Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 195: There Has Never Been A Fairy Emperor

The strategy of cooperating with Xiong Guo on the Nantianmen project is still under constant negotiation, and a decision has been made to respond to the so-called dissertation incident of Chou Guo. Therefore, Ye Zhou did not invest too much in these two matters. Instead, he devoted most of his time to the assembly of the engine.

After all, in order to truly demonstrate the feasibility of the Nantianmen project, it is the top priority to make the results of the sedan chair project as soon as possible.

The manufacture of the ge-9x engine parts has been completed, and the key components have also been tested by the matrix and field experiments.

The so-called unit assembly refers to assembling the parts and components into a maintenance unit one by one. Only after this step is completed, the next component assembly can be carried out, and finally the whole machine will be assembled.

The component assembly refers to the process of assembling the maintenance unit into three main units. The largest workload in the aero-engine assembly process occurs in this process. Most of the inspection, cleaning, maintenance, balance, measurement And the test work is completed in the assembly stage.

Similarly, this link is also the link with the highest accident rate. In the ge-9x manufacturing documents provided by Ye Zhou, nearly 20% of the content is about the assembly process, so Ye Zhou pays special attention to this.

On Monday, Ye Zhou came to the assembly workshop and began to check the progress of the assembly as usual. An engineer who was supervising the site saw him hurried over to say hello. After Ye Zhou greeted him a few words, he asked directly:

"Are you doing turbofan blade assembly now? How's the progress?"

Hearing his question, the engineer quickly replied:

"Ye Gong, the assembly has been basically completed at present. What we are doing now is the tip clearance test. It is estimated that the results will be available in the afternoon."

Ye Zhou nodded and continued to ask:

"The result in the afternoon is the result of the concentricity of the stator, right? Have you done the feeler gauge? What's the result?"

The so-called rotor and stator concentricity detection and feeler gauge plug gauge detection are both detection methods for aero-engine blade tip clearance, but the former is based on the high-precision machining of the high-pressure turbine rotor and the outer ring of the high-pressure turbine stator casing, and the overall accuracy is accurate. The performance is much higher than that of the traditional feeler gauge and plug gauge, and it must also be tested during the assembly process of this large aircraft engine.

The engineer pointed to several inspection engineers who were packing their tools and replied:

"It has been completed, and the data is within the predetermined range, but the error of the feeler gauge and gauge is relatively large. Whether it reaches the standard or not depends on the results of the afternoon."

"Okay, then I'll take a look in the afternoon."

After hearing the answer, Ye Zhou didn't waste any more time, because in addition to the fan blades, there were still a lot of processes that he needed to check.

As he shuttled through the various assembly workshops, he secretly felt a little funny in his heart.

Logically speaking, this kind of work is not what he should do as the chief engineer of a project at all, but there is no way. This time they are trial-producing an engine that no one has any experience to refer to, and they are the only one. A person who has completely absorbed the relevant technical knowledge, so he has to be responsible for this part of the business.

Such tedious affairs made him feel very tired and painful, but he had no other choice, so he had to constantly comfort himself in his heart:

It's okay, after all, it's the first time, the pain is right, as long as you have experience in the future, the second time you do it will be much smoother.

When he finished inspecting all the assembly workshops, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon. He rarely missed lunch time, but fortunately, the master in charge of his diet did not forget him. Seeing that he did not go to eat, he packed and delivered it to him. After seeing no one in the office, they contacted special personnel to help Ye Zhou deliver the meal to the production area.

In the production area, like Ye Zhou, there are still many people who did not go to the cafeteria to eat. These people are either engineers or assembly workers. Because the project schedule is too tight, they often cannot keep up with the rhythm of the meal opening in the factory area, so they have to let the cafeteria deliver the meals. Over time, several conventional dining areas have been formed in the production area, and at one or two o'clock in the afternoon, people will gather in that small area to eat.

This situation originally violated the management regulations of the production area, but considering the actual situation, and secondly, the dining area they chose would not have any impact on the production requirements, so the project management team did not interfere, just reminded Pay attention to cleanliness when eating to avoid contamination of the production area.

This time, Ye Zhou also experienced the feeling of eating in the production area.

