Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 198 Rabbits Are Not That Strong, Right?

As Ye Zhou expected, once the cooperation intention with Chouguo was announced, the negative comments about the technical foundation of Nantianmen project originally posted by Chouguo on the Internet were all turned into jokes. Those countries that had been fooled by Chouguo before did not One is not scolding the mother, but it is obvious that they have missed the best opportunity, and now they want to re-establish contact with the project team, they have to be more gentle and pay more.

The Maoxiong side also received this news, and their reaction was faster than other forces. After all, if the Chou Kingdom could intervene in the project, it would have a major impact on their cooperation plan.

At the Baranov Institute of Aeronautics and Development, everyone in the Xiong Nation negotiating delegation is analyzing the intelligence at the side. This time, Sergey is the one who is leading the analysis, while Alexey is in charge of technical support and supplements.

After looking around for a week, Sergey said:

"Everyone has understood the situation. According to the latest information we have, Huaxia has completed the initial contact with the Chou Kingdom, and set the time for the next contact to be 15 days later. In the next contact, both of them will determine Detailed discussion agenda."

"According to the principles of Huaxia, if the negotiation enters the stage of agenda discussion, it means that they are likely to have follow-up contacts and discuss the details of the project."

"This is extremely unfavorable for us, because once we get into the details of the project, Chou will be attracted to the Nantianmen project like us, and will try his best to join the project cooperation."

"They will have the potential to be our competitors."

"So, what we need to do is we have to finalize the details of the partnership within 15 days, determine the costs that we can afford, and the rewards that we want to get through those costs."

"We can no longer use delay tactics. I think we must immediately restart the contact with the Nantianmen project team and come up with a cooperation plan acceptable to both parties as soon as possible."

"That's why we're holding this meeting today, and I hope you will have the fullest discussion to determine our technology transfer plan."

After that, he looked in the direction of Alexey, who nodded and said:

"The situation analyzed by Sergey is correct, then we will conduct our discussion based on this judgment, and I will give my opinion first."

"First of all, I think we should prepare two sets of plans, corresponding to the two goals of obtaining the core seats of the project and obtaining the sub-core seats of the project."

"For these two schemes, I have designed a technology transfer framework."

"The first set, in order to obtain the core seats, I suggest that our technology transfer framework should include the following content: the design principle of the Tu-160 strategic bomber, the design principle of the nk-32 three-rotor engine, and the design principle of the Haiyan nuclear-powered turbojet engine. , Figure 95lal nuclear-powered turboprop engine design principles, and Zircon hypersonic missile design principles."

"In exchange for this, we must intervene in each other's core R&D areas in the Matrix, Luanniao, and Somersault Cloud projects."

"The second set, to obtain seats in the sub-core project, the technologies we can sell include nk-32 three-rotor engine technology, nuclear-powered turboprop engine technology, elbrus aeronautical simulation system and related simulation data."

"Based on the above conditions, what we need in exchange is the right to intervene in the other party's sub-core research and development fields in the sedan chair, matrix and Jinwu projects."

"The above is my suggestion, please give your opinion below."

After he finished speaking, there was a fierce discussion in the conference room. After a few minutes, Sergey raised his hand to signal the suspension of the discussion. Then, a young researcher asked:

"Mr. Alixay, I have a question. I want to confirm, do we need to pay so much for the key technology in order to get the core seat?"

Alexey nodded and replied briefly:

"We need. In fact, these technologies are not much compared to the benefits we expect from the Nantianmen project. If we use simple economic figures as an example, it is roughly equivalent to the cost of investing 100 rubles. It is expected that A gain of 200 rubles can be recovered."

Hearing his words, the young man sat down again.

He did not continue to question, because he knew that in front of Alexey, all questions about technology were ridiculous.

Since he said that he can get double the income, it is true.

However, he had another question in his mind.

If Alixay can see the input-output ratio of this project, can’t China see it? Can they really be satisfied with just this one hundred rubles investment?

Soon, someone asked the question in his stead.

After listening to the question, Alexey was silent for a while, and then answered:

"Your question is very good, but the reason why I chose these technologies as the technology transfer framework is also after many discussions with comrades in various departments."

"First, let's be clear."

"The Nantianmen project is indeed an advanced project. We also believe that Huaxia has indeed mastered the relevant technical foundation. However, at the same time, I would also like to explain that it is not so simple to truly transform the technical foundation into practical application technology. matter."

"A very simple example, Huaxia may have mastered the manufacturing principles of large-scale aero-engines, but this does not mean that they can build aero-engines with high thrust, because there are too many technical details and too many subtleties involved. parameter construct."

"These technical details are not achievable by 'principles' or 'calculations', but must be accumulated in experiments over and over again."

"What is the surface roughness of the turbofan blade? What is the tip clearance of the turbofan blade? How to control it? How to match the high temperature resistant materials of the combustion chamber? How to control the temperature during the superplastic forming and stretching of titanium alloy?"

"These problems, we have also experienced generations of experiments before finally grasping."

"So, I think their current situation is that they have a certain theoretical basis, but not practical application, in other words, they still need our help."

Alexey's voice fell, and everyone in the conference room nodded secretly.

This is exactly what they thought about the Huaxia Nantianmen project.

From the bottom of their hearts, they do agree with the advanced nature of the technical concept of the Nantianmen project, but they have never been willing to believe that this project has reached the level of application.

Because even they themselves have not figured out things, how can those eastern rabbits figure out?

They started too late, so that there is still a gap of more than 20 years between themselves and their own in aviation technology.

Can the gap of 20 years be filled with just one project?

Obviously not.

At the previous meeting, the man named Chen Hao said to let them recognize the fact that "the glory is no longer", but why didn't they want to say to those rabbits, you should recognize the fact that you are "not yet revived"? ?

This idea quietly spread among the people in the conference room. After a few seconds of silence, someone asked:

"Mr. Alixay, according to the latest information we have received, the other party's sedan sedan project has actually been launched and has been operating for several months, so from your judgment, when will they be able to get a relatively reliable results?"

"Well, or let me put it more bluntly, when do you think they will be able to build a large aero engine with a thrust of more than 100 tons?"

Aleksey smiled, and the light of confidence flashed in his eyes again. After pondering for a moment, he said:

"In my judgment, with our assistance, they would need two years."

"If not, then at least another five years."

"Of course, it is not ruled out that they may give priority to building an experimental engine with a lower thrust, but the thrust of such an engine is absolutely impossible to exceed 30 tons."

Hearing his words, everyone in the conference room breathed a sigh of relief again.

If this judgment is correct, then the technical strength of those rabbits is actually not as terrible as they boast...

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