On March 19, 20xx, the ge-9x imitation engine, codenamed "Qilian", counted down to the ground test, 48 hours.

Yes, this engine, which took 7 months to build, finally has its own name before entering the final exam.

Like other domestic aero-engine series, it is also named after the domestic mountain range, but in the initial choice of the name, whether to choose "Qilian" or "Hangduan" has actually caused some controversy.

Ye Zhou advocates choosing Hengduan. After all, in the novel, Hengduan will always sound domineering. However, his proposal was unanimously rejected by the decision-making team of the sedan chair project team because he felt it was unlucky.

Qilian Qilian, literally means continuous, and from the original meaning it represents the sky. , it always gives people a feeling of follow-up powerlessness.

For the first time, Ye Zhou felt that these usually very rigorous scientific researchers occasionally have a superstitious side, but he also felt that this statement was somewhat reasonable, so he accepted it readily.

This morning, he woke up later than usual. After washing up, he was ready to go to work in the factory, but as soon as he walked out, he found that Chen Hao was already waiting at his door.

"Wake up? Why did you sleep for half an hour more lazy today, making me wait for you here for half an hour longer."

Ye Zhou looked at Chen Hao suspiciously, and replied while locking the door with his backhand:

"The preparatory work has basically been completed, and the engine has been hoisted onto the test bench. There are not many things to do, so I slept for a while. What's the matter, do you have anything to do with me?"

Chen Hao nodded to signal Ye Zhou to follow in his footsteps, pointed to a Hongqi H9 parked outside the door, and said:

"It's also because you shouldn't be so busy in the past two days. Don't be busy with work today, and take you to visit someone."

"Visit? Who? Does it matter?"

Hearing Ye Zhou's question, Chen Hao paused for a moment, and then replied:

"A very important person. His name is Tian Ye, and he has made a lifetime contribution in the field of aviation development. He participated in the design of our turbofan 10 and turbofan 15. By the way, he is Tian Zhenguo's son, Tian Zhenguo, do you know?"

Ye Zhou was stunned, but did not speak.

Of course he knew, he knew all too well.

The figure of that snowfield trekking, I am afraid that he will never be erased from his heart.

Seeing Ye Zhou's expression, Chen Hao thought he had never heard the name, so he continued:

"Tian Zhenguo was an expert in the field of aviation development in our country in the last century, mainly engaged in materials. At that time, the technical concept was very advanced, and he always advocated the use of turbofans instead of turbojets, but at that time, turbofan technology was very important to us. It's so hard, his advice has never been taken up."

"Later, there was a large meeting where we wanted to finally determine the direction of the turbofan. He was sent to the countryside to study. In order to catch up with the meeting, he insisted on going through the snow to catch the train despite the cold weather, but he froze to death. on the way."

"After he died, his son took the opportunity of resuming the college entrance examination to be admitted to the university, and then he entered the aviation field like him... The latter things can be found on the Internet, so I won't talk about it. ."

"In short, Tian Ye is in charge of many of our key aviation projects, but due to confidentiality requirements, his reputation is not very big."

"Four or five years ago, he was diagnosed with lung cancer, and it has been delayed until now. He has become very weak. After asking for instructions from his superiors a few days ago, we informed him about the details of the sedan chair project, and he strongly requested to see him. The main person in charge of the sedan chair project, so the above assigned me and you—of course, mainly to see you."

"After seeing the old man later, try not to over-stimulate his emotions, let him keep his emotions stable, and try your best... as long as possible until the Qilian engine is tested."

Ye Zhou nodded, but still didn't speak.

This is not because he has nothing to say, but on the contrary, because there are too many things he wants to say, but he is stuck in his chest and can't say them.

After getting in the car, Ye Zhou silently looked at the scenery that he kept passing by outside the window, but the scene of the snow field flashed in his mind.

Void, the sky and the earth are white, neither people nor hope can be seen.

However, the old man still set foot on the road ahead without hesitation, just to fight for that faint hope.

And his son, when he chose to inherit his father's legacy, what he faced was not a snow field?

