Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 196 Test Bench Preparation

The assembly work of ge-9x is still in progress, Ye Zhou really entered into a high-intensity work with less than 6 hours of sleep as expected. During this period of time, he almost completely relied on mental programming to force overdraft energy and pulses. The body has gradually felt the discomfort of transitional fatigue.

But he couldn't stop because there was no one to take his place.

There is no reference for the assembly of this engine. The domestic similar self-developed engine is only cj-1000ax. Although it is also a project of the Aviation Development Group, its progress is much slower than that of the sedan project, and it has not yet entered the assembly process. Not much help at all.

The only one who can help is the experience in Ye Zhou's mind.

Chen Hao noticed Ye Zhou's high-intensity overdraft, and he was forced to leave work several times, half threatened and half forced, and even organized a special medical examination, for fear that there was something wrong with his health.

But fortunately, the results of the physical examination showed that Ye Zhou's organs and tissues were in good condition, and all the indicators were normal, which made him feel a little relieved.

At 6 o'clock this afternoon, Chen Hao came to the assembly workshop as always to catch Ye Zhou off work, intending to find an excuse for him to go to his home for a meal and rest for a night, lest he would run back to the factory to work overtime in a blink of an eye.

Ye Zhou is busy checking the fuel control system of the ground test rig. The ground test rig has only been built for more than a year. It is the most advanced test rig in China, but it has some other problems at the same time. The most prominent one That is, the individual systems of the test bench have not been proven for a long time.

"Let's see if there is any problem with the heating circulation pipeline. Why is the oil temperature fluctuating so much every time at the outlet? It's 5 degrees up and down, so what else can we measure with this oil temperature fluctuation?"

"Check the thermostat of the central fuel tank to see if it is broken! The circuit temperature is obviously changing, but the temperature of the central fuel tank has not changed at all?"

"Be careful! You don't touch the level sensor!"

"See if there is a problem with ac-ac? Is there a problem with the oil temperature or is the sensor interfered?"

"Don't be good at touching it! Don't you die?"

Ye Zhou at work has a stern look, completely different from the familiar young man Chen Hao is familiar with. When he first saw him, Chen Hao was really surprised, but after encountering such a situation a few times, he It's starting to look weird too.

If Ye Zhou was really a gentle and courteous person at all times, he would not be able to be the independent commander of the Nantianmen project.

Chen Hao stepped forward and patted Ye Zhou on the shoulder, and waited for the latter to turn around before saying:

"Let's go, get off work, come back tomorrow, you don't want to rest, these engineers have to rest. I heard that they have been with you for a day."

Ye Zhou sighed and replied:

"I don't want to do this either, but the fuel control system of this test rig has always had problems. The simplest oil temperature control has such a big deviation. I really don't know how I did it in the previous test drive. Can you ignore it?"

Chen Hao smiled and replied:

"This test rig has only been tested twice since it was built, and it's a verification type, not a calibration type. As long as the engine can be started normally, generally speaking, it is a success, and no one will notice such subtle data errors. what."

"This is not a small error! The fuel of the aviation engine must be kept within a certain temperature range. A 5-degree change in the fuel temperature will cause the engine to stop in some specific cases!"

"What we are doing this time is a commercial aviation engine. A commercial aviation engine is parked in the air. Can you imagine how big a problem this is?"

"I know I know... I mean, you can't solve this in one day, let's go, let's eat first. Hey, comrades, eat first too!"

While talking, Chen Hao pulled Ye Zhou out of the test stand, and said:

"You don't have to worry so much. The construction period of our project is indeed tight, but it is not completely immutable. If it can't be completed, what if it is delayed a few months or even a year?"

"You are currently working on the sedan chair project. After that, there are so many contents in the Nantianmen project. Are you going to be like this every day? Big brother, it will kill people!"

"I'll tell you directly. The above has issued a death order. Your working hours must be limited to 10 hours. I will issue a notice tomorrow. All overtime hours in the factory will be limited to two hours."

"I can't control you, I can still control other workers."

