Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 194 Who Can't Be Disgusting?

After the Strategic Analysis Office formulated a strategy, a series of journals under the control of the Chou Kingdom published a large number of monographs at the speed of light. The content of these papers seemed to be irrelevant, but as long as they were related practitioners, they could see it. Come up with some clues.

The content of these papers includes:

"Study on Thermal Efficiency Optimization of Typical Topaz in Thermionic Reactors"

"Optimization Direction of Heat Transfer Efficiency in Liquid Metal Reactors and Prospective Report on Mercury Gallium Mixed Metals"

"Optimization of UAV Swarm Joint Command Algorithm Based on Honeycomb System"

"Working Simulation of Thermal State of Dual-Mode Engine Precooler at Mach 3.3"


A series of papers all point to various key technologies in the Nantianmen project, and what they want to prove is also obvious, that is:

What a rabbit can do, we can do too, but we don't plan to do it because we don't think it's practical.

Such arguments that seem to be full of evidence have indeed caused a certain sensation internationally. Many countries that originally sought technical cooperation with Huaxia also retreated after seeing these arguments pushed to the top. The concerns are also simple:

If we really cooperate with you, will the things we make have no practical significance at all, but will waste a lot of resources?

For this question, the Nantianmen project team has no way to give any answer, and there is no way to open the technology to the reliability of the project, because it is pure six-child behavior.

Therefore, in the face of surging inquiries, doubts, and even slander, Huaxia directly chose to remain silent. Even when the discussion reached its peak, no relevant personnel came forward to respond, and only the sixth princess took time to let it go. A movie starring a well-known domestic actor, just wait and see.

However, under this circumstance, domestic public opinion has moved in a direction that the project team members did not intend.

This time, the people were unexpectedly united, and no matter how turbulent overseas public opinion was, only the yin and yang ridicule of netizens would be exchanged.

Taking advantage of the gap between meals, Ye Zhou rarely logged on to the scarf, and swiped the comments of netizens with great interest under the topic of Nantianmen Project.

"Ugly country is really in a hurry this time. They have all started to play this kind of trivial tricks. I'm dying of laughter. With such a big project, we can still be fooled and lame by you?"

"Damn, I don't know who said that large particle colliders are useless before, but we have already slowed down a lot in this regard. Now we even start to say that the application technology is useless. already."

"No, I'm very surprised. Does anyone really believe the content of these papers? Even without the relevant background, just look at the papers and see how contradictory their arguments are?"

"Upstairs, you are wrong. This time, the ugly country is not targeting us, but those countries that want to cooperate with us. Otherwise, a large number of 500,000 people on the Internet have already begun to have a rhythm. It is because the two previous public opinion turmoils scared them that they would bring this kind of rhythm in the overseas scientific research circle."

"Okay, now the pressure is on Ermao's side. I heard that their official siege has been washed away. It's really pitiful. After decades of things, they have to be pulled out and whipped."

"Isn't that right? Let people make a few random words and even destroy nuclear weapons. It's not too much to whip a corpse a hundred times."

"Don't talk about it, just block this thing, don't add heat to them. By the way, here @xiahouguo official, I heard that you are working with Shuangr to develop a nuclear power engine, why are you fanning yourself so quickly? your own face?"


After reading the comments for a few minutes, Ye Zhou gradually felt bored, so he quickened his speed and planned to return to the factory after eating. Unexpectedly, Chen Hao, who was late, sat down opposite him with a dinner plate.

"Have you read about the ugly country paper?"

Ye Zhou nodded and replied:

"Look, it's not very interesting, I feel that they are a bit out of luck."

Chen Hao hummed and continued:

"I also feel that I am a bit out of my depth, but this time they are not here for us, but for Mao Xiong. They probably want to influence Mao Xiong's decision-making in this way, and to a certain extent reduce the cost of the Nantianmen project. The status and weight on their side make it more difficult for us to negotiate."

Gu Xi

"This plan is actually good, but the implementation is too rough... I don't know why, this time their offensive always makes me feel unorganized, like a newbie. Manipulate."

Ye Zhou swallowed the last mouthful of rice and drank another mouthful of tomato egg soup before replying:

"You don't care if it's a novice operator or a veteran operator, it won't affect us anyway, and Mao Xiong will not be so stupid. They have read a small part of the technical framework documents, and they plan to invest resources in them. I've seen it too, and it won't change the decision at the beginning because of this."

"Also, the Great Emperor is not an ordinary person. He was born in the Ministry of Foreign Workers, and his attitude towards the ugly country has always been absolutely distrustful. When such a major project is about to reach a cooperation, it is purely to run in front of others. Being a clown is simply the ugliest of ugliness."

After he finished speaking, Ye Zhou looked up at Chen Hou, a playful smile on his face, as if he did not agree with his words.

He was stunned for a moment, then paused for a moment, as if he suddenly realized something was wrong, put down his chopsticks and looked up at Chen Hao and asked:

"No? Wait, you came to me on purpose. Could it be that the bear is really... I know, it's a real dog... What's the plan now?"

Ye Zhou's words were full of jumps, but from his reaction, Chen Hao could see that he had understood the current situation.

That's right, of course Mao Xiong will never be fooled by the ugly country, but this does not mean that they will not take advantage of this opportunity.

They know very well that they have not been fooled, and the rabbits also know that they have not been fooled, but the problem is, now people are just pretending to be fooled to negotiate with you, saying things such as "Oh, your technology in this project was prematurely used by others. I have it", "Is this project reliable or not? I don't think others will do it", etc., trying to use this attitude to seek greater concessions from China.

This strategy is disgusting, but it is reasonable. If one of the two parties in the negotiation cannot grasp this well-known standard, there is a possibility that the negotiation will break up in the end.

Therefore, although this strategy of the ugly country looks extremely rough, it really caused them to make mistakes and have some unexpected effects.

Thinking of this, Chen Hao replied:

"What else can we do? Now we are testing each other with them. They are using the matter of the ugly country as a pretext. Then, naturally, we can negotiate well.”

"This process takes time and there are some uncertainties, but fortunately, there was no cooperation with Maoxiong in our initial basic plan. To put it bluntly, they love it or not. If you want to take the opportunity to play a little trick, let them play , we just sit on the bench and watch."

Ye Zhou nodded and said:

"That's true. But it's not the same thing to drag on like this... I have a better way. Would you like to hear it?"

"any solution?"

Chen Hao looked at Ye Zhou curiously and asked.

Ye Zhou coughed, a malicious smile appeared on his face, and then said:

"Isn't the Chou country seeking to cooperate with us before? Taking this opportunity, we can change our attitude and give them a reply, saying that after research, we think they meet the conditions for cooperation and can participate."

"Really let them participate? Isn't the risk of leaking too great? Even if it's just a fringe project!"

Chen Hao frowned, he didn't understand what Ye Zhou meant.

Ye Zhou answered while packing up his plate:

"How is it possible to get them involved... I want to say that as long as we send out this letter of reply, I don't think their strategy department will refuse it, and when we receive their letter of consent, It will be posted immediately.”

"Don't they want to disgust us? We disgust them too, and let the whole world see their face and face."

"Then, when the popularity is almost up, we will find an excuse to terminate the cooperation."

"I've made up excuses for you."

"When the time comes, you will make a time difference and pretend that we haven't paid attention to their current remarks, and then say that considering the negative expectations of the project that the relevant researchers of the ugly country have published before, out of the interests of the ugly country, it is difficult to decide not to be a strong man. things."

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