the same 'since ancient times' with us."

Alexey nodded and replied:

"I understand that this is just some of my personal thoughts and I am not trying to interfere with the decision-making of the executive team."

"Okay, I see what you mean."

The man in the suit sighed and continued:

"Now, let's discuss these issues around Alixay one by one..."

However, when everyone was immersed in the tense and serious discussion of this meeting, no one noticed that in the corner of the conference room, there was a person watching all this quietly without making any sound.


On the other side of the sea, in the Office of Strategic Analysis.

After a two-week break, Eisen finally chose to return to the office.

He did experience major setbacks, but looking back at the previous office owner, he was already the one who did the best, so Congress did not make a decision to replace him. Valley

However, Aisen, who entered the office again, has lost his initial spirit, and even his eyes on the analyst are not as sharp as before.

What was in front of him at this moment was a piece of newly received information, and the content of the information was the brief content of the negotiation between Mao Xiong and Rabbit.

Eisen glanced at the intelligence, then turned to look at the analyst, and then asked:

"How reliable is this information?"

"More than 80% reliable. We have cross-validated it through multiple channels. The above content is basically consistent with our previous speculation, but the details are clearer."

"Okay. So, what can we do?"

Hearing this sentence, the analyst was stunned.

What can be done? This should have been something Eisen needed to make a decision about, even if he wanted to test himself, it wasn't his tone.

Is it true that Eisen has completely lost his ideal of chasing, as the outside world has said?

He sighed secretly in his heart, and then answered:

"From the current point of view, there are still certain obstacles to their cooperation. The demands put forward by Huaxia have exceeded Maoxiong's expectations, and Maoxiong is not prepared to compromise on this issue, so I think we can provide them with more Add some hurdles to prevent them from cooperating."

"This is the first route. In addition, if necessary, we can let each other's cooperation, but through our relationship with Maoxiong, we can put our people inside the project to get the information we want. ."

"However, this plan faces great difficulties, because our people must go through China's review if they want to enter the project. Their review method is not superficial like the current Maoxiong, and we can't escape the review. "

After listening to the analyst's words, Eisen nodded, pondered for a while and then said:

"Then take plan one. Since Huaxia has rejected us, then find a way to make them reject Mao Xiong as well."

"Know what to do?"

"...Mr. Eisen, the strategy...I'm afraid it's up to you to decide."

Eisen waved his hand, shook his head and said:

"It doesn't matter, let's talk about your ideas first. If possible, we will implement it according to your ideas."

The analyst sighed helplessly, and after thinking for a while, he said:

"I think it's better for us to put pressure on Mao Xiong from a technical point of view to make them think that the benefits they can get from the Nantianmen project are lower than expected and lower than the cost they need to pay to enter the project in the future. Come, they will voluntarily give up cooperation."

"So, to do this, we have to get ahead of each other and disclose the technical details of the project."

"These technical details do not need to be 100% reliable, but they must be supported by sufficient theoretical foundations. We need to let the bears know that we have things that rabbits can master, and we have more advanced ones."

"We want them to feel that even if they follow the rabbit through this project, they will not be able to fundamentally reverse the decline, which will significantly interfere with their decision-making and will likely make them eventually abandon this relatively risky project. cooperation plan.”

Eisen's eyes wandered to the sky outside the window. After a moment of daze, he took a sip from the coffee cup in his hand, and then said:

"Okay, then do as you said, you can arrange it, I will give you permission."

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