Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 197 The Bait Thrown Away

While Ye Zhou and Chen Hao were having dinner, the staff of the Nantianmen Project Information Office were not idle. They were sitting with a few experts from the Project Organization Department, preparing to implement the fishing plan that Ye Zhou said.

On the big screen was an official reply document that was being drafted. Several experts from the Organization Department carefully read the contents of the document and considered the tone of every wording.

"If we can't be too eager, but also show the sincerity of our cooperation, we should use the most official language. Change the sentence 'We are willing to work together with you for the success of the project'. 'We are willing to reach meaningful cooperation with you'."

"In addition, the signing of the documents also needs to be changed. The funds of the Nantianmen project cannot be made, but the sub-projects. I remember that in addition to the five sub-projects under the Nantianmen project, there are several platform support projects. So let's settle the experimental base first. Funds from the project team.”

"Okay, I'm almost done here. Colleagues from the intelligence team also take a look. If there is no problem, let's send it directly."

The staff of the intelligence team also reviewed the document, and after confirming that it was correct, the document was passed to the reviewers including Ye Zhou and Chen Hao.

While waiting for the approval, everyone in the conference room sat relaxed in their respective positions, and one of them said with some mockery:

"I don't know if the other party will bite the hook. The hook we used for fishing this time is really a bit big. Although the bait is big enough, I always worry that they will see through our intentions."

After hearing his words, the other person opened his mouth and said:

"I'm not worried about whether they will bite the hook. From my point of view, they really have to bite the hook. After all, in such a huge project, if they can get the priority of cooperation, then no matter what the consequences for them are The gains are huge, and even knowing there might be a problem, I reckon they'd have to swallow it."

"Well, that's fine. But it doesn't matter. Originally, for the above, it was just a hand of idle chess, success or failure. In fact, the impact is not that big."

"That's what I said, but since we've all reached the river, it's time to fish well, otherwise it's always the air force, so aren't we fishing guys?"

Everyone in the conference room laughed. During the conversation, the approval from the superior was in place. After a few minutes, the email was sent out through the official channel of the Nantianmen Project Organization Department.

This bait that exudes a tempting aroma just crossed the tens of thousands of meters of optical cable on the seabed and delivered it to the other party.


On the other side of the sea, in the Strategic Intelligence Analysis Office, Aisen frowned as he looked at the reply letter from Huaxia on cooperation affairs projected on the screen.

He instinctively saw something unreasonable from this reply, but now he is too poor to think too rigorously and rationally.

"What do you think of this reply?"

He looked at the analyst beside him, and there was a look of pride on his face that could not be concealed.

After hearing Eisen's question, the analyst pondered for a while, and then answered:

"Mr. Eisen, I think there are two possibilities for this reply."

"The first possibility is that the questioning about the technology we launched before had an effect. After analysis by their professional team, they believed that allowing us to join the project would make faster progress, so out of consideration of comprehensive interests, they decided to let us join in."

"The probability of this possibility is relatively low, but it is not impossible. It is very likely that they will not let us intervene in the core areas of the project, but want to increase their own scientific research strength by absorbing our professional and technical personnel."

"Look, the signing of this reply is not the Nantianmen project, but the infrastructure project team under the Nantianmen project, which means that they do not represent the overall decision of the project, but only in a limited area."

"However, even just entering the peripheral areas of the project is actually beneficial to us. As long as we can participate in the project, we will always have various opportunities to contact their core areas, which is a good thing. Start."

Eisen nodded slightly. The analyst's judgment was logically smooth and the details were not omitted. It was highly informative, but he did not intend to make a decision immediately, but said:

"Then let's talk about another possibility."

"The other possibility is simple, they just want to use us to put pressure on the bears."

Eisen picked up the coffee cup, motioned the analyst to pause for a moment, and then said:

"The pressure on Mao Xiong means that they won't really let us into the project team, right? They will only reveal our cooperation intention to Mao Xiong and push them to join the project as soon as possible, why should we give them to them? To be this pressure-providing tool?"

The analyst paused for a moment, his eyes hesitant.

This hesitation is not because he doesn't know the answer to this question, but because he can see from Eisen's expression that the other party obviously doesn't know the answer to this question.

This should not have happened. The other party used to be the most powerful leader and the sharpest decision maker in this office, but now, he has not even clarified such a simple logic.

He coughed and said tentatively:

"Mr. Eisen,'s a very simple logic."

"Whether they use us as a tool or not, the connection they establish with us is inevitable. As long as they can establish contact, then it is a beneficial and harmless thing for us."

"Unless they're really... just trying to disgust us, but I personally think that's a low probability."

Eisen shook his head and said nothing.

He did not agree with the analyst's last statement, because in his view, this is the most likely scenario.

Huaxia wants to cooperate with itself?

is it possible?

Maybe there is, but the probability is so low that it's almost negligible.

As for putting pressure on Maozi through your own side? This may be effective, but at the same time, the other party must also consider a question, that is, whether the bear will doubt the reliability of the project because of this unsteady attitude.

Taking it all into consideration, in his heart, he prefers that this cooperation reply letter sent by the other party is just a test.

A test of one's own attitude.

If you really follow the road given by the other party, it means that you still have a positive view of the Nantianmen project, so wouldn't the negative comments you have thrown out before directly slapped you in the face?

He sighed and tried to give his opinion to the analyst, but after opening his mouth a few times, he didn't speak.

He is not as confident as he used to be.

He is afraid that his judgment is wrong, and that because of his wrong judgment, he will lose what may be the last chance to cooperate with the other party.

He can no longer bear the loss of this mistake.

On the contrary, in comparison, the loss of being played by the other party is not that big.

Thinking of this, he opened his mouth and said:

"Then do it according to your idea, pass the message to the following research team, agree that they will further contact with the Huaxia Nantianmen project, and reach cooperation as much as possible."


The analyst nodded, turned and left the conference room.

And Aisen, who was sitting at the desk, looked particularly lonely at this moment.


Two hours later, the Nantianmen project team received a reply from the other party, in which the reply actively proposed the direction and methods of cooperation that the two parties could consider in the future, and even proposed an agenda for further discussion.

The intelligence task force staff laughed maliciously, and soon after, an official announcement was circulated through various media.

"The Nantianmen project has completed initial contact with the research team of Chouguo Aviation Development, and will set a specific discussion agenda in the next contact."

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