Carrying the lunch box, he walked to the area where several workers in overalls were already gathered. After opening the lunch box, he naturally asked:

"Master, what do you do?"


Several workers did not swallow the food in their mouths, and all raised their heads to look at Ye Zhou.

Ye Zhou immediately realized that he was indeed a bit silly to ask this question in this place, and immediately added:

"No, I mean, which piece of work are you in charge of?"

The workers laughed.

They didn't know Ye Zhou, so they didn't feel restrained in front of him. After hearing his question, one of them answered generously:

"We are all bonding this wave. We just finished installing the easy-grinding ring today. It's not time for dinner, so let's take a bite here. Brother, what are you doing? Why didn't you go to the cafeteria? ?"

Gu Yan

Ye Zhou was slightly startled and replied:

"I'm... I'm a errand man, I'll do a little bit of everything."

Hearing Ye Zhou's words, the worker nodded thoughtfully and continued:

"Then you're not very good at this job... You belong to the project manager, right? You project managers like to be humble, and you say that you are doing errands every day. All cruel."

Ye Zhou smiled and asked:

"I'm a little resentful when I hear this. What's the matter? I don't deal well with your project manager? Let me ask you a question and talk about him?"

"Don't, don't, don't! It's all a joke, how can you take it seriously? Don't get me wrong, little brother, we Northeasterners speak straight, but in fact there is no resentment in our hearts. I think you are also a leader, so don't give it to you. He wears small shoes, Brother Liu is too tired during this time, I really can't do it."

Ye Zhou nodded and replied:

"Don't worry, that's all I said. The work intensity is really heavy during this time, and everyone is very tired. When the project is over and the bonuses are distributed, we can relax and relax."

"That's not it, that's what I said! I'm tired, but I can really make money. I've worked here for 4 months, and my income is more than the two years I used to work. By the way, brother, you Is there any news? Do you know how much the final bonus will be?"

Looking at the expectant look in the other party's eyes, Ye Zhou wanted to tell him a rough figure, but after thinking about it, this is still unconfirmed news, so he just replied:

"I really don't know about this, but I've heard a lot, so I can look forward to it."

"Well, I don't think you know. But it doesn't matter, anyway, it's good to have hope in your heart----Don't take offense when I ask this, we're just going straight. We little people, in fact, we don't have so many high-minded people in our hearts. The idea is to make some money.”

"Of course, now that we have spare energy, we also think it is appropriate to work more overtime and make more contributions."

"That is, that is."

Ye Zhou nodded quickly.

For a long time, he actually had a concept in his heart, that is, all noble moral qualities are actually based on a solid material foundation, and you can't ask a person who has nothing to give to him----such a person There are, and they are quite great people, but if such dedication becomes the norm, it means that there is something wrong with this society.

Only by guaranteeing the same or even greater long-term benefits as the payment, can a system develop in a healthy and stable manner.

For the workers of Liming Airlines, they paid super-long and super-intensive labor, and received wages and bonuses that were several times the basic level. This is their long-term income, and it is exactly like this The forward income makes them willing to pay before they actually receive the bonus.

The workers said that they were working for money, which was not a problem in Ye Zhou's view.

That's what they're looking forward to.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou continued and said:

"Your idea is right, don't say anything to blame, take your share of money and do your job well, it's better than anything else."

"Yeah, take a piece of money and do a job, as long as we don't work on foreign workers, we can always do things - but then again, little brother, we've been working here for so long, can you disclose it? , what exactly are we going to do? The engine we installed before is not very different from this time."

Hearing this, Ye Zhou fell silent.

Like the last chip project, these grassroots workers didn't know what they were doing from beginning to end, which seemed unfair to them, but they had to do it in order to enforce confidentiality requirements. choose.

After a while, he opened his mouth and replied:

"I really can't tell you what to do, but you should guess yourself. What you are doing is a big thing."

"So, you don't have to ask or guess. When it's time to let you know, you will naturally know."

The worker nodded and did not continue to ask, but after a while, he seemed to be talking to himself again:

"I heard that we have a big project called the Nantianmen Project. If we do this, then we can count as being on the Conferred God List..."

Ye Zhou was stunned for a moment, then said with some humor and some emotion:

"How can there be an immortal emperor, our Nantianmen can only be repaired by our own workers..."

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