Hearing Chen Hao's words, Ye Zhou said helplessly:

"I really don't want to work overtime like this, but the sedan chair is the first stop of the Nantianmen project, which is equivalent to a cold start project. If this project is not done well, it will be the reputation of the Nantianmen project and the firmness in the follow-up resource investment. Sex can have an impact.”

"This is a very objective thing. Our decision-making team is very large, and there will be various differences of opinion. There will always be people who worry that we will fall into a technological trap. Therefore, we must show what they can see and touch. results to convince them.”

Gu Chung

"It's not enough to rely on the drawings. This thing has to be seen in kind."

"If you want to see the real thing, you can't ruin your body. It has to be sustainable. Let's go, don't talk about it, go to my house tonight to eat Chaoshan beef hot pot, your sister-in-law made it, eat well, rest, and don't work overtime. "

Ye Zhou hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded.

The intensity of work recently has been a bit beyond the norm. Taking a break from time to time is not only responsible for myself, but also for the entire country.

After all, if he is gone, no one can extract the technologies in the simulator anymore.

After arriving at Chen Hao's house, the dining table in the restaurant was already full of sliced ​​beef. Ye Zhou preferred the greasy hanging dragon, so Sister Chen also specially prepared a large plate this time.

She didn't know Ye Zhou's true identity, she only knew that Chen Hao was a close colleague, and because he was young, he had no scruples in speaking. At the dinner table, she insisted on persuading Ye Zhou to find a girl Friends, she also said that she has a lot of girl resources in her hands, all of them are good girls, and she can introduce them to Ye Zhou.

Ye Zhou didn't intend to take up this conversation, but after the other party said it, he couldn't help but start thinking about this topic.

After April this year, he will be 24 years old. According to the general situation, he should have a good relationship and prepare for future marriage, but for some reason, it is really difficult for him to get interested.

There is a burden in his heart, and before the burden is lifted, his personal problems can only be put aside for a while.

Noticing Ye Zhou's expression, Chen Hao hurriedly winked at Sister Chen, and this topic was skipped. After the second half of the meal was finished happily, Sister Chen packed up the dishes, Ye Zhou and Chen Hao wanted to help, but Was driven to the living room.

Sitting on the sofa, Chen Hao asked:

"Seriously asking you a question, have you ever thought about how to solve personal problems?"

Ye Zhou smiled and replied:

"When the Nantianmen project is almost done, you can respond to the above and send me one."

"...Can you stop smiling? To tell you the truth, this issue is also a very serious one. You are an individual, and people have worldly desires and needs. If such needs are not addressed, many Things can go wrong."

"Now that you are under so much pressure at work and you are far away from your family, if you are always alone, we are worried that you will have psychological problems."

Chen Hao used the word "we" very cleverly, which also hinted to Ye Zhou that it was not just Chen Hao who was worried about him, but the entire organization.

Hearing these words, Ye Zhou finally became serious. After thinking for a while, he answered:

"I...have a talent. That is, I can solidify the ideas that I have identified. A certain principle will not change here."

"In addition, my resistance to external influences is much stronger than the average person, especially in terms of psychological strength."

"In my judgment, the problem you are talking about will not arise for at least the next ten years."

"So, my plan is that in ten years, I don't expect to invest too much energy - to be honest, almost no energy in personal feelings."

"Of course, that's not to say that I will turn down all possible opportunities. If I really meet the right person, the right relationship, I will still try."

Chen Hao nodded, he did not pursue the reason why Ye Zhou said these words, but chose to believe it naturally.

"In that case, I will report your opinion to the superior. Don't feel bad about it. Paying attention to the psychological dynamics of comrades is what we have been doing."

"Don't worry, I understand that."

Seeing Ye Zhou's firm expression, Chen Hao sighed indistinctly, and then pulled out a cigarette from the cigarette case.

After a short pause, he lit the cigarette and looked at Ye Zhou's face through the blue-blue smoke.

This is an extremely young face, but from this face, he clearly sees an expression that does not belong to this age.

The look was familiar to him, as he had indeed seen it on many faces.

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