Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 202 Transfer Students

On March 18, 20xx, the countdown to the engine ground test, 58 hours.

The engine has been hoisted and fixed. Next, it needs to be connected to various instruments and equipment of the test bench, and the shutdown test and inspection are carried out. After all these inspections are completed, the official test drive can be officially entered.

However, just when Ye Zhou thought everything was ready, Chen Hao suddenly gave him a surprise.

"I heard that you plan to calibrate the engine with a metrology calibration comparison experiment?"

Looking at Ye Zhou who was busy at the terminal of the test bench, Chen Hao asked directly.

Ye Zhou was stunned for a moment and replied:

"Yes what's the matter?"

"Why not standard transfer calibration? We are the first engine, transfer calibration can provide better reference, no?"

"Yes, of course... But the question is, where can we find a ready-made ge-9x engine... Did you go to the airport to pull one over and have the engine disassembled?"

"Even if you really plan to do this, there is not enough time now. The communication and preparation work in the early stage will take time, and it will be too late."

Chen Hao smiled and replied:

"Of course it's too late to go to the airport to pull a commercial plane over to dismantle it, and it's impossible for them to let us dismantle it. But, don't you know? We actually have a few 777s in stock."

Hearing this, Ye Zhou's mind suddenly flashed, but in an instant, his surprised expression disappeared again.

Yes, there are indeed several standing Boeing 777 models in China, and the engines equipped on them are also ge-9x.

However, the use of these aircraft is not ordinary.

They not only have to undertake daily flight tasks, but also carry out emergency flights when necessary, not to mention dismantling other people's engines, even if they just apply for a call, they need to go through a long process.

What is even more difficult is that these planes have strict confidentiality requirements and have undergone special modifications. Even maintenance requires a special channel and special process.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou shook his head and said:

"Forget it, don't worry about it. It's also good to use the measurement method. After testing it a few times, the data will almost come out."

"But the data is not necessarily accurate, isn't it? If there is a problem with the subsequent calibration, it will waste more time and resources."

Ye Zhou nodded silently and replied:

"That's what I said, but there is no way to do this. If you really want to do standard transfer calibration, you can do it after the preliminary test is completed."

"Stop, let's do it right at once. Don't worry about it, we have a clear division of labor. You are in charge of technology, and I am in charge of resources. As long as you need it, I will get it for you. This afternoon, I will send the engine here. ."

"What?? Afternoon??"

Ye Zhou looked at Chen Hao with a face full of shock.

It is absolutely impossible to dismantle the engine on a Boeing 777 in a morning, but Chen Hao said that the engine can be delivered in the afternoon, so there is only one answer.

This guy has already dismantled the engine.

" did you do that?"

Chen Hao smiled mysteriously and replied:

"Don't worry about this, anyway, as long as you go out under your name, as long as it is a normal research requirement, someone will always send you resources at any cost.

"I actually mentioned to you once before that I would try it out, but you just forgot it yourself. It's been done in the past two days, so I came here to tell you."

"Okay, let's not talk too much, the engine will be delivered in the afternoon, and it will be hoisted to the No. 2 test stand. You should quickly call your people to prepare."

Ye Zhou looked at Chen Hao with a complicated mood. Of course he would not refuse such a surprise, because for a project like a sedan chair, it would be beneficial to get a standard engine for calibration. Optimization, but I thought that this kind of operation consumes too much resources and the room for improvement is relatively limited, so I didn't force it.

But now it seems that the leading group of the sedan chair project may be more perfect than him.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou hurriedly summoned a group of engineers in charge of the test bench and gathered them to start the debugging of the No. 2 test bench. Their time was very tight, but thanks to their previous experience, the debugging work progressed quickly.

At 4 o'clock in the afternoon, a ge-9x engine was delivered to Liming Factory. Ye Zhou looked at the engine with emotion, and could not help but have an inexplicable expectation in his heart.

This is a transfer experiment calibration, but at the same time, it is also a contest.

A contest between an original engine and its imitation.

Following the engine, there were also engineers who were in charge of technology. After they handed over the engine performance data in their hands to Ye Zhou, they began to direct the preparation of the test bench with him.

It worked until more than 8 o'clock in the evening, and the ge-9x was finally hoisted and fixed on the No. 2 test bench. The subsequent piping and circuit connection work was the same as that of the No. 1 test bench, so they didn't need to worry too much.

Ye Zhou looked at the tired engineers and said to them sincerely:

"Thank you for your hard work. You...are from Boeing?"

Hearing this, several engineers laughed, and Ye Zhou also realized that he was probably tired and stupid to ask such a question.

If they were from Boeing, they probably wouldn't even be able to enter the gate of the Dawn factory.

Seeing Ye Zhou's somewhat embarrassed expression, one of the engineers quickly answered:

"We're not Boeing's, but we do count as one of Boeing's technical groups. . . In short, we're a team specially trained by them, but belong to the Air Force."

"Then do you know anything about ge-9x?"

Ye Zhou asked curiously.

The engineer shook his head and replied:

"It doesn't count. We only understand the performance parameters and the maintenance methods for some non-core problems. If there is a big problem, we can only send it back to the factory for repair."

"This process is very troublesome, and to be honest... it is also dangerous, so we all hope that the domestic engine will be installed sooner."

Ye Zhou nodded and replied while looking at the standard performance data of the ge-9x displayed on the terminal:

"It should be very soon. After the ground and high-altitude test runs are completed, it is almost ready to enter mass production research."

"That's great. So, how many percent of the ge-9x can our engine achieve? In terms of performance indicators, can it reach 50%?"

"Huh? 50%? You....sorry, if you don't know the details of the project, I can't tell you either."

Ye Zhou was taken aback by the other party's question, but then he realized that the other party's thoughts really represented the thoughts of most outsiders who didn't understand the actual situation and only saw the official announcement.

In their eyes, no matter how many resources and technologies are behind the sedan chair project, no matter what kind of top leaders are in charge of the project, the long-term technological backwardness has limited their imagination and ambition.

This is normal and completely blameless.

It's not that they don't want their country's technology to be better, it's just that they can't believe that some things can be so good.

Just like when the j-20 was just released, a large number of people were questioning its authenticity, because at that point in time, things like the j-20 were too sci-fi.

It's like a product that doesn't belong to that era.

And now, the engine on the test stand next to them is facing the same situation as the j-20.

A transfer student, everyone knows that he is very good, but no one thinks that he can beat the top students in this class who have monopolized the top.

A smile slowly appeared on Ye Zhou's face.

The big exam is coming, and he has unparalleled confidence in the transfer student he created by himself.

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