Now, this piece of snow is gradually melting away, and when the high temperature of 1900 degrees Celsius spews out of the combustion chamber of the Qilian engine, even the last trace of snow will be evaporated, and what will be revealed in front of you will be extremely flat, The road is incomparably wide, but such a road, this old man named Tian Ye, can only look at it for the last time.

The car was parked inside a hidden nursing home. Chen Hao took Ye Zhou out of the car and walked into a small building set up alone by the lake. The security guard at the door saluted the two, and then led them inside. the bedroom.

There, Ye Zhou finally met this man who devoted himself to the cause of China Aviation Development.

He was already old, the white hair on his head sparsely covered his scalp, the wrinkles on his face were like ravines, his lips were dry, his cheeks were sunken, but his eyes still exuded the scorching look of the scorching sun.

Seeing the two people walking into the room, a middle-aged man standing beside his bed quickly got up and introduced:

"Dad, this is the person you said you wanted to meet earlier. This is Chen Hao, Secretary Chen. This is... Ye Zhou, right? Chief Engineer Ye, he is also the chief commander of the sedan chair project. Executive Secretary of the Leading Group."

Hearing his son's introduction, Tian Yeqiang sat up and took a few breaths before saying:

"I heard that the commander-in-chief of this project is very young. I didn't expect to see it today, but it was beyond my expectations... Xiaoye, is it 30 this year?"

Tian Ye's tone of voice was relatively stable, but his breath was obviously a little disordered. Seeing this, Ye Zhou hurriedly stepped forward and sat in front of the hospital bed, held his outstretched hand and replied:

"Father, I'm 23 this year----I'll be 24 after March."

"24, 24.... I was already 34 when I was admitted to university. The back waves of the Yangtze River pushed the front waves. Good! Good! Good!"

Tian Ye said three good words in a row, holding Ye Zhou's hand harder and harder, but his body was so weak that Ye Zhou couldn't even feel the slightest pain.

This feeling made him even more sad.

He patted the back of Tian Ye's shriveled hand lightly and said softly:

"Master, don't worry, let's talk slowly, we have time, I'm here to chat with you today."

"That's not possible! Your project team has so many things to do, how can you waste time with an old man like me! I asked you to come here today, purely because I just wanted to see you, and I made a wish."

"Now that people have seen it, you should go back early too."

Ye Zhou smiled and replied:

"It's alright, old man. You don't know yet. Our sedan sedan project is almost finished, and the engine prototype has been fully assembled. In two days, we will go to the test bench to test the car."

"So fast??"

The old man's eyes widened again, he looked at Ye Zhou in disbelief, and after coughing a few times, he continued to ask:

"How can it be so fast? I heard from a comrade that your project has only been in development for more than half a year, so why did the prototype come out?"

Ye Zhou nodded and replied:

"It has been 7 months, and many things are ready-made, so the progress is fast."

Hearing this, the old man sighed slightly, and then said:

"Ready-made...Is there any technological breakthrough?"

"Yes, mainly because the thrust has been greatly improved. On the other hand, there are also innovations in heat-resistant materials and thermal insulation materials."

"Tell me in detail!"

At this time, the old man completely forgot that he was talking about letting Ye Zhou go back early a minute ago, and after moving his body to find a relatively comfortable sitting position, he looked at Ye Zhou expectantly.

Ye Zhou pondered for a moment, started from the ceramic-based fluorescent iron reinforced material, and told him step by step about the star rock tbc, the matrix, and the blade punching model. He opened his mouth and said:

"There are a lot of new technologies... It seems that I am really old. I have thought about these technologies before, but I just can't come up with them. It depends on you young people."

"With so many new technologies, the thrust has to be improved a lot, right? I heard that you are engaged in a commercial development with a large bypass ratio, and the thrust should be able to reach more than 30 tons?"

Ye Zhou smiled slightly and replied:

"Father, be conservative. Our target thrust for this project is 70 tons, and the challenge thrust is 100 tons."

"70 tons?!?"

The old man coughed involuntarily. Chen Hao, who was beside him, hurriedly handed him water. After he took a sip to moisten his throat, he continued to ask:

"Xiaoye, don't make fun of me, just say how much it is! How can it reach 70 tons??"

