The negotiation between the Nantianmen project team and Mao Xiong suddenly accelerated, but Ye Zhou did not pay much attention to it. Chen Hao took care of this. He only occasionally learned from the other party that Mao Xiong still did not let go of the exchange conditions. , and even the technology transfer plan is not too big.

If the base cannot be built, there are actually two technologies that Ye Zhou wants. The first is the Tu-160 Great White Goose, and the second is the Belgorod nuclear submarine. One of them is an aerial raptor and the other is an underwater one. Giant beasts are all good things in China that I don't know how long I have been greedy.

If it can be exchanged in the Nantianmen project, it is not a big loss.

However, the other party obviously can't see the great significance of the Nantianmen project for the time being, so they have never thought about coming up with such a state-level technology. They mentioned the big white goose, but the exchange conditions are very harsh. The project team could not accept it.

Ye Zhou shook his head, dispelled his chaotic thoughts, and refocused his attention on the test stand in front of him.

The ge-9x has completed the assembly of all components, and has entered the final stage of the final assembly. In three days, it can enter the first ground test.

Within these three days, he has to complete all the inspections on the ground test platform to ensure that the test run goes smoothly and that he obtains accurate and precise data.

The problem of abnormal temperature of the fuel system discovered by Ye Zhou has been solved. After a round of comprehensive inspection, it was finally found that the reason for the abnormal oil temperature control was that the operating voltage of the fuel pump was unstable and the pump oil volume was abnormal, resulting in abnormal circuit temperature.

This makes Ye Zhou very grateful for his prudence, because if this problem was allowed to slip through at that time, then during the subsequent ground test, the abnormal pump oil may not only cause abnormal engine operation and distorted detection data, but also in serious cases. Permanent and irreversible damage to the engine.

If such an accident really occurs, the sedan sedan project this time will be far from perfect.

Looking at the staff who were busy checking the gantry, Ye Zhou said:

"The piping should be arranged as neatly as possible. Check the tightening torque of the snap ring in advance, and also measure the natural vibration frequency. I remember you said that this bench has not been measured since the support structure was changed a few months ago. Today is just right. Measured."

In fact, the test frequency control of the bench is based on the idle speed of the engine. The documents in the project team's hands do indicate various parameters of the engine, but Ye Zhou can't guarantee the various parameters of the first engine made. The index can really be consistent with the design drawing, so to be on the safe side, the natural frequency of the bench must be as low as possible.

"Understood, Ye Gong."

The staff simply replied, and continued to invest in the inspection of the bench and pipeline.

Seeing how busy they were, Ye Zhou nodded slightly, walked to the main control terminal by himself, and started no-load testing of data acquisition and electrical systems, especially focusing on testing the engine emergency stop protection function, after confirming that everything was ok , and then joined the team of other engineers to do the final inspection of the oil seal system with them.

At 8:00 p.m., all the testing work on the test bench was completed, and after confirming that there was no problem, Ye Zhou announced that he was off work at the last minute of the 10-hour work schedule.

The preparations for the ground test have been completed, and the next step is to wait for the engine to officially leave the factory.

As long as the ground test is completed, it can prove that the engine has been manufactured successfully by at least 60%, but this does not mean that the engine can be equipped and used immediately. After the data collection is completed, the engine has to undergo a series of calibrations. Work.

At present, most of the international aviation power plants use standard engine transfer test calibration, which is the most accurate and most stable calibration method to ensure stable engine operation. However, the problem is that this ge-9x manufactured by the sedan project is not If there is no available mother plane, you can't temporarily transfer a Boeing 777 to dismantle the engine calibration, right?

Therefore, the method that Ye Zhou intends to use is mainly the calibration method of the measurement standard. It takes a long time to do this, and there are some problems with the accuracy, but fortunately, it can basically meet the standard.

While recalling the various data of the metrology method in his mind, Ye Zhou walked to the engine assembly workshop. In the past few days, under the strong request of Chen Hao, all the staff have entered the 10-hour work system. A large wave of people getting off work stood at the door and waited for a long time before the crowd passed.

When he finally walked into the final assembly workshop, it was already empty, and there was no movement in sight.

In the extremely empty factory, the lights in the distance gradually went out. Only the huge high-pressure sodium lamp on the top of the engine still emits a bright and cold white light, illuminating the most complex, most sophisticated and most industrialized machine in the history of human industrial development. Beautiful engine.

Its shell has not been painted yet, and the silver-gray surface presents a cold, hard and strong quality. The fan blades are neatly arranged in the air inlet, like a sharp blade, about to cut through the front. Dignified, gray, suffocating air.

Ye Zhou walked around it involuntarily. He stretched out his hand to touch it, and was surprised to find that its surface was not cold, even more than he had blown in the harsh spring wind in March. Cold hands are even warmer.

Probably some part of the pre-assembly process caused the temperature to rise.

he thought silently.

Ye Zhou gently stroked the smooth surface of the engine, moving carefully, as if stroking a bare heart, for fear that his movements would damage its fragile shell.

But in an instant, he felt that his thoughts were a little funny.

The casing of this engine is made of a new material that is almost as strong as titanium alloy.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou retaliated and lightly hammered the shell twice, and the low sound echoed in the entire workshop, like a faint drum sound coming from chaos.

A scene from a comedy movie he'd seen a long time ago flashed through his mind, in which a race car driver stroked the almost scrapped frame, closing his eyes to try to feel the rhythm of the frame, and then He also said with emotion:

"It echoes."

Before today, he had always thought this scene was ridiculous.

How can a human respond to a machine?

It's just a bunch of manufactured goods, a bunch of cold machinery made of steel, and machinery has no feelings and no response.

But now, when he put his hand on this unfinished engine, he really felt that echo.

Nothing to do with machinery, nothing to do with steel, nothing to do with industry.

It was an extremely primitive, yet timeless longing.

longing for the sky.

A racer's frame is more than just a frame, because its journey is on the track.

And his engine is not just an engine.

Its journey is above the altitude of 12,000, or even 20,000 meters.

This is a special life form, a life form that was cast in the form of heavy industry after condensing the wisdom and energy of generations, and even the blood of the predecessors.

Its role and significance is not just to send an aircraft over 150 tons into the sky, but to completely open up a future that no one has ever experienced.

Yes, it is a heart.

Not only the heart of the big aircraft, but not even the heart of the aviation industry.

It is the heart of the lofty and magnificent cause of the entire Chinese nation on the road to the stars and the sea.

It is, the heart of the dragon.

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