Ye Zhou did not directly respond to his doubts, but said:

"Master, whether it can reach 70 tons, I will leave you a suspense first. We will have a ground test in three days, and then we will be able to see the basic data."

"In addition, after the ground test, we have to do a high-altitude test. The data at that time is the most accurate data. Then you can see if there are 70 tons."

The old man stared at Ye Zhou's eyes tightly, as if he found that there was no joke in his eyes, and finally sighed and said with some emotion:

"70 tons... I have been engaged in aviation all my life, and I have never thought of this number. I thought I would be able to go with peace of mind after seeing you today. According to you, I am afraid that I will have to cook for a few more times. months."

"That's not a matter of several months, old man, after the high-altitude test drive, we have to get on the plane, and after the plane is finished, we have to batch, and after batching, we have to equip... You don't have to wait any longer. Seven or eight years?"

Tian Ye shook his head, a somewhat relieved smile appeared on his face, and then said half serious and half ridiculed:

"If I live for seven years and eight years, then I can even watch most of the Nantianmen project you mentioned? If I guess correctly, this project has nothing to do with you, right?"

Ye Zhou smiled and didn't answer, but the old man could see through everything from his expression.

After talking too much in a short period of time, the old man was out of breath. After a few minutes of rest, he continued to ask:

"Have you chosen the name of the engine you built? Is it still the name of the mountain? What is it called? Qilian? Hengduan? Nanling?"

"My name is Qilian."

Ye Zhou replied.

"Qilian is good, Qilian is good, the name is bold. Come on, Xiaoye, you help me up, I am in good spirits today, and I will leave a message for you."

While talking, the old man lifted the quilt and tried to get out of bed, Ye Zhou hurriedly supported him, and Chen Hao hurriedly called the nurse to prepare the wheelchair.

Ye Zhou originally wanted to carry the old man directly into the wheelchair, but the latter glared at him, so frightened Ye Zhou quickly stopped.

In the end, the old man propped himself up on the edge of the bed and staggered into a wheelchair.

He took a deep breath, his body trembled slightly, but his dry hands still firmly rolled the wheelchair and drove towards the study.

Ye Zhou slowly followed behind him and pushed the wheelchair. The old man looked straight ahead and said intermittently:

"Little Leaf.... Your project is good, very good... You must continue to do it... Don't be proud, and don't be discouraged..."

"You guys are going well now...but, but there will be problems in the future...don't give up..."

"Our generation is already old, and the rest of the way depends on you young people."

"We... struggled for decades, trying to find a way... When we were about to die, only to find that the road was not opened, only a few stones were removed. …”

"However, after removing a few stones, you will go to pave the road, and it will be... it will be much easier..."

"Xiaoye, I can see that it's not easy for you. Your hair is white as a teenager, and your eyes are darker than mine... Have you been working hard recently?"

"You keep insisting... don't blame me, I'm afraid there's only so much I can do for you..."

Ye Zhou's eyes were hot, and after a few seconds of silence, he replied in a slightly hoarse voice:

"Master, you have done enough."

The old man did not speak any more.

After arriving in the study, he stood up tremblingly in front of the desk, picked up the brush that had been prepared for a long time, stretched out his hand with difficulty and filled it with ink, and then lightly put the pen on the paper.

His arm muscles have been atrophied, and his strength is so weak that it is difficult to even hang a pen, but he is still slowly and firmly writing on the paper what is likely to be the last work of his life.

The curved handwriting stretches on the paper, and the strokes are neither coherent nor smooth, let alone any strokes.

However, it was in such a calligraphy that even elementary school students were inferior to, Ye Zhou clearly saw the sharpness of the golden horse and the strength of the back of the paper.

Field wrote a poem.

A poem about Qilian.

The Han envoy re-issued the new moon, and Hu Chen begged for the alliance.

The beacon smoke is empty to watch in the daytime, and Diao Dou is shocked at night.

The tiger falls into the cloud and the lock is empty, and the dragon piles on the moon.

The Qilian Mountains are further north, and the newly built and surrendered